Would You Lıke to Buy a Carpet

Turkey's flag
Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul
July 9th 2007
Published: August 7th 2007
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It's my third day ın Istanbul. What a amazing city. The people here are extremely friendly, almost too friendly. you never know if they are just being helpful or if they are trying to sell you something. I'm just waiting for those words 'would you like to come look at my store.´ At this point I thank them for their hospitality. 'Why You not come see my carpets´. So I explain to them that I do not need any carpets, I do not want any carpets, I have no room to carry any carpet, and I do not have any money to spend on carpets. By this time I usually have them laughing at how determined I am not to buy a carpet. So far I haven't Bought anything I didn't want to buy.
Overall the city ıs great. I'm staying down ın the old part of Istanbul. From my guest house I can see the Aya Sofya and the Blue Mosque both are a couple hundred meters away. they are amazing buildings. If you have ever seen a photo of Istanbul it was of one of these two churches. I also visited the Grand Bazaar. If you like to shop this is the spot to be, with over 4000 shops. They sell everything under the sun and also carpets. What a mind-boggling shopping experience. Haggling is fun when you are not planning on buying anything. I was just honing my haggling skills for SE Asia.
Everybody seems to be sitting around playing backgammon drinking beer and smoking on a water-pipe. It's a good way to waste the day away.
Tomorrow I am heading to Gallipoli to continue the World War Theme I am doing through out the world.
I hope the photos are giving you a good idea of where I am and what I've seen.

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Photos: 23, Displayed: 23


12th July 2007

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Timmy, how are you? from looking at your pics I see you are enjoying yourself. Wow it all looks amazing to me. Tim buy a damn carpet would you? for the sake of God. It's too funny. We miss you at work for sure. Did you find your bride yet? ha ha. well keep posting your photos for all of us to see through your eyes what an amazing world we live in. Stay safe. love ya' lots
12th July 2007

Atta Boy
Hey Tim As always, was great to see you Wobbler Weekend... I know you were thinking of me with the giant steins of beer right? Have fun buddy and behave! Kev
14th July 2007

Hi Timmy... great pics as always.... hey, buy me a carpet ;););) take care hon xo Jenn
1st August 2007

"Four Seasons - Canad1an Flag ??? Is Four Seasons a Canad1an company?" - Maybe they knew you were coming! Or maybe they were just into colour coordination... well, here's the truth - Four Seasons Hotels Inc. IS a Canadian company!

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