Madrid Photos

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April 15th 2007
Published: April 15th 2007
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Madrid Photos

 Europe » Spain » Madrid » Madrid By Amanda M
April 15th 2007Got to go sight-seeing last night and today, so here are some photos. Hope to get more up later.

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Photos: 15, Displayed: 15


Organ grinderOrgan grinder
Organ grinder

(no monkey, though)
Puerta de AlcalaPuerta de Alcala
Puerta de Alcala

(Alcala is where my Wofford roommate spent a semester abroad)

16th April 2007

Pipe Organ
Glad to see you got a picture of that pipe organ for me! See you soon. Love you, Aunt Nancy and Uncle Phil
17th April 2007

Re: Pipe Organ
You're exactly who I was thinking of when I took that shot!! haha I should have titled it "For Aunt Nancy."

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