Blogs from Ica, Peru, South America - page 8


South America » Peru » Ica » Huacachina July 4th 2014

mit dem zuverlässigen cruz del sur bus (auch nach mehrmaliger nachfrage wurde uns von sämtlichen einheimischen bussen abgeraten - quasi alle touristen werden darin beklaut, inklusive zerschnittener rucksäcke…) fahren wir mittags richtung ica, der wüstenstadt. quer durch die nazca-linien führt die panamericana. der highway wurde (angeblich) gebaut, bevor die linien entdeckt wurden. und so kreuzt der glatte asphalt viele freigeräumte, glatte nazca flächen, sogar eine figur wird mittig einfach durchschnitten! die wüstenlandschaft nazcas hinter uns, türmen sich rechts und links kleinere sandberge. die wüste geht weiter, nur verändert sie sich etwas. nach zwei stunden pfeilgerader straße, erreichen wir ica und von dort geht es mittels taxi in die nur minuten entfernte oasen-stadt huacachina. markus besorgt noch kurz tickets für unser nächstes ziel, paracas, lässt mich also für einige minuten ... read more
dünen aufstieg
wir strotzen dem sandsturm
puesta del sol

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca » Nazca Lines July 3rd 2014

h2 style="border: 0px; -webkit-transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px); margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 4px; padding: 16px 0px 0px; outline: 0px; font-weight: bold;"die scharrbilder von nazca. lange haben wir hin und her überlegt, ob es sich wirklich auszahlt, in eine der teuren, wenn gleich teilweise unsicheren, cessnas zu steigen. die riesigen zeichnungen im sand sind tausendmal abfotografiert und die rundflüge sind als übelkeitserregend verschrien. unser budget ist aber noch so gut beisammen, dass wir das “risiko” einer teuren enttäuschung fast eingehen mussten. nachdem wir schon einmal da sind… immerhin buchen wir bei der bestbewerteten airline. überhaupt ist die letzte maschine vor acht jahren abgestürzt! und wenn man sich ansieht, wie oft diese rayban-bewaffneten piloten ihre kleinen propeller-flugzeuge täglich um die wüstenlandschaft kreisen lassen, dann scheint der ein ode... read more
noch kann ich lachen
markus gings immer gut

South America » Peru » Ica » Ica May 17th 2014

Buenos Chicos! I left Lima and took at 5 hour bus to Ica. I left Lima and it was slightly cold and arrived in Ica to the beaming sun! I was welcomed at the bus station by one of my hostel owners, Gian Carlo. Himself and his brother, Yosef, own the hostel in Ica. I treated myself to a single room as my last night in Lima was not a pleasant one with two girls arriving in my dorm room after midnight and making as much noise as possible to keep me awake. I dropped off my stuff and I asked Gian Carlo where the cash machine was and he said he would come with me. Along the way, he took me to different historical places around the town and shared a bit of history with ... read more
Dune Buggy
Tuk Tuks!
Getting ready for our ride in the buggy!

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca » Nazca May 13th 2014

After spending an amazing couple of weeks around the Sacred valley we had to make a decision which way to head next, did we go to Bolivia and see the amazing salt flats via lake Titicaca, or start making our way to Colombia. I know, life’s hard right? As it is getting towards winter here we based our decision on the weather so the north won. I was also struggling with the altitude so the thought of going higher made my head hurt. We booked a slightly more expensive bus with Cruz del Sur as we had a 14 hour journey through the mountains to get to Nasca. The buses are more like getting on a flight as the security is just as tight. You also get a meal and a screen to choose your own ... read more
The moon through a telescope
Sunset over the desert
Gert big sand dune

South America » Peru » Ica » Paracas April 10th 2014

Wednesday 9th April (Odyssey Day 152) We left Huaraz at 0830 this morning, well just after actually since we were running a bit late. Emma gave a mini briefing and told us she would go through the rest of the itinerary for the trip at dinner tonight. There had been a few whispered complaints circling among the group about not knowing what was coming up in the next section after Peru, and though I’d rather not look too far ahead myself, I do understand the desire to know what is coming in more detail. We headed back toward the coast again, to the southern part of Peru. It was a lovely drive back through the mountains toward the coastal plains once more. However the stop for tonight was to be just before the plains, as we ... read more
Travel Day
Reserva Lachay Camp
Reserva Lachay Camp

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca March 31st 2014

Day 42. We opted out of the optional trip to Ballestas Islands as it seemed like a poor comparison with our Patagonian Valdes Peninsula experience. Instead we had a later breakfast & just enough time to walk to the Paracas village centre to wander through the trinket shops & pick up a few supplies before checking out of our hostel to get back on the bus for an 11 am start to a 3.5 hr trip to Nascar. We were on a tight schedule as many of the group had pre-arranged flights over the mysterious ancient lines. Bus problems meant a 40 min delay & change of bus at Ica. Again we opted out as it didn't seem compelling enough to enhance my understanding or vision of the region. The flights themselves are on single engine ... read more

South America » Peru » Ica » Paracas March 30th 2014

Day 41 Today was a free morning allowing for a welcome sleep-in after the late night drinks last night. After breakfast in pleasant temperature we walked the Miraflores promenade overlooking the beach to get some much needed exercise. We returned to the hotel by 1pm to load our luggage into a minivan back to Lima's bus station for another local bus to our next stop, Paracas (approx 3 hrs). The trip down was along the coast with some obvious nice beachside housing scattered along the way while on the opposite side of the highway the initial outlook was mostly bald sandy hills occasional scattered with shanty towns but then opening up to some agricultural farming on flat plains. Paracas & Pisco are neighbouring small fishing towns and the gateway to the Ballestas Islands and the Paracas ... read more

South America » Peru » Ica » Huacachina March 11th 2014

18 hours of twisting and turning across the Andes and once again it was another uncomfortable journey with Gem spending most of the time in the grimey bus toilet pondering over the decision whether to puke or poo first. With the light at the end of the tunnel, we eventually arrived at an Oasis...and it wasn't a mirage. Located only 15 minutes outside the city of Ica, hidden in amongst the enormous dunes is a picturesque, palm tree lined oasis surrounded by a row of hostels, hotels, restaurants and shops called Huacachina. After arriving at our hostel, we sat around the hostel pool, grabbed a bite to eat then set off to explore the area around the oasis. With the sun soon setting beyond the dunes, it was a refreshing change from the mountains views we ... read more
Desert sunset
Dune buggy
The final dune

South America » Peru » Ica » Huacachina February 8th 2014

Thursday 6th February (Odyssey Day 90) We departed lovely Cusco at 0700 this morning, since we have a difficult drive over the mountains. We left Maddie and Lou for a few days and they will catch us up in Lima. Getting out of Cusco was interesting and we got lost trying to find the right road. The satnav wasn’t much help and it took over an hour to get fully out of the city. I don’t envy Simon that job, as the roads are narrow, the corners blind, and the drivers reckless! We headed through the mountains again and the way we drive through the clouds is still breathtaking for me. The scenery is always amazing and hasn’t yet lost its grandeur. I doubt it ever will. Having grown up in Perth (Australia), where there are ... read more
Another Travel Day
Another Travel Day

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca » Nazca August 28th 2013

Après une nuit sans trop de sommeil, nous arrivons à Nazca. Le bruit de fer n'était en fait qu'une barre se baladant dans la soute. Ouf ! Nous nous rendons à l'aéroport, où après une courte attente, nous prenons place à bord d'un petit coucou de 6 places. Nous voilà partis pour un vol de 30 minutes au dessus du désert et de ses lignes. De là haut, il n'est pas tout de suite évident de se rendre compte de la grandeur des dessins mais ça reste impressionnant. Si dans l'avion les lignes nous apparaissent clairement, les photos ne leur rendent malheureusement pas honneur. De retour à Nazca, nous patientons jusqu'à 18h pour assister à une intéressante présentation : ici, quelques explications sur les lignes, mais surtout des hypothèses. Servaient-elles à indiquer les cours d'eau voisins, ... read more
Prêts à décoller !
Au dessus du désert

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