Blogs from Puerto Maldonado, Madre de Dios, Peru, South America - page 7


It started raining as I sat on the sofa in the lodge waiting for my group to leave. It wasn’t just any rain either, it was a torrential downpour reminiscent of the rainy season and I wasn’t really all that happy to see it. As I sat and talked to the three tourists that would be making the journey up river with me, my mind wandered to my lonely backpack, the one that I had left leaning up against a tree near the river. I thought of all of my dry clothes and my electronics and my extra books and I wondered if, after nearly five exciting years on the road, the pack’s ‘water resistance’ still functioned as it did when I first bought it. I didn’t linger too long on my belongings though. The mist-filled ... read more
Heads in the Jar-O
A Creature From Your Nightmares
Looking Down River

By my fifth week living at Posada Amazonas I was ready for a break. The eight to ten hours I was spending on the trail every day, while immensely enjoyable, were taking their toll on my body. To make things worse, the lumpy, sagging mattress I had been sleeping on had resurrected an old pelvis injury, which I had earned in a fit of stupidity during a mountaineering trip in Yosemite many years before. I spent a few days resting in my bed, hoping to prevent a total flare up that would eventually spread to my lower back, rendering me useless to the project. After my second day in bed it became clear that I was not going to recover sleeping on the same moldy mattress that had caused the flare up in the first place, ... read more
Moon Over the Amazon
The Giant Mussurana
Sunrise Over the Amazon

For those of you who have been following my blog you will notice a large gap. I have decided to start writing about my current travels, but I will fill in the gaps as quickly as I can, so stay tuned and enjoy. A quick glance through the window revealed a seemingly endless blanket of green where, a few minutes before, there had been huge, snow-capped peaks. Just below us a wide ribbon of muddy orange water sliced through the green in a winding, haphazard manner. I knew the river well, though I had only seen it on maps - It was the Tambopata, one of Peru’s last wild rivers. As we got closer to the ground individual trees became distinguishable in the blanket of green and it hit me for the first time just how ... read more
Rainbow Over the Canopy
The Giant Kapok Tree

Hi all, We have almost made 6 months in Peru, and so are down in town on the way to Brazil to get another passport stamp. We are making a bit of a holiday out of it and have 4 whole days off accompanied by books and newspapers sent by our parents. We are fully enjoying the onset of dry season, which has brought with it two new RNs, George and Shelley. This has greatly changed the dynamic of the place and we are getting a lot more things done with them and being very productive. We have been making a big effort to replace all the plants in the medicinal garden and to get the trails clear and in better condition for the high season. The good weather has also meant more animals, and I ... read more
Yaz feeding tamarins
Jaguar you?

8th April 2009 After our long trek we had a well deserved lie in. When we finally got up we headed to the highest Irish bar in the world to watch Liverpool play in The Champions League. Although the score wasn't good the food was. Today was Mike's (one of the guys from the trip) 30th birthday so in the evening we all returned to the Irish bar to help him celebrate. After a good night, a few beers and tequillas we were on our way back when Mike noticed his wallet was missing. After trying to search for it, they discovered that it was either lost or stolen, could anyone have worse luck. Unfortunately this meant that they could not come to the Amazon and were stranded in Peru with no money or cards. ... read more
health and safety market
Our transport to the lodge
Macaws chewing on clay

Ok we're on our way in the morning. We'll post something when we get to Cuzco, so that will be sometime after the 19th. We fly all day May 15th and arrive in Lima the morning of the 16th, well it's 12am. We have several hours to wait for our next flight. So we're hoping to find a bench to catch a few hours of sleep. Our first four days will be spent in the Amazon (Puerto Maldonado), we'll be staying at the Refugio Amazonas. We will not have internet access while we're in the Amazon so you'll have to wait till we get back to civilization (Cuzco) to hear about our trip. We plan to find internet cafes or use the computer in the hotel if ones available. In the meantime here's some information on ... read more
Amazon Canoe

Hi all, here are some more photos, including those of Chun and Shabanas visit, and more beasties. hope you are all well lots of love Yaz and Jack... read more
Big catfish
Spectacled owl

After going bird mad when Gary the birdwatcher was here a couple of weeks ago, we have since changed our recent mania to herptiles (reptiles and amphibians) due to the arrival of a rather mental Swiss herpetologist called Conrad Mebert PHd. He is really a genetecist back home, but evidently has enough money to go on a mad snake frog spree in the Neotropics, catching as many things that creep as possible and taking photos of them. We went out numerous nights in swamps and on trails and came back with backpacks full of snakes and frogs for him to photograph. We also took a fair few, and these are on the blog. We´ve also been to carnival, which takes place every sunday of February in puerto and where people can throw water and paint at ... read more
Bufo glaberinus
Female Rhinocerous Beetle

Well we are here in Lima for another camp out- think we are in double digits now in this airport, we ARE the GIA´s here! Ok were we left off was the canopy and you can see how it better fitted Andrea than Roberto! That was Wednesday and then on Thursday we got up early and headed for the the Tamabopata Reserve-park and hiked 5 km into it mostly through mud! lots of techniques were discusssed and Roberto had flashbacks on mosuito control in the eastern sierra, but with treatment he should recover. Along the way we saw a great group of yellow-blue macaws feeding at a palm tree and making a total racket!! Good pics hopefully and good close viewing. We made it to the lake, a swamp and really were right back in the ... read more

Hola los todos!! As we arrived by plane to Puerto Maldonaldo via a short trip - 45 mins, we quickly saw the canopy of trees covering the earth. And yes there was the RIO winding continuously throughout the jungle. We stepped off the plane expecting the slam of humidity and heat, yet it wasn´t that bad at all. The airport building was open air, we loved that it was very small and unassumming. Outside the taxis were 3 wheeled motorcycles with a bench seat in the rear. Our flight was late so we had to wait a bit for our transport. Then our open air safari-like bus appeared and took us through the city of Puerto Maldanaldo- that was an experience in itself. There are 2 rivers that come together at PM- Tambopata and Madre de ... read more
Aud on the canopy bridge
Boating into the swamp

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