Blogs from Cusco, Cusco, Peru, South America - page 12


South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco November 9th 2015

When in a foreign and I always like to enjoy the wildlife and in Peru that includes guinea pig, or cuy (pronounced Coo-ee). The best way to enjoy cuy is deep fried and with a couple of roast potatoes. As for alpaca I recommend a stew with tomatoes and onions, then served with rice. However not all of the culinary investigations have been successful. The high regard I held for Peruvian cuisine in my last entry has faded. All of us have had a case of Peru-belly. I think Nathan had a bad empanada one night which laid him low for one day in particular, but kids bounce back quickly. We already knew that it was not advisable to drink water from the taps here. Bottles only for us in South America. Each meal seems like ... read more
Lolo the tortoise
Plaza de Armas - Arequipa
Vicunas on the high planes

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco October 25th 2015

Cuzco was once the capital of the Inca empire and is now the base for trekking to Machu Picchu, the sacred valley or the many archaeological sites around the area. How I got there: I got dropped off by Peru hop at the inka bus station and then taxi'd to the hostel. I arrived at about 6pm. Where I stayed: Pariwana hostel large dorm (10 bed) S/.35 & after the backpackers dorm (14 bed) S/.29. My 1st dorm was on the 3rd floor & I could just about hear music from the ba. After returning from my trek the 1st floor dorm was normally really quiet & I could only hear the music 1 night. The showers were hot, toilets were cleaned eeveryday, bins usually a couple of times. There's activities everyday, TV room, Internet lounge ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco October 23rd 2015

This past week was a bit more laid back and relaxed compared to previous weeks. The weather reminded us of home during late fall, cloudy and chilly and a few rain showers. We planned on mountain biking last Saturday but b/c of the lack of communication between us and the tour company we found out we wouldn't be biking but riding around with other tourists to a couple different towns outside of cusco's city limits. It wasn't what we wanted to do but it turned out to be a fun day, visiting more ruins and a salt mine that supplies some of the US with salt. Much of the week Kristine was busy keeping up with her Spanish course and preparing for a power point presentation which went well and concluded another productive and studious 3 ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco October 13th 2015

We had a quick stop in Houston in between Panama and Peru, and were fortunate enough to get to see Kristines parents and my new in-laws, even if it was only for about 18 hours. It had only been a month since we left but it was a comforting feeling for us to see the faces of family, going to target, and being able to toilet paper. And on the opposite end it was tough saying goodbye, again, since we're not sure if we'll see them until the end of our trip. After our short layover we flew to Lima, Peru and stayed the night at hostel run by a very enthusiastic Peruvian man named Santiago. We had a nice conversation with him and quickly realized that he loved the camera and he insisted on a ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco August 26th 2015

Cusco! Liberation from 22 hours of bus! The city is golden in the morning light. Even from the bus windows, you notice the women: long black braids twined with black yarn and tied together in a loop, dark skirts past the knees with several layers of petticoats beneath, floral loose aprons, plump feet and legs stuffed into stockings and leather shoes or sandals, two layers of sweaters, stiff-brimmed hats with silk ribbon bands, bright woven shawls worn tied at the neck and slung over the back as pouches for handicrafts, children, calla lillies, bread. The women seem to belong to the city more than anyone else. The streets are as elegant as they are, of worn cobblestone and steep alleys. Dogs of every breed settle into doorways and sidewalks, not mutts but handsome pets that roam ... read more
View from hill neighborhood
Hill to Loki
Dinner with a view

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco August 15th 2015

Woke up in my bed at Pariwana and realized I was done hiking. I had reached Machu Picchu and survived. I was still sore and exhausted from the Salkantay hike so I was taking it easy for today. After breakfast I went to the Bioandean office and dropped off the bag I rented from them and got my T-Shirt. I wander around the main square looking at Alpaca stores until I was able to negotiate with one for a set of mittens and warmers. Alpaca is not cheap but it was such soft and light mittens I consider it a fair bargain. After that I was not feeling well and went back to the hostel to lay down. I was running a fairly high fever so I slept for much of the day. I emerged in ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco August 9th 2015

I woke fairly disoriented and realized that tomorrow I would be on the Salkantay trail. I was wondering now if I was in over my head but I was too far in to really back out at this time. Sleep was interrupted a couple of times as people who were returning from the tours woke up people trying to sleep. At one point one guy was making a lot of noise rearranging his luggage and someone else asked him to keep it down (in English). He replied back he didn't speak English so he was told to keep quiet in Spanish. It was amusing conversation. Pariwana hostel provided breakfast and I helped myself to coffee and bread. They also provide milk and cereal but I decided to keep it simple to allow my body to adjust. ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco August 8th 2015

Got to Cusco at 8AM in the morning. Cusco is at half the height of Mt Everest so adjusting to the altitude would take time. My first impression of Cusco was that it was a city built on hills. I mean that quite literally. The instant you step out of the airport you will see the mountains and see houses built all the way up them. My hostel Pariwana had arranged a taxi to pick me up and he was waiting with a sign. I will say that driving through Cusco can be quite dangerous. The taxi ride should have cost 16 Soles but the taxi driver insisted on charging me 30 Soles. I put in a complaint with the hostel and will update this blog when I get a response. Pariwana Hostel was recommended by ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco June 30th 2015

All good things come to an end. This was our last night with Dave and Claire. After a much needed afternoon sleep to recover from the rigors of the bus ride back from Lares, we showered and Dave and Claire cracked open the wine. It greatly helped to ward off the cold. First we went down to the Plaza to take night-time photos before calling in the Norton Bar. Peru and Chile were playing that night so the bar was packed as the match was being shown on TV there. As most of you will know South Americans love their football and were transfixed watching it with the crowd jumping up at the mere sign a goal might be scored. I found it fascinating to watch the audience rather than the match. At half time we ... read more
Busy Streets
Light twinkle on the Hillside Above the City
Last Goodbyes

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco June 21st 2015

After a long bus ride all through the night we finally arrived in Cuzco at 7am. Dave was there to meet us at the bus station. After a quick coffee together Dave and Claire showed us around the Plaza De Armes and the local market where they buy all their food. There is going to be a huge parade on Wednesday in the Plaza to celebrate the winter solstice but already there is much preparations and celebrations and it's expected to go on all week. The whole place is buzzing! Later that afternoon we all took a walk up to the Temple of the Moon,a steep walk out of town where we got great views of the surrounding mountains and of Cuzco itself. It felt great to be stretching our legs instead of sitting on buses. ... read more
Narrow streets
View over Cuzco from near Saxy Wayman (Inca ruins)

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