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November 30th 2006
Published: December 5th 2006
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Note to Self:

When you get a chance, write about:

Twin Peaks
Staying with Nick in the Presidio
The Castro
Fishermans Warf
Smelly bus people
The Pacific Ocean with Ceca
etc etc

For now you have pictures.

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8


The MagickThe Magick
The Magick

This is the view from a little park near Twin Peaks in San Francisco. I have been so lucky with the clear skies here.
San FranSan Fran
San Fran

Look, no fog!

I am staying in this little town in Marin County with my fabulous hosts, Nyla, Burt, Ceca, Gabbie, Josette, and Willa.
Sunny Sunny

One view while hiking Mt. Tamalpais.
Mountain HomeMountain Home
Mountain Home

I got lost, but it always works out. This time I stumbled upon these cool homes in the mountains. They build around the redwoods so they don't have to murder them!

6th December 2006

San Fran sure seems great. Never been myself and now I want to go. Have you looked up Grandpa's nieces yet? I love reading all your entries. It makes my day knowing you're having fun and are safe. Can't wait to see you....Love, A. Darlene
7th December 2006

Wow real nice pictures. The landscape is so different out there. Its going to be a shock when you arrive back east. I remember the feeling when I returned from my journey years ago. It will make you want to return out West. Uncle Don is currently in Arizona and visiting his Aunt Sue. Every where he goes he looks up family and friends and is loving meeting up with them. He loved visiting San Diego a couple weeks back and hopes next time to be able to travel up North of California and we'll travel together. Its so cool to take the time to visit family and friends because it leaves you with such an experience. Some not so good, some different and others good. Hi to Niala, Burt and the gang of girlies. Its great to have so many contacts and a great family. See you soon. Love A Jackie P.S. It was Chris L. birthday at the beginning of the week, I think he is 29 again :0)

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