Paris now London, busy 2 days

Published: July 26th 2006
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Hey folks, in an internet cafe in London right now and its pretty cheap so I thought I would just fire off a quick update!

It was so hard to leave Switzerland but all good things must come to an end. When I win the lottery I am definatly moving back there! Hopped on the 6 hour train to Paris and wow was that boring. The definate advantage of Busabout is that when you are on the bus at least you know the person sitting next to you speaks English and that they arent on their way to work. Spent some good quality time with the Ipod and the journal.

Got into Paris and once I got off the train it was strange that everything in Paris was familiar. I got to the hostel and I didnt have to ask for directions once, I just knew exactly where to go. I find it strange that I now know my way around Paris. Well I checked in and went on a hunt for food. I was only about 5 feet outside of the hostel when I heard someone laughing and calling out my name. It was Anna from the Haggis tour in Scotland. Turned out that she was in Paris for a week or so and she was staying at the same hostel as me! Little random but oh well. Im such a big deal over here that even in Paris Im bumping into people I know ;-) JK

Well the night ended with Anna, Ben and I up at Sacre Coeur (sp?) with a couple of bottles of cheap wine, some stinky cheese, dark chocolate and a huge bagette. Not a bad way of spending an evening if you ask me.

Next day on the bus to London and coming back here was pretty weird for me. Its getting to the point now where the trip is really coming to an end and its bringing up a million emotions all at the same time. Im getting pretty tired of living out of a backpack. I would love to be able to be somewhere where I dont have to repack my whole life every 2-3 days. I would love to have my own kitchen again with my own pots and pans and cutlery. I would love to have my own fridge again where I can buy more than 2 days worth of food and I dont have to worry about labeling it with my name, room number and checkout date. I would love to be able to have a shower without worrying about wearing those damn flip-flops (thongs/jandels). I would love to have a laundry machine that doesnt run on coins. I would love to not be in a bunk bed for once. Its the little things that get to you after 3 1/2 months!

Well thats enough of that rant. Last night in London and I met up with Helen from York and we went to go check out a place that she is thinking of moving into. It was a strange area but a 2 bedroom appartment for Cdn $250/week per person! Quite a bit of cash if you ask me. After that we went for what was supposed to be only a few drinks as she had to work the next morning but next thing you know its 3am and they are turning on the lights. Oh well a good night was had by all and the drinks were on her so you werent hearing me complain!

Today Im off to go crash with the AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL Claire for 2 nights then back up to Edinburgh for a few more. Now if only I knew how to get to her place from the train station...that would help...

Uh-oh time is running out super quick, hope all are well and I look forward to hearing from you folks!!


26th July 2006

Enjoy following your trip
Glyn, I picked your travelblog to follow completely randomly and I have enjoyed following you around! I'd love to get to Europe someday but I enjoy living it a little vicariously through you! Thanks for the entries! John in South Carolina, USA
31st July 2006

Glyn!! I miss my lunches with you and i'm a bit jealous of all this time ur spending with topless women....haha jks. email me when ur closer to coming home : )

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