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South America » Peru » Piura » Máncora
May 28th 2007
Published: May 28th 2007
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well we are in mancora now... after travelling the length of peru we are all exausted and enjoying our time on the beach... kyle and stu are too lazy to write in this so sorry your stuck with my slightly jaded view... yet again... so anyways arequipa was brief we visited juanitia the ice mummy which was cool but really built up and a bit creepy... wed spent the rest of our time wandering around the streets eating great food and we managed toi sneek in a movie... year pirates 3 in english... whichj was strange because the place was like a silvercity but only 3 dollars for the show which was sweet... and it allowed us to afford a giant tub of popcorn which was the size of a tire aound and about a foot deep,... we were all fairly sick of it by the end... we then did an overnight bus to to lima which was uneventful (when compared to the last one)... arriving around dinner... we the cabed to miraflores(an expensive suburb of lima) will a too friendly cabbie who took us to places he likes (and get commission from we are sure) and avoided tyhe places we wanted to go to becasue they were... dirty??... anyways we eventually found a place that had room and wasn´t dirty dropped our stuff and hit the town... we were walking around looking for a place for dinner when we heard some one say ´canadians´so we turned arouns and this guy about 45ish from nova scotia starts talking to us and invites us for a beer to talk... what followed was a bit akward we learned all about how to buy and sell fish to the chinase to feed thier workers..., yeah a real interesting talk... well after three akward beers (free though which was sweet) and a stop inm a creepy night club we parted ways... the next day we wandered around the waterfront and headed off on another night bus headed to mancora...
where we are now... spending our days bodyboardinbg getting sunburnt and driking beer so cold it hurts our teeth...

well keep on rocking in the freeworld



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