Policia y Susanna & An Anniversary

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July 1st 2008
Published: July 1st 2008
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A good portion of Sunday afternoon was spent with the policia reporting the theft of my wallet. What an experience! The intake officer was baffled by my birthplace and that I didn't live there. He said what is a Ft. Wayne? And he told me to leave out Indiana because it could confuse the officer. He kept using the amount of $400 and no, I didn't have that amount in my wallet, nor was it worth that! All together I had about $150 worth of Euro and US dollars. Then when we came back to the hotel the desk person told us that the police only did something about thefts of $400 or more, otherwise, its just shoplifting. I do wonder if the gypsies use the stolen money to buy gelatto for their children and take them to museums. The report was four pages long and I had to sign each page. They wrote Susan filia de Dolan and Mary, but no last names.

While we were in the police station, at least three other people came in to report stolen wallets and/or money. One man was so upset because they took his wallet out of his pocket, took the
Montserrat Goat CheeseMontserrat Goat CheeseMontserrat Goat Cheese

This girl's family makes the cheese. It is divine!
money, and put the wallet back - right across the street from the police station. We also met a couple from Lafayette, Louisiana whose 21-year-old son had been robbed at knife-point

Monday was our tour to Montserrat, and that was a beautiful trip. We attended mass at the cathedral there with the monks and priests, about 30 of them. They do share the peace - with each other - and the congregation does the same. We really did not understand the sermon, but one interesting aspect of this service is that they had about five minutes of silent contemplation at the end. We stood in line to see the "Black Madonna" (who was supposedly found in a cave near here), but the line was too long and we had to leave to get back to our bus. Attached is a photo of the girl from whom we bought goat cheese that her family makes.

In the evening we sat in the shadow of Temple de la Sagrada Familia, designed by Antoni Gaudi, and ate a small dinner. The completion date for this incredible cathedral is still 50 years away. Gaudi's dream will live on and he was truly
Temple de al Sagrada FamiliaTemple de al Sagrada FamiliaTemple de al Sagrada Familia

Unfinished cathedral. Four of the spires signify the four apostels.
a genius. Many retiring stone masons wish to finish their career here, working on this cathedral.

Today, July 1, is our 41st wedding anniversary and we never dreamed 41 years ago that we would ever travel to Spain. A highlight of today has been our trip to the Museo Picasso. We both loved the museum and felt it was a great blend of the history of his life and a marvelous collection of especially his early works. He donated over 1,000 of his works to this museum. His family knew when he was three that he would be an artist. We want Hans Henry and Elliot to see this museum one day! They are such good artists already!

We have already reviewed all procedures for leaving tomorrow when we head for Nice (where we'll meet Luke) and then to Triora, Italy. I think we'll be far more careful leaving Barcelona than when we arrived.


1st July 2008

Susan and Terry, Happy Anniversary and I am sorry that you lost your wallet but the gypsies are buying beer for their children oh I mean gelato for their children and beer for the artist who makes sand jesuses (sp). Sounds like a great country and western song. I love this blog and please give Luke a hug when you all get to Nice. I miss you and this blog makes me want to be with you on every adventure. If you get to Sicily or close, look for any Abate's my dad's family was from Sicily. Much love and safe travels....Mary

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