Blogs from Cusco, Cusco, Peru, South America - page 14


South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco March 5th 2015

As we were jumping on the train on our way to Aquas Calientes ( Machu Picchu) we meet a great family from Seattle. Kevin, Melissa and Maya. It was great chatting and hanging out on the train and dinner that night! It reminds me how wonderful it is to meet people and listening to their stories and make a connection!... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco February 19th 2015

Thursday, February 19, 2015 Today we needed to wake up earlier to eat breakfast and meet our tour guide at 8:30 am for a walking and bus tour of Cuzco this morning. Breakfast was good this morning. The buffet had pancakes (super small with jam), mini quiches, eggs, and various breads. At 8:30 am we meet our tour guide in the hotel lobby to visit several sites. We left the hotel at 8:35 am and walked about 5 blocks to our first stop, Santo Domingo Convent. Before entering the convent, our tour guide pointed out the original Inca wall construction. This construction showed that the outer part of the wall is built going inward. This is built to protect the walls from earth movement. The tour guide spent a great deal of time explaining the construction ... read more
Inca wall construction in Cuzco
Santo Domingo Convent
Santo Domingo Convent

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco December 16th 2014

Our last photos taken in Ecuador were of the three volcanoes, Tungurahua (5,023 m) and Cotopaxi (5,897m), both taken on the bus journey to Quito and Pichincha (4,784m), taken from the plane. For our four day stay in Baños, Tungurahua had been cloud-bound, then as we drove away on Saturday morning, the cloud cleared and we got a final photo of this huge active volcano, which dominates the whole valley and beneath which we slept peacefully for four nights (check out the smoke coming from the crater). Cotopaxi looked stunning, and most majestic, covered with a crown of snow all year around. Yesterday, Monday 15th December, was my brother´s 70th Birthday. “Happy Birthday Stephen!” We made an early start on Monday morning, leaving the hostel at 5.30 a.m. for the airport and our journey to Cuzco ... read more
Cotopaxi 5,897m
Pichincha 4784m
Another Pichincha crater

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco November 22nd 2014

Today was a free day with an available option to visit nearby ruins in Cusco during the morning. I opted for the ruins which included a visit to Saqsayhuaman, Q'enqo, and Tambomachay. The history of all three sites is fascinating but I'll try to keep it brief. Sacsayhuaman is a religious fortress overlooking Cusco. It has three walls shaped in a precise zigzag fashion. Much of the site was decimated by the Spanish after they won the battle at Sacsayhuaman in 1536. The original site had three large towers and only the foundations still remain. Only the huge stone blocks, some over 12 feet high, still remain of the once impressive site. Viewing the site was still awe-inspiring but also sad because this amazing site was lost to history. Q'enqo was a sacred site that has ... read more
Fortress Walls at Saqsayhuaman
Saqsayhuaman Tower Foundation
Saqsayhuaman Gateway

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco November 21st 2014

This morning we started with a tour of Cusco. Cusco is a bustling city with the Plaza de Armas serving as the central hub. Our first stop of the morning was Coricancha and Santo Domingo. After defeating the Inca, the Spaniards worked to destroy the images of the pagan gods. Coricancha was essentially the home of the gods in Cusco. The Spaniards repurposed Coricancha as a convent of Santo Domingo, repurposing much of the original stone for the colonial church. Much of the original foundation can still be found surrounding the church and inside the convent there remains some of the original rooms of Coricancha. Coricancha was also the source of much of the gold in Cusco. All of the walls and rooms had gold leaf along the tops of the walls. There was also a ... read more
Original Structure of Coricancha Inside Santo Domingo
Gardens Outside of Coricancha
Santo Domingo

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco November 4th 2014

After arriving in Cuzco last night, we hung out at the hotel where I proceeded to have a milk based coffee drink. Looking back on it, this was not to be a good decision. With today being our free day in Cuzco, I woke up with an upset stomach with a bit of diarrhea. However, not wanting this to ruin my day, I remained a trooper and set out with Kevin for some exploring. Having been to Machu Picchu yesterday, everything else we would see in Peru would be anticlimactic. We set out for one of the top attractions in Cuzco, the church of Santo Domingo that was built atop a famous Inca ruin called Qorikancha. All that remains of Qorikancha were some of the original walls that were once plated in gold as the Spanish ... read more
Courtyard at the Church of Santo Domingo
Courtyard at the Church of Santo Domingo
Courtyard at the Church of Santo Domingo

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco October 31st 2014

Not a very good start this morning to the first full day of the trip. Not only did we have to wake up quite early to catch our flight to Cuzco but I had to do this while still hungover from last night's activities. We all met up in the hotel lobby and 7:00am and piled into a van for the long drive to the airport. From the Lima airport, we had a one hour flight to Cuzco where we would be going from sea level to almost 11,000 feet in elevation. Our flight was delayed by about an hour. Despite the delay, I was so impressed by the airline, Avianca. Unlike most American airlines, there was so much space between the seat in front of me allowing me to slouch in my seat. Once we ... read more
Exploring the Streets of Cuzco
Plaza San Francisco in Cuzco
Exploring the Streets of Cuzco

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco October 1st 2014

Gestern sind wir nach dem Frühstück von Bruno und einem Vanfahrer im Hostel für die Biketour nach Moray und Maras abgeholt worden. 10 km vor Moray sind wir aus dem Van und aufs Bike gestiegen. Wieder einmal ging es „Inka-flat“ durch die Landschaft auf ca. 3500 müm. In Moray haben wir die Labors der Inkas besichtigt. Hier haben die Inkas Pflanzen vom Meer oder Bergen für andere Regionen und Klimas gezüchtet. Als wir später durch das Dörfchen spaziert sind, haben wir in einer Chicheria halt gemacht und Chicha ("Bier" aus Mais) probiert. Das Mittagessen auf dem Parkplatz neben dem Van war sehr einfach, aber genau richtig für ein solches Abenteuer. Jetzt ging es nämlich Abwärts mit dem Bike. Wir haben die Schutzrüstung angezogen. Auf halbem Weg sind wir zu den Salinen gekommen und haben das salzhaltige ... read more
Labor der Inkas 2
Labor der Inkas 3

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco September 14th 2014

Farmers Market Day!! Prior to coming to Cusco we heard about their amazing Farmers Market so Kelly and I could not wait to check it out. If it is locally grown, it can be found here at the San Pedro Market… and what a total culture experience! Loved this place! Nothing makes you feel like you are in a totally different culture than the San Pedro Market. So many colors, flavors, smells, things to wonder at. At the market you’ll find fresh produce, meats of numerous varieties, homemade cheeses, grains and even kitchenware, clothes and home decorations. The market is divided up much like a grocery or department store, with booths selling similar items on the same aisle (or multiple aisles). We started in the clothing and other homemade products aisles. Peru is known for their ... read more
San Pedro Market - meat aisle
Fruit smoothies
Made to order lunch area

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco September 13th 2014

We have finally arrived in Cusco after 18 hours of traveling. With unlimited drinks and movies on the planes and average airplane food the entire ordeal was not too bad. We arrived in Cusco at 6:30am and it was a very chilly start. It was in the 50s and the cold air is just so fresh. Apart from the cold air, what hit us immediately was the 30% less oxygen because Cusco sits at 11,000 feet. Instantly you feel light headed and you can’t quite catch your breath. Luckily our doctors had given Kelly and me altitude sickness pills and we started taking them a few days prior to help us adjust. After checking into our hostel (EcoPackers – highly recommend) we took a much needed shower and had our first cup (of many) of coca ... read more
Plaza de Armas
Church of La Compañía
Hidden Inca Palace

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