Blogs from Cusco, Cusco, Cusco, Peru, South America - page 6


South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco May 20th 2013

Hello! Just wanted to give ya’ll a quick update. I arrived safely in Cusco, Peru! Travel was long- roughly 24 hours- and I spent the night awake in a Starbucks. Luckily, the Starbucks was full and I asked to sit at a table with a few girls, one who was wearing a Kappa Delta shirt! I asked her what school she went to and she said Cornell, and then I realized she was with Alma Sana! So I spent my overnight getting to know the girls I’ll be living with the next 3 months! There are going to be 6 of us living together. There will be a few other staff members coming in and out too, and one project manager who will be here with us the whole time. I’m the old fart of the ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco May 3rd 2013

My first few months in Cusco were spent in lovely meanderings around town, exploring canyons, green hills and ruins above the city, being awed by colorful festivals and volunteering with children through my Magic Hostel. I leisurely visited the city's museums, colonial mansions and gilded churches and read the wealth of books on Cusco and the Inca in my hostel's library and in the shops of museums I visited (bookshops, my old standby, cruelly sealed their treasures in plastic). Toward the end of my stay, I bit the bullet, bought the expensive Tourist Ticket and made a mad dash to see everything else in the ticket's limited ten days--would I survive? Museum Maven in Paradise I love learning the history, art and architecture of places I visit, so I can sense them fully and through time. ... read more
gilded Virgin
Santo Domingo built on most sacred Inca temple, Qoriconcha
love that Inca jaguar's grin

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco April 30th 2013

Nach dem schöne Insle-Usflug ufm Titicacasee bini Richtig Peru gstüüret. Zersch uf Cusco, sone schöni Stadt! Nach langer Ziit in Bolivie, wohni usser Sucre nie es schöns, pflägts Städtli atroffe ha, ääääntli mal es Prachtsexemplar namens Cusco. Am morge am 5i bini mitm Bus am Cusco-Terminal achoo und lueg au daa, chund mer es bekannts Gsichtli entgäge! Dä holländisch Daan, wohni im Jungle in Bolivie känneglernt ha. Dasmer Lüüt immer wieder atrifft, wo i di gliich Richtig reised, isch jedoch kein Zuefall…all händ meh oder weniger di gliich Route im Chopf =) So hani mitm Daan sTaxi und es Hostelzimmer teilt und am nächste Morge hämmer plant, wimer de Macchu Picchu uf eigni Fuust chönd bechlättere. Das hämmer mit ä biz Chopfweh gmacht, will am Abig vorher „Queensday“ in Holland gfiirt worde isch! Au wänns es ... read more
Macchu Picchu
View Macchu Picchu

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco April 30th 2013

Cusco--Lingering in the Navel of the World What a magical swirl of life was Cusco! I stayed four months and never got tired of exploring its cobblestone streets, hiking to ancient ruins in the mountains above the city, and visiting museums in colonial mansions. Though other visitors were breathless climbing the city's hills at its dizzying 3400mt/11,150 ft, I'd been high for months and had no problems. Cusco had been the sacred center or navel of the Inca Empire, and there remained impressive remnants of what the Spanish had described as a dazzling city. On top of the perfect masonry of the Inca palaces and temples, the Spanish built their intricately detailed mansions and churches. This unique Inca-Spanish city, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, was layered with history. Not only was there an incredible sense of ... read more
Catholic and Inca=Cusco
giant hummingbird at the Magic Hostel
with some of many friends in the Magic Hostel

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco April 26th 2013

Na de grensovergang van Argentinië naar Bolivia betreden we een andere wereld. Bolivia bestaat nog uit de oorspronkelijke bevolking, afstammend van de Indianen. De vrouwen zijn getooid met bolhoedjes, de winkeltjes zijn klein en rommelig, de eettentjes erg simpel en bijna iedereen is arm. We gaan de grens over bij Tupiza en doen op 3000 meter de lokale variant van de triatlon: rijden in een 4*4jeep, paardrijden en downhillen op een mountainbike. Toch beter dan de Nederlandse variant! Ons reisdoel in Bolivia beperkt zich tot de zoutvlakte. Door politieke onlusten zijn we drie jaar geleden in Bolivia gestrand en konden toen de zoutvlakte niet bereiken. Nu wel dus. De zoutvlakte is zo groot als de Provincie Utrecht en ligt op ruim 4000 meter. We rijden via het aangrenzende gebergte, met af en toe passen van 5000 ... read more
Maar het mountainbiken blijft even fascinerend
Zelden vind je de hond IN de pot....
We fietsen verder, nagekeken door lama's

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco April 22nd 2013

Despite preparing with altitude sickness tablets Lesia was unwell puting our Matchu Picchu trek in jeopardy. With Lesia laid-up for a day I scouted the town to finalise our trek, procure onward bus tickets to Puno and organise some local currency. The city of Cusco has many very narrow cobbled streets which are heavily congested. The road rules as far as I can discern are, keep to the right and protect yourself at all times. The main city square (Plaza de Armes) features the Cathedral and the Compania de Jesus among other things. After our pre trek de-brief, couldn´t pass up dinner at Jacks.... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco April 19th 2013

Vakar man italas pasiūlė pasidaryti ISIC - tarptautinį studento pažymėjimą. Jis tokį pažymėjimą pasidarė dar Bolivijoj ir sakė, kad tai nebuvo itin sunku. Išsiaiškinu kur šitam mieste yra atstovybė daranti pažymėjimus ir iš ryto keliauju ten išsiaiškinti ar turiu bent menkiausių galimybių jį gauti. Man jis atsipirktų vien perkant bilietą į Machu Pikchu ir net neabejoju, kad ir vėliau turėčiau nuolaidų lankant muziejus ir kitus lankytinus objektus. Ofise sužinau, kad norint gauti pažymėjimą turiu parodyti pažymą iš mokymosi įstaigos, kad joje mokausi šiemet arba patvirtintą lapą iš mokymosi įstaigos su šiemetiniai pažymiais. Aišku nei vieno nei kito neturiu, bet galvoj sukasi mintys kaip čia galima būtų padirbti tuos lapus. Bėda ta, kad pavyzdžio man parodyti neturiu, tad nežinau net kaip turi atrodyti tie dokumentai. Bet sumąstau, kad teoriškai turėtų tikti ir studento pažymėjimas, kurio... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco April 18th 2013

Cuzco pasiekiam sėkmingai maždaug 7.30 ryto. Aš gan neblogai pasnaudžiau autobuse, tad nesijaučiu labai pavargęs. Maysa tuo tarpu sako nelabai tepamiegojus. Mus stotyje pasitinka Katy su kuria sėdam į taksi ir važiuojam iki hostelio. Čia mus pasitinka ir Aydee. Labai draugiškos merginos aprodo hostelį, bei apgyvendina mus viename kambaryje. Po to pavaišina pusryčiais. Po pusryčių kiek pamiegame ir keliaujam apžiūrėti miesti. Iš pradžių miestas atrodo nekaip, gan netvarkingas ir skurdus. Bet kiek daugiau pavaikščiojęs pakeičiu nuomonę. Yra tikrai gražių gatvelių aikščių, bažnyčių. Aišku aišku turistinis, pilna kelionių agentūrų ir aišku turistų. Ten kur daug turistų ir kainos labai aukštos, bet toliau nuo pagrindinių gatvių yra ir pigesnių kavinių, parduotuvėliu. Be to prieš atkeliaujant į Peru visi kalbėjo, kad čia viskas gerokai rangiau nei Bolivijoj, bet aš su tuo nevisai sutinku. Suve... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco April 18th 2013

First day in Peru: After flying all night and being rerouted through Florida I was so happy to finally be at my final flying destination for this trip. I was met at the airport by Mercedes the owner of the hotel Casa De Mama 2 I had booked for our time in Cusco. She took me back to the hotel where I met up with my friend who arrived the previous day. Mercedes was a wonderful host and offered coca tea as soon as I was inside. I really enjoyed staying at Casa De Mama 2. It was just about a half mile walk to Plaza De Armas. Mercedes helped us arranged both the city tour and sacred valley tour. Pretty much every taxi driver or hotel can help you arrange tours. I took my bags ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco April 4th 2013

We thought we had experienced some horrendous bus journeys on the trip so far but the bus journey from Puno to Cusco was by far the worst yet. You might remember from the previous blog that we were getting the bus from La Paz to Puno. Well we arrived in Puno and we left as soon as we got there - the best way to describe it - a concrete jungle. When we were on the bus to Puno we ended up seeing the three Swedes again who told us they were getting another bus straight to Cusco that day. We found the guy who was selling the bus tickets and we were shown outside to wait for our bus. Around ten minutes later a bus pulls up to our platform which we had seen just ... read more
Me & Jon Scared For Our Lives On Bus Journey To Cusco
View of Puno
Me & My Expensive Cider

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