Finally buying things with Gyppos

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May 27th 2007
Published: May 27th 2007
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Got into Cairo this morning on an overnight bus from Dahab. You are looking at a newly certified advance open water diver! I am oh so proud of myself, can you tell?? The last 4 dives were fabulous. Definitely up to Red Sea standard or have I already said that. The last dive we saw 2 turtles and 2 giant moray eels! Biggest I have ever seen anyways.

My 5 dives were:

Underwater photography
Underwater navigation

While most of the dives were nothing difficult, I totally spazzed on my deep dive. You know how some people get narked under high pressure? I'm definitely one of them. Didn't think I would be, after all I've done it before. But oh my gawd, I so spazzed. All of a sudden I had a panic attack underwater. I've felt this before on one other occasion a couple of years ago, most likely on another deep dive.

All of a sudden I was hit with a wave of clautrophobia. I get this on land as well mind you, which is why I was at the entrance of the most amazing underground city of the world but waited
Leaving Dahab for El-CairoLeaving Dahab for El-CairoLeaving Dahab for El-Cairo

Leaving Dahab marked the beginning of the few days I was to be on my lonesome. While group travel can be lotsa fun, I was really looking to finally 'travelling.'
at the entrance gate.

I was panicking. One look up to the surface and it might as well have been a concrete ceiling. Shooting up was NOT an option. Getting the bends would not be fun I don't imagine. My instrctor turned to ask for an 'ok' signal. I signaled back 'something's wrong...maybe my ears.' We ascended some. Again - are you ok? No! Something is still wrong.

At this point my heart was racing. I had to escape! But where?? Let me out!! Now!! The instructor knew I was panicking at this point so we continuosly ascended for a bit. Until a certain point I gave him the ok and we stayed at that depth to do the exercises. The rest of it went through without incident. But man, that gave me a fright. For someone who loves diving so much, how could I still be afraid of the water?

Underwater photography was FUN! Think I took about 100 pictures within 45 minutes. Awesome.

Anywho that was my entire stay in Dahab. The only thing I will remember of Egypt is likely the diving. But that's good enough for me really.

So then Oasis
Early Morning at Talat Haab Early Morning at Talat Haab Early Morning at Talat Haab

After arriving on the overnight bus from Dahab, I got into town for wayyyyyyyy more than I should have paid for the cab. Hate getting ripped off, especially when it was coz I didn't have any change!! Ugh!! It's not even about the money. Anywho I had to climb up 4 flights of stairs only to be told that the Dahab Hostel was full for the night. The receptionist man (who was sleeping upon my arrival) went back to bed almost right away. So then off I went down the stairs again, heavy pack and all. There was an elevator on site but looked like something out of a horror movie! Blessing in disguise, really. At the bottom of the stairs I met Sophie and Gaelle who were also looking for a place to crash for the night.
got me onto an overnight bus into Cairo. I arrived this morning exhausted. They said it would be chaotic and whatnot, that Cairo would be a nightmare...but you know what tho? I actually feel like a traveller now. It has been so long since I've spent more than 2 nights at the same place. I am used to doing laundry on the road. I am used to eating whatever, or not eat at all.

I am addicted to this lifestyle. Going home will only be a rest stop most likely. After saving up enough money, I'll be off again...

What can I say, this is where my inspiration is.

PS - June 17th, 2007

While waiting for Sophie outside the main entrance, a bunch of people came to sit by us. I gave them a smile and they came over. They were a group of young adults on a field trip. We started talking and it was so much fun!

They were really curious about Gaelle and me. Where were we from? What we did back home? Where have we been. I found out that they were studying computers outside of Cairo. The instructor spoke really good english, it was awesome.

I loved the exchange! With the ones who couldn't speak english, we communicated through hand gestures. They totally cracked up!! Love our little banter.

Meeting people truly has been the highlight of my trip!

Additional photos below
Photos: 26, Displayed: 24


Yummy shisha at Khan El-KhaliliYummy shisha at Khan El-Khalili
Yummy shisha at Khan El-Khalili

In Cairo some men work as professional touts. When we checked in, the hotel owner warned us of friendly men who prey on girl travellers. True enough my first venture into town quickly aquainted me with "Osama." Nice to meet you too, you can stop walking me around now. No, seriously. Bugger off!
Gaelle the professionalGaelle the professional
Gaelle the professional

Did it make it back in one piece?
Cairo InternationalCairo International
Cairo International

Chill man, we're not accusing you of anything (yet)

*giggle*giggle* We finally gave in and had McD...*ahem* twice! It was fabulous! When you order a big mac they'll ask you - beef or chicken?? Yep, that's right they make two tiered mc chicken. My McKofta was a lil weird but good still. The fries...hmm...first time ever is NOT exactly the same. Can you believe it! Caught in the act McD, caught in the act. You guys are slacking.

2nd July 2007

OMG ... what is up with you and the bear??? poor thing ...
5th July 2007

What do you mean poor bear?? He loves to go places. As we speak, he's trying to convince me that we should go on another trip soon! Although, I do remember him not being too happy when I force fed him shisha...

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