6 days in Miraflores

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South America » Peru » Lima
January 22nd 2009
Published: January 22nd 2009
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I can´t believe i´ve been 6 days in a city. When cities are mentioned, I usually cringe. Well, here I am, still in the city after 6 days. No regrets whatsoever. I´ve done and seen so much in the past few days that the time here has been worthwhile. With my non'existent naviagtional skills, I know miraflores like the palm of my hand.

It was sad to say goodbye to my friend Inez last night. She¨s off with her friends to visit beaches up in Ecuador.

So this morning I ate by myself...no Inez to make fun of my ¨old¨ age!

Carri, had mentioned about going to the ruins this morning. So, I got myself ready. Needing cash, I went to take out money from the ATM. But damn thing was not taking my card. Luckily, I could go inside the bank to take out money. Bingo, it worked!

So there went Carri and I...venturing off to go 45 min, taking two buses to get to the ruins.
The first bus, was a bit of an experience. Stories later, once i´m home and safe! The second bus was no worries. Pachamac was an amazing worthwhile ruin to visit.

Now i sit here, downloading pictures and trying to figure out what and where I want to go and do.

Tomorrow, i´ll go visit the Museum of LARCO...
Sat, I hope to go to Nazca.
Then to arequipa.

Bueno. Pura Vida!


22nd January 2009

oh..the wonders of traveling by yourself...me acuerdo que cuando anduve por lima visite 4 lugares que quedan en un area denominada valle sagrado, llamado asi por su paisaje increible, clima benevolo y tierra super fertil.. pues de lo mas interesante que escuche fue que los incas hacian sus caminos, o "andenes" conforme la formacion de la tierra, osea que en vez de adaptar la tierra a ellos..ellos se adaptaban a la tierra..que concepto no? hmm...keep holding to the wanderlust of your inner child my friend : )
23rd January 2009

Si, carmen, que incrieble, no? This people were amazing! Deverias de venir a recorrer el mundo conmigo!
23rd January 2009

Love the pictures
You always did take great artistic pictures. Keep it up and keep them posting! (=

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