Finishing Up in Frankfurt

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October 27th 2005
Published: October 28th 2005
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Bad Homberg StreamBad Homberg StreamBad Homberg Stream

One of the beautiful, autumn leaf covered streams that probably plays a proud parent to a sulfer-ridden, rotting-yolk-smelling, car-paint-peeling, healing water fountain.
Hello, Reader.

Today was a day of new experiences. In the morning, I went with Katrin to shop and then walk through the park in Bad Homberg. Bad means bath. In this context, it refers to the rejuvinating and healing fountains where old or sick people come to drink and feel better. The park offers several fountains from which one may drink extremely foul, egg-tasting water. Though Katrin warned me first, she insisted that I try them. So I did... it was worse than the cherry snapps that her father had me drink the night before, after dinner.

We then picked up Steffie and headed to the Goethe Haus. Goethe was a famous wrighter who wrote "Faust," which roughly translates to "Chicken Soup for the Flautist's Soul..." The house was beautiful and old (reconstructed). It is great to see such timeless architecture surrounded by enormous modern buildings. We walked to the Museum of Modern Art but it was closed so we had some curry wurst (sausage with catchup and curry powder) and headed home.

Sibylle then took us to Breuhaus (brewhouse), where Katrin had her first real job as a server. We drank amazing beer and I ate
Goethe HausGoethe HausGoethe Haus

The second floor of the Goethe House. This floor was reserved for Goethe's fourty-seven pet tarantulas, which he insisted be bathed and massaged daily.
a leg of a pig. I'm talking about a Cheesecake Factory portion...but no doggy bags. Then I thought I lost my hat, then I found it.

We went to a disco tonight with Katrin's sister and friends, got drunk, and listened to popular american 90's music - to which all the Germans could sing along...? I had a bit too much sakt (champagne) and aplewein (apple wine - native to Frankfurt) and proceeded to innocently shout broken German to people on the street. Only later did I find out that I was loudly informing strangers that I had lost my penis... thanks, Sarah, for teaching me the most useless German phrase imaginable... unless I have a horrible bratwurst accident in Munich next Oktoberfest, in which case I'll be very appreciative.

Tomorrw I leave for Lake Konstance. Steffie says that we will go hiking, biking, and cow watching... the latter doesn't sound too fun... but I'm sure they'll be playing soccer or doing interpretive dance... won't they?

Additional photos below
Photos: 3, Displayed: 3


Leg of PigLeg of Pig
Leg of Pig

To all my vegetarian friends: I assure you he went peacefully... and tastefully.

28th October 2005

Is your hair growing?
Maybe you can talk her into cow tipping. Not for good service, but in a very mean way. ;)
28th October 2005

I seriously love reading about your make all of what you're doing come to life with your descriptive words and pics. It's all super awesome! Thank you so much for it!
28th October 2005

Great to hear from you
Hi Honey, Thanks so much for calling tonight. Dad and I really appreciated it and felt much better after talking you. These travel updates are great. You look great eating the poor pig. Send pictures of your friends too when you can. Give them my love. I am so glad it has worked with Katrin and her family and also Stephie. Be safe! P.S. I bet that curry is not as good as mine. Love, Mom
28th October 2005

umm i have a slanted floor
i dont know if this will come out straight seeing that i am typing on my slanted floor, but your first blog was hilarious an d im sure there will be more to come and try not to lsoe your penis.
28th October 2005

We're getting phone calls from the pig's family!They're a little upset. I told them you were just enjoying yourself. They didn't see it that way. We're enjoying both the stories and the pictures. It's good to see you show up in the shots every now and then. You've also got a great group of friends following your trip on the Blog. Have a good trip to southern Germany and on to Zurich. Mark, Sue and Polly in Spain will also be following your trip. They're looking forward to hearing from you. Your email will have their contact information. Have a great time.
28th October 2005

Hair and Legs of Pig
Eli, I'm liking the long hair. You're looking HOT! Love you babe!
28th October 2005

Good to see your enjoying the German Tradition...
drinking and eating. hehe...Yea egg tasting water doesnt sound too appetizing to me. I think it's probably the equivalent of drinking out of Narragansette bay....Sorry for missing your calls...
28th October 2005

Pig suits you !!!
Hey babe ya look great!Especially with that leg of pig mmm mmm!!!It goes well with that rotten egg water right? Ya keeping me proud!! Hope you have many more interesting culinary adventures to come!!!
28th October 2005

that's all you need to know
That's what Germans do best, eating and drinking. As long as you know how to order a beer in German, or better how to order two beers, you'll be okay. Sorry I missed your call last night but they voicemail was one of a kind. No doubt you guys have plenty of fun.
28th October 2005

German breweries... ummm :)
Hey buddy, travel the world and try to visit EVERY BREWERY you encounter. That would be awesome. When I'm looking at your picture, I wish I was there with you to have the other leg of that pig. Keep writing, and so will I, talk to you later buddy!
28th October 2005

Thanks for a great time!!
Hey "Eloy", hope you made it safely to the south of Germany. Did you get to see the old village on the way there? My family and friends loved you and we all really enjoyed having you with us- even if it meant having to drag myself to the Goethehaus, etc. Hope you found what you lost there- you did not leave it here... ;o)) Anyways, I had a great time and hope you did as well. All the best, we`ll be in touch, now that I finally understand the whole Travel-BLOG- "thingy"....
28th October 2005

The goods...
Ahhh food... does a body good. You look pretty happy. Glad to see it. (Jealous of the size of your mugs!)
28th October 2005

You are a...
Clown. I'm glad to hear you're having fun. Some of the things you're ingesting are scaring me, but I guess when in Munich...
29th October 2005

German spell check?
Good thing that your computer doesn't have spell check in German, would just be half as much fun reading it. Make sure before you leave Germany you try another few German delikatessen, i.e. Hackepeter (steak tatar), stuffed Pig's stomach, liver and all the other Innereien, Eisbein, Kassler mit Sauerkraut, Bratwurst, Hefeknoedel, etc. Geeez I am getting hungry just thinking about it.
2nd November 2005

so happy!!
did the pig leg taste like the chicken feet i had you taste...i bet it doesn't compare!!! i am so happy and excited that you are having so much fun and enjoying yourself. i am extremely jealous and i also feel that i am living this whole travel thing through you. take good care of yourself and becareful, don't shout out things if you don't know them you might get beat up. i love ya!

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