Gulangru Isalnd

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August 19th 2005
Published: August 29th 2005
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I'm suppose to look more AMERICAN doing this he says!!!!
Torturous day! Mom and Dad me mad very upset today. We went to Mom’s favorite tailor, Mei, in China. We had a tea time with Mei and her husband. The husband, An, was this arrogant, longwinded, boring guy. During tea time, the husband offered to be my tour guide. He wanted to give me a tour of Gulangru Island, an island off of Xiamen. I wanted to tour this island with mom and dad. Instead, mom and dad insisted that I go with An. This is how the conversation went:
An: I can take your son to Gulangru and show him all the historical sites. I will make it worthwhile. He will surely enjoy the tour. I can be big brother for the day and show him the ropes.
Mom: Oh, that would be great! Son, what do you say?
Me: No, I think I would like to stay WITH YOU MOM…
An: Oh yes, he will surely have a great time with me.
Dad: Wow, you’re doing us a big favor.
Mom: How about it Khinye(me)?
Me: Oh mom, you remember? I have to go with you guys to the dentist so I ask him whether he can make me
How I was feelingHow I was feelingHow I was feeling

My eyes are closed for a reason.....
extra retainers.
Mom: It’s ok, I ask him myself. So do you want to go with An?
Me: (clinching my teeth) ok………..

So the day began~ An took me to the Gulangru Island and gave me the DAMN tour. He was soooooo excited about taking me on this stupid tour. I found out why. I was an American born Chinese. On our boat ride to the island, he purposely called four of his friends to tell them that he was tour guide for an American boy. Not any American boy, but one that spoke Chinese and English…wow…. I swear I was supposed to be the tourist. Instead, he was more of the tourist than I was. Ok, so I brought my digital camera. He fell in love with my camera. He used that me as an excuse to use my camera. He made me take pictures I did not want to take. He made me POSE in the pictures he took. He said, “Don’t smile in the picture. Look away in this picture. Throw the peace sign so you can look MORE AMERICAN!!!!!!!!!” Best of all, he made me take pictures of him after every picture he took of
The white folksThe white folksThe white folks

My embrassing moment where I had to ask two caucasians to take a picture with us.
me. Why the hell do I want pictures of him? Ok, this tops it all. He made me do the most embarrassing thing for today. There was one statue that we were looking at. Two Caucasian guys were also looking at it. An pointed at the two guys. I thought An wanted me to ask one of the guys to take a picture with both of us in the picture. Ummmm….no…An asked me to ask the two guy to BE in the picture with us. At first when I approached the two Caucasians, they thought I wanted to sell them something. They immediately started to say, “No thank you, No thank you.” I was about to SMACK them! When I started speaking English, they were shocked. They asked where I learned how to speak so well. I finally told them that I’m actually from the states and my “cousin” wants them to be in the picture with us. They were kind of weirded out themselves. The story really doesn’t end there. There’s too many bad occurrences to list. I came back home very mad at mom and dad. They tried to play innocent with me. They didn’t believe the stories
The guy thinks he's cool....The guy thinks he's cool....The guy thinks he's cool....

This is AN, my mom's tailor's husband.
I told them. They didn’t believe that An was the person I described him to be. They didn’t believe me until we went to develop the pictures An made me took of him. There was 67 pictures of HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Additional photos below
Photos: 6, Displayed: 6


Temple on Gulangru IslandTemple on Gulangru Island
Temple on Gulangru Island

There are several temples on the island. This is one of them.
Overlooking XiamenOverlooking Xiamen
Overlooking Xiamen

We got to the highest peck overlooking the city of Xiamen.

30th August 2005

Ayyyyyy Jonathan!!! ...just by reading the Gulangru Island journal made me sick. That An character is an obnoxious individual...isn't he?
30th August 2005

Life's rough days
Hang in there! If that day is the roughest you have all year, you'll be lucky! vicki
13th September 2005

Very funny! Jon and I had a huge laugh reading this log. We are visualize the whole thing. Hee Hee.
9th December 2005

Very Good Luck
Caucasian man veeery good luck... take picture with

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