Happy Birthday

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South America » Peru » Lambayeque
February 6th 2008
Published: February 6th 2008
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Mucho GustoMucho GustoMucho Gusto

I was shooting photos of the church and some kids came over to talk to me and I took this as they were shaking hands.
Monday was my birthday. In Peru, it turns out, you dont have to work on your birthday, so I had the day off. I had heard of a little place called Puerto Eten so I went. Actually I went to the town of Eten first and had to make my way about 5 miles to where the port town was. So I got in a mototaxi and told the driver to take me to Puerto Eten and off we went. Down a dirt road that opened up into sand dunes next to the ocean and he let me off. There was no town. Only a creepy looking old pink church that lay in ruins, sand dunes all around, no people. I walked around the church and up to the top of one of the dunes and then could see the actual town about a mile and a half away. Off I went again, walking through about 100 yards of dunes to the beach then up the beach to the town.

The town itself, I think, is a place that does not really exist. It is on the map and people visit there, but the town itself seems out

This is how they do it. I wish it had been sunny on this day. I had heard that they might fix this pier but I think that I dont want them to.
of place. It felt like a secret. Most of the buildings were brightly painted and most had delicate looking wooden balconies, porches and railings. They were like ghosts. It reminded me of a wild-west town that had been dropped next to the ocean. Few cars and few mototaxis made it possible for me to hear my footsteps as I walked around the square. It is also said that Jesus himself appeard here in the 1600´s for which there is a chapel in that spot.

There is a huge pier that extends out into the ocean for maybe a mile. I dont know how it happened, but there is a mysterious portion of this pier missing, maybe 100 yards, right in the middle. The fishermen arrive on the other side by walking a thin section of cable, several times a day, with thier gear. Its pretty interesting to see.

When I got back to class on Tuesday, I found out that my students refused to go to class on Monday when they saw that there was a substitute. And, as a surprise to me, about halfway through class on Tuesday, they surprised me with a cake and

This is where the guy dropped me off.
soda, and class was offically over at that point for the eating of the cake. I dont know if that happens often at this center but it made me feel pretty good.

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This guy made these huge fishing nets by hand. He said it took him two days to make one.

Another one of the pier.

6th February 2008

That's a birthday you will never forget. Did you get to go out across the wires on the pier?
7th February 2008

Happy Birthday
Hey man I forget to tell you Happy Birthday when I talked to you last. Sorry. Anyway, sounds like you class likes you. Maybe next year we can celabrate your bithday and Brody's birthday together at Chuckie Cheeses. What do you think? Happy late Birthday. Talk to you later.
7th February 2008

No, no i didnt cross the wires, next time I will...it looks pretty intimidating in person.
7th February 2008

wes id be lying if i said i wasnt down for chuckie cheese. yes yes
7th February 2008

I am one of you now
Did they say if or when Jesus is coming back to visit? I might go check that place out if so. It sounds like you're so valuable to the people there that they may start trading you for currency. Do you have fast enough internet there to watch online videos? If so, I've got some sweet things I want you to see.
7th February 2008

...that's what she said.
7th February 2008

happy belated man! love the pictures...... oh, btw, we are having another boy! :)
8th February 2008

You know jesus, he is pretty unpredictable, so know I dont know. Yes I can watch videos, I use the little internet places around here so send on. and your right thats what she always says.
8th February 2008

having a boy is the going thing now...wes and katy didnt go for Little Travis.....maybe you might consider that....or Kingsly..ya thats good too.

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