I have made 2 friends

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January 3rd 2007
Published: January 3rd 2007
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As a result of the night out on Tuesday, I bumped into two Scottish girls in the bar, who I made friends with. This has now doubled my previous best "friend total" which makes me happy.

Came across to Manly yesterday morning, booked into hostel. Hostel wasn't lovely. Didnt help that I'd had to check out my chuffing hotel at 8am that morning with what can only be described as a hangover. Anyway, lounged on beach for a while (weather still a bit crap) and met my two new friends. We (I) was very excited to have people to play with, so on the grounds that the weather was still a bit crap, we went to a Bavarian Bierkellar place on the waterfront and did beer tasting. This started about 3pm and finished about 9, when I returned to the hostel, didnt make any new friends as they were all sober, so gave up and went to bed. I've got 2 whole friends now and that'll do me for the minute.

Meeting new friends again in a bit and moving into free apartment in the harbour which is nicer than crap hostel, and more free.

Sunburn on chest and shoulders going away, however sunburn on backs of legs now critical.


4th January 2007

Real live friends?!
Wowzer aren't u just a busy boy- what a lot of adventures... and with other people! Shame about the critical sunburn but I'm sure that wil fade soon and turn a golden brown; I'm so jealous!! Embarrassingly impressed with your 'mattatour' name, ur still a massive geekk i'm pleased to see. Send more pics soon, i loved the last lot (so did Jon Moore). Btw put ur face in with the bridge etc otherwise we will never believe ur actually there! Take care and keep up the good blog work xxx
4th January 2007

The Matt
Glad you've made friends Matt, sorry to hear they're girls, hopefully one of them fancies you and then you hit on the other one so that neither of them ever talk to you again. I went to the last game at Lansdowne road (Ulster vs Leinster) and then spent New Years in Dublin with Sam, his fiance and all her actress buddies. It was awesome, you would have had a heart attack
5th January 2007

Australia has no ozone layer
Sounds like you're having a suitable gap year laff, which pleases me. Good to see your experiencing lots of local culture and making friends. Scotland is a different country after all. Bit more detail in the old blog though please chum. I have no idea when your cleaning your teeth and if at any point your laces have come untied. I jest because I have exams and very little to look forward to until retirement. Have fun (but stay safe), Jazzy Jazzford.

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