Stupid Trains

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Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris
June 1st 2006
Published: June 1st 2006
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Well we got into Paris at 6 am. Checked in at our hostel, and left. We headed right away for the Arc De Trumph. It was really neat, and that is where we got our first glimpse of the Eiffle Tower. We then headed straight for the Eiffle Tower. Oh and did I mention that it was freezing!! We got into the elevator at the tower and went immediatley to the second floor which was quite higher than the rest od the buildings already. We then got on the second elevator which had glass all the way around. The elavator kept going up and you kept thinking to yourself that it couldnt possibly go any higher but it kept going. We got to the top, it was soooo neat. You could feel the tower swaying in the wind. Got lots of cool pictures before my camera battery died. That so far was one of the coolest parts of my trip.

We have now also seen the Louvre and Notre Dame today. The Louvre was huge and we got lost. Of course we saw the Mona Lisa (and i got some pictures even though you arent suppost to). Venus De Milo was being moved to another spot so we didnt get to see that.

Well then after the louvre and then after Notre Dame we decided to walk to the train station and book our next train. This lady was the first rude french person I have met. Also I am really kind of disappointed with the rail pass i bought.

If we were to leave on the night of the third like we wanted than my Eurail pass would not have worked and I would had to have paid 125€ Toooooo much money. Soo looking at all our options Venice just isnt going to work out and we will have to skip it unfortunately. But this is the deal. We will be going to Cinque Terre a day early, but our ticket person said that she could not give us tickets all the way to our end destination. She could get us to Milan and then we would have to get the rest there. Now on this train from Paris to Milan my Eurail pass will work but we HAVE to buy a couchette which is a sleeper car which means i have to pay extra for that, 35€ extra. Normally reservations cost about 7€ but since its a sleeper car its more. So after that 35 once I get to milan I will probably need to pay more € to get another reservation the rest of the way. I an just really dissappointed in the uselessness of my eurail pass sometimes. I was also quite angry at how rude our ticket girl was. Too much to explain on this keyboard; all the letters are moved around and its really slow typing.

Other than that Paris has been nice, and i havnt been hassled by the beggers too much. The people arent rude like i imagined they would be, but then again i havnt and dont need to ask for help. And their metro is really easy, at least as easy as Londons. But much cheaper. I have not eaten any french food yet except baguettes, but we were going to go get something after this.

Anyhow after this next train ride it should get a little easier. The rest of my train rides are short so i shouldnt have any problems. Except that I am going to have to figure out the ferry to Athens part soon.

Well thats all folks update ya later.


2nd June 2006

June 1
Can hardly wait to see your pictures at the top, bet they are amazing!! How is the food, it will be interesting to see if we are making things the right way here in the USA. Love and miss you .... Mom
2nd June 2006

Sounds like a bit more challenge in France than you are saying... Anyway, I am reading Da Vinci code right now and it has all these things you are talking about. The Louvre (even the Pyramid), Notre Dame, and the Eiffle Tower. So yeah. Stay warm.
2nd June 2006

France, eh?
Hey Shawn, give some "gros bisous" (fat kisses) to the french for me! How are the baguettes? The Eiffel tower sounded pretty cool. I saw it from a plane! Other than that, Paris is completely unknown. There are some really good arab things called Kabobs (I don't know if they are the same as the doner kabobs) that you may try if you see any. They are really good.

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