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October 1st 2009
Published: October 1st 2009
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It's been a while since I've written a travel blog, about 4 years ago when I travelled around Australia and New Zealand.
Here I am in 2009 in Copenhagen, for a 6 month secondment. Im going to be based in the centre but going to try and get around Denmark and Sweden as much I can at weekends.

Left the UK at 1010 this morning via the new-ish Terminal 5 and had a bit of a bumpy descent into Copenhagen.

Was picked up at the airport by the relocation persion, which was a blessing. Didn't think I would make it on the Metro with 2 large suitcases.

Arrived at the apartment soon after and worked out where everything was. Quite a nice size and has a desk which is handy for my laptop. A prople triple sized wardrobe which is brilliant. Unfortunately the person who lived here before seems to have smoked so the place has an interesting smell to it. Heading to Matas (like Boots) tomorrow to hopefully find some air freshner and Febreeze.
Already done my first bit of shopping where I was very pleased to find Quorn!!! OK it's only the 'chicken(kylling) pieces' and 'mince' but it's more than I was expecting. Also saw bolangnese pizza!

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) are here this week and the host of the 2016 Olympics is going to be announced on big screens at Radhuspladsen along with all day events. Wish I had my decent camera with me but there was no room to put it. Will just have to master my new compact camera.

Michelle Obama, the King of Spain, Oprah Winfrey and Pele are all here at the Hotel D'Angleterre (a nice Danish name). President Obama turns up tomorrow, so will be out taking a look. I'm staying about a 5 minute walk away.

I don't start work until Monday so have tomorrow and the weekend free to be a tourist and get my bearings.

First impression is that I think Im going to like it here!


1st October 2009

There was a Hotel D'Angleterre in Montpellier, they certainly get around!!! I bet the Quorn cost an astronomical amount of money, Cadbury's and Walkers etc. usually does on the continent!

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