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Asia » China » Shanghai
October 5th 2005
Published: October 12th 2005
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After the tour ended in Shanghai, we decided to stay an extra 2 days just to explore the city a little more. The first night we stayed in another motel called MOTEL 168. It was actually the nicest motel we stay for the very first during our tour….. and here goes a story:
In China, the hotel or motel have to input your passport data into there system so the know exactly who is staying where. Well, while I waited for the receptionist to finish up copying our information down, my roommate, Trey, took our luggage to our room. After Trey put the luggage into the room, he came back down for me. I asked him, “how’s the room?”
Trey: It’s nice, but kind of weird
Me: What do you mean it’s nice but kind of weird
Trey: It’s just weird like something is wrong with it. You just have to see it for yourself.
We take the elevator and get to the room. I walk in quickly and checked it out.
Me: What’s wrong? This is probably the best motel we’ve stayed in during our whole trip so far.
Trey: Wait, go into the bathroom. (I walk into the bathroom)
Me: What? I don’t see anything wrong!
Trey: Walk into the shower!
Me: OH MY ________! Wholly ****!
On the wall of the shower that is facing the room, there was a long panel of glass. You can see in and out of the shower into the room. So when someone is taking a shower, anyone in the room can see your WHOLE NAKED BODY!

Hey, other than that motel experience, Shanghai was a very cool place. It’s very very city like. I almost felt at home….almost…not quite. Look at some of the pictures.

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12th October 2005

i am enjoying your adventures jonathan! i'm not able to view the pics you sent. can you resend? take care! lea
15th October 2005

Definitely Weird
Sounds like you are in red light district. Be careful!!!! Love, Hani
1st November 2005

I was finally able to read some of your adventures! Fun times in the shower!!! Wooowhoooo!

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