Blogs from Tumbes, Tumbes, Peru, South America - page 2


South America » Peru » Tumbes » Tumbes July 4th 2010

We decided to join Victoria´s brother Jorge and his friends on an expedition to a local nightclub called Gemini´s. A very popular destination as it turns out. After waiting in a fairly insane line for about an hour we got inside and joined the crowd watching a Cumbia band (apparently a fairly famous one in Peru I think) whose name I cannot remember. Danced a bit, watched people drink a lot but eventually Victoria was keen to go home, so we packed everyone into a taxi and dropped everyone off all over Tumbes. Packed taxi is the word. Me, Jorge, Victoria, Velisa plus two more girls and 1 guy. One of the girls apparently lives in a bad area of town, so while we did drop her off, the taxi driver expressed serious reservations about doing ... read more
Cumbia band at Gemini´s
Victoria and Velisa

South America » Peru » Tumbes » Tumbes July 3rd 2010

Our visit happened to coincide with the graduation of Victoria´s old university class, so we went along for a look and a chinwag (Victoria´s, not mine) at the graduation party. It was all good fun, dinner and dancing and lots of people speaking a language I don´t understand (thoroughly used to that by now though) ... read more
Graduation cakes and motto

South America » Peru » Tumbes » Tumbes July 2nd 2010

enjoying the Peruvian beaches...... read more
yes, Zuzka has been in Tumbes...
...and me also
potatoes growing on the trees

South America » Peru » Tumbes » Tumbes June 29th 2010

Tumbes has several nice plaza´s, so here´s a couple of the main ones. The one I call main plaza is quite busy most of the time. People come to walk, talk, play, sit and socialise. On the left side of the church is the main commercial street, closed to traffic and bustling with vendors and shops. On the right side is a quiet and beautiful avenue with statues and gardens. Both streets run the length of what I think of the main area of Tumbes, from the main plaza almost to the big Jesus. The Jeruselum plaza with the big guy is pretty much empty, maybe a bit too far from the main commercial and social zone of Tumbes or perhaps too close to a worse area of town. Obviously there´s more to Tumbes than this, ... read more
Main church of Tumbes
Main church interior
Inca God

South America » Peru » Tumbes » Tumbes June 28th 2010

Victoria´s family and I took a trip to Peurto Pizarro, a small town at the mouth of the Tumbes river. This is apparently the spot that the spanish conqueror Pizarro landed on his way to kick Inca butt. We organised a tour boat once we got there and had a look at bird island and the crocodile farm in the mangrove forest. Bird island is a mangrove island with an absolute cloud of frigate birds on and around it. This species of bird is endemic all around the world and has a very distinctive and aerodynamic shape. The crocodile farm is a breeding and protection program for endangered american crocodiles. A little wimpy by australian saltwater croc standards, but interesting anyway. Near the dock there is a whole pile of little stalls selling primarily shell related ... read more
Family in the boat
Bird Island
Hugh and Victoria in the Mangroves

South America » Peru » Tumbes » Tumbes June 26th 2010

We piled into a taxi arranged for the purpose of our trip and drove south from Tumbes. Turning off of the main road, the journey continued along an obscure dirt track for quite a distance until we reached the clearing with the hot spring in it. Since the oil exploration hit hot water, it was decided to build a nice bath to catch it in and very pleasant it is at that. Its a bit of a shame its in such an obscure location because it could be a more valuable attraction than it already is with just a little better infrastructure. This is the only hot bath many residents of Tumbes province are likely to experience. After playing with the spring for a while we walked up to a lookout and took in the view. ... read more
Swimming in the hot spring
View above the hot spring
Medical? Mud baths

South America » Peru » Tumbes » Tumbes June 20th 2010

The evening we arrived in Tumbes all of Victoria´s relatives and some of her friends turned up to welcome us. It was pretty good fun, and some of Victoria´s relatives are certainly characters, especially her uncle Luis (the chubby man in the yellow shirt). I got introduced to more people than I can remember names for, but I got to meet most of the important people in Victoria´s life... read more
Victoria with Grandma and Cousin
Hugh dancing with a great Aunt
Family dancing

South America » Peru » Tumbes » Tumbes January 8th 2010

My last few days in Peru were spent in Mancora, at the very north on the coastal border with Equador. The temperature was about 35 degrees, it was sunny all day, I have very little to say about it as I spent pretty much all of my time there relaxing on the beach, swimming in the sea and in the pool and reading my book... but I wanted to put some pictures up just to make you jealous! :P Sorry! ... read more
Loki hostel
Still playing!

South America » Peru » Tumbes » Tumbes December 3rd 2009

Le passage de la frontière entre l'Equateur et le Pérou s'est faite relativement facilement. Nous avons pris un bus entre Cuenca et Machala. Puis changement de bus pour faire Machala-Tumbes. Le bus nous attendait pendant les procédures habituelles des douanes. Nous sommes arrivés à Tumbes vers 4-5 heures de l'après midi, puis nous avons pris un combi-bus (mini bus de 16 personnes) pour Mancora, destination balnéaire favorite des péruviens.... read more
A la frontière
Coté Pérouvien

South America » Peru » Tumbes » Tumbes November 17th 2009

Sunny Mancora is not the place you want to get sick, just ask Braeden. He has unfortunately been sick for almost the entire time we have been here and has been trapped in the room for days. We believe he got a bacterial infection from the bloody hamburger he ate (he knew better but decided to try it anyway) as he has been sick since that meal 5 days ago. Even his prescribed dose of Cipro wasn´t strong enough to cure it so today I went on a mission to find something that would work. Unfortunately, there are no English-speaking doctors in Mancora but I did manage to find a Spanish-speaking Scottish man who acted as my translator at the medical center and pharmacy. We now have 2 different types of pills that he is on ... read more
Mancora, Peru
Mancora, Peru
Mancora, Peru

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