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July 21st 2008
Published: July 21st 2008
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on sunday we got up and went and bought some gifts for the families we are staying with in germany and then got our last paris breakfast!!

i bought a mini olive roll for the train and then .... get ready ... i had a apple pocket which was calleld something along the lines of chanson des pommes and i had part of a slice of coconut flan. it was not finished because... tat had bought a cheese bread which was blue cheese melted into bread and then she got a religeuse chocolat which was a mountain like eclare which rich dark choc on teh outside and whipped chocolate on the inside and she felt sick about three fourths of the way through and so i had to help her and then save some of my flan.

we headed off to the train and when we got to the station i realized id left the keys to the lock on my bag at teh apartment along with my necklace id bought in florence AND my ruhbarb jam which i was in love with.

we got on the train which was rather cramped and we were in front of a sick-ish baby which was fine at first but then got a bit annoying...

we transfered in Koln and got pretzels and sandwiches adn made our way to frankfurt were we were greeted by tats cousin kirsten! her older brother picked us up and brougt us back to the house were we checked email and then had a great dinner of pasta with tomato sauce and salad. kirsten took us to a local pub to meet some of her friends and it turns out, count down to tats bday as this is a big tradition in germany. we stayed until 12 and then we left and passed out.

today, monday, we woke up and when we came downsatirs kirsten had a cake with candles for tat so we sang and then we made pancakes, but not just a few, TONS of them and had a huge feast. we then headed into frankfurt and had a mini tour by kirsten and her friend Sarah.

after that tat and i went shopping and then came home at about 4 to eat a lunchy snack and then i passed out for a nap adn then have been on the internet doing bits and pieces since! its been a great day and tat and i think we're going to go for a walk and get some ice cream (hagen das!!) and hot chocolate maybe? hehe

more pictures coming soon!!


22nd July 2008

eating and clubbing
i remember the foods you described in your blog, and while your other aunt dinah, doesn't remember the concept of clubbing, i certainly remember that too! the highlight was a disco in paris where robiespierre was tried to be hanged...we danced the night away under the gallows. have fun...!

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