Welcome to South America!!!

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South America » Peru » Lima
September 25th 2006
Published: September 26th 2006
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Welcome to Peru!!!!

We landed in Lima last Tuesday and we must admit it was abit of a cultureshock!! The city is covered under a layer of smog/fog for 9mths of the year. We were picked up by 2 guys from the hostel and put in a knackered old taxi with one who had a liking for harry potter!! They drove us to the hostel like maniacs. Everyone hear drives with one hand on the wheel and one on the horn!! they just swerve and beep and drive manically and when there are no seat belts it is abit of a roller coaster!!! We got told a really welcoming and comforting story on the drive. It was dark and we were stuck in a queue- tired and newly arrived the driver turns to us and says "I had these two girls in our cab and we were driving from the airport with all their bags, we stopped at lights and these men with big sticks jumped on the car broke all the windows and stole everything they had - passports, money, backpacks!! They flew home the next day!!" WELCOME TO LIMA!!! We gripped our bags tighter and arrived in 1 piece!!! We met some nice people- aussies, kiwis, british, americans. We went to the main sites in Lima - plaza de aramas, the cathedral, the government palace etc and really enjoyed our time there. We had a couple of street kids try and steal from our pockets but none of the buggers had any luck!! Did have $100 USD go out of the hotel safe which was a bugger but didn´t pay for the room so it all evened out!

There was a demonstation in the main square and the place is crawling with police!! Met up with some of the group we are travelling with and went out for dinner - pasta 7soles (about 1 pound 20) and beers (4 soles for a litre - 75p ish!!) lovely!!! We are picking up Spanish fairly rapido!! Muddling through!

Left Lima yesterday and to be honest 4 days was enough - we wanted to get out the city and explore.We had enjoyed it but it was very grimy and dirty! so looking forward to losing the respiritory problems!!!!

We headed 4 hours south to the Ballestas Islands on a boat trip. We saw seals, dolphins and all sorts of wild life. It was amazing!! - see pictures!! - We then headed south to an oasis in the desert, Huacachina - It was surrounded by sand dunes and was an amazing little village. Here we picked up sand buggies and headed out over the sand. Was fast and brilliant fun!! We then went sand boarding and it was fast!!!!!!!! Huge hills and timy boards - im sure there´d be a health and safety law in the uk!!!!

We camped out under the stars and had lots of pisco (local spirit) and sangria - Much fun - played musical chairs, limbo and even had music. Amazing!!!!

Today we have been to Nasca and in a plane over the nasca lines. It was a rocky ride and we all felt a bit sick!!!!!! Worth the flight though. We are getting on really well with the group and have made some good friends. Sorry there isn´t much detail in this but we could honestly type forever we have done so much and have so much to tell you all!!!!!

We will be touch asap - Please email or leave messages it is great to hear form you!
We´d love to be able to say we are missing the UK...................................................

Lots of love becky and mike xxxxxxxxxx

Additional photos below
Photos: 9, Displayed: 9


The whole group on the sand buggies!The whole group on the sand buggies!
The whole group on the sand buggies!

We went sand boarding in the desert! AWESOME
The sand surfing crew!!The sand surfing crew!!
The sand surfing crew!!

Behind is the beast we just boarded down. You go really really fast, sand everywhere!!!!!
Nasca flightNasca flight
Nasca flight

Just before the hideous death flight!!

26th September 2006

Hi you two
great photos good to hear from you both so soon. Bit of a culutre shock when you arrived - welcome to the REAL world!!!!! not quite like Cardiff. Hope you have an amazing time. Keep safe and lots of love Di xxxxxps Pete sends his love too x
26th September 2006

You look amazing!!!
Hi ya, sounds and looks like you're having a great time... apart from some of the locals (pick pockets, big men with bats!!! But im certain all the fab stuff has more than compensated for that. missing you millions. i knew you should have put me in your backpack, lots of love, keep safe but continue to have mountains of fun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx p.s. cant wait for the next installmentxxxxxxxxxxxx
26th September 2006

Great to hear your news>Keep it coming.You look like hardened travellers already.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
26th September 2006

you lucky people!
great to see the blog guys! hope the nazca flight didnt make you feel too queasy with all that banking and turning they do! bad luck about the 100us but at least you survived lima. sounds like you are having an amazing time. take care
26th September 2006

wow amazing already !! sounds fantastic. continue the fun and look forward to the next one!!! amyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
28th September 2006

Lucky Buggers
Looks like you are having the best time already and we are all jealous. Keep the journal coming as it is nice to escape from the office for a short time. Take care and travel safe. AM x
28th September 2006

Work is Dull
Well on my second day of work in the real world and reading through the blog really doesn't make me jealous at all....honest.....yep I'm lying. Enjoy all the extreme trips and the nice weather. look forward to updates
30th September 2006

Glad you guys are having fun. I just started my job - work is hard. The blog is cool, but I have one request... can you try and find some monkeys and put some pictures up? That would be awesome. M
3rd October 2006

God im so jealous, sounds amazing, glad you guys are having a fantastic time, stay safe though. Hull and the law are becoming much better, got some really funny cases, and meeting some very wierd and wonderful clients. Anyway, keep the blogs coming, love the pics and the stories!

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