Blogs from San Ignacio, Cajamarca, Peru, South America


South America » Peru » Cajamarca » San Ignacio » La Balsa August 19th 2013

Vilcabamba, Ecuador...Ron Hello, folks! We are over the border now, in Ecuador, on our way to our eventual meeting with an airplane on Aug. 28th to carry us over the Pacific to the Galapagos! We flew out of Iquitos on thursday afternoon (Aug 15th), my desire to take another boat from Iquitos this time up river to Yurimaguas, having been out voted in favor of flying to Tarapoto, which is about a few hours past yurimaguas by bus. Tarapoto turned out to be pleasant and we stayed there 2 days at the El Mirador, which is how The Book describes it, although the rooms in the annex are more expensive than the older rooms. The desayuno, was wonderful, with a thermos of coffee, eggs, cheese and pan, along with fresh juice, too. All served on the ... read more

South America » Peru » Cajamarca » San Ignacio December 5th 2009

Buses and taxis and little buses and cars. We have been travelling in all of the above to get from Vilcabamba to the border at La Balsa, then to Grand Buoya or something or other, and NOT to Pedro Ruiz, to arrive late and hot and tired in San Ignacio. But, we met an nice Australian bloke named Joel and it was good to have someone to compare notes with. Onwards to Chachapoyas... if we can get on the right bus or combi or taxi or mule or...something. ... read more
The bus station in San Ignacio
Cow Roadblock
Scenery From the Bus

South America » Peru » Cajamarca » San Ignacio April 10th 2009

NAVIGANDO LUNGO IL RIO DELLE AMAZZONI Diario di bordo Risalire quel fiume era come compiere un viaggio indietro nel tempo, ai primordi del mondo, quando la vegetazione spadroneggiava sulla terra e i grandi alberi erano sovrani. Un corso d'acqua vuoto, un silenzio assoluto, una foresta impenetrabile; l'aria calda, spessa, greve, immota. Non c'era gioia nello splendere del sole. Deserte, le lunghe distese d'acqua si perdevano nell'oscurità di adombrate distanze. Joseph Conrad E' tempo di andare "off the beaten track".... E' tempo di intraprendere un viaggio verso l'ignoto... un viaggio che ci portera' dentro a noi stessi.... All'inizio non l'avevo preso in considerazione: interessante ma poco fattibile... e forse preicoloso... Poi ho cominciato a collezionare notizie da tutte le fonti possibili, internet in testa... e a render... read more

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