Blogs from Colca Canyon, Arequipa, Peru, South America - page 8


South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon January 4th 2011

Canyon de Colca The town of Cabanaconde is a 6 hour bus ride from Arequipa. The road winds through barren cactus studded landscape and ascends to nearly 15,500 feet before descending to the warm valley that is the start of the Canyon de Colca. Colca Canyon is more than twice as deep as the Grand Canyon. While the canyon's walls are not as sheer as the Grand its size is formidable. The canyon is also known for its small colonial towns and villages that are home to the colorful Andean people who farm its steep stepped terraces. Cabanaconde is a small town that is on the canyon's south rim and is the launching point for treks headed into the canyon. We stayed the night at a Pachamama Hostel. Pachamam in run by Lui (Lewy) and his ... read more
Town of Cabanaconde
Peruvian Barbwire
The Start of the Trail

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon December 25th 2010

¡hola a todos! Unser naechster Stopp: Colca Canyon! Von Arequipa aus ging es ueber Berg und Tal in den Colca Canyon. Die Besonderheit an der Fahrt dorthin: wir ueberquerten einen 4910 m hohen Pass. Das war wirklich ein super Erlebnis. Da hat man dann schon jede Anstrengung gespuert. Der Colca Canyon hat eine wunderbare Landschaft zu bieten mit vielen Terrassen, wo die Einheimischen Getreide, Kartoffeln usw. anbauen. Das gesamte Colca-Tal ist von Vulkanen und hohen Bergen (teilweise bis zu knappen 6000m) umgeben. Somit durfte am ersten Abend natuerlich auch ein heisses Bad in den vulkanischen Thermalquellen nicht fehlen. Das war so angenehm, weil es draussen auf dieser Hoehe wirklich sehr kalt war. Unser Hotel befand sich schliesslich auf ueber 3500 m. Am 24.12. fuehrte uns unsere Tour zum Cruz del Condor - einem Aussichtspunkt, wo man ... read more
Colca Canyon

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon December 15th 2010

(Due to technical difficulties, this blog will be picture free. Sorry for the inconvenience. Pictures to be added in future) I know, i know, i know, I'm a little late on my blog schedule, so sue me but it's not easy when you're trekkin' all over the place. Trek. A four letter word that conjures up adventure. A four letter word not for the weak of heart, not for those without a rain slicker, bug spary, an extra pair of socks...toilet paper. Fine and pleasant miseries, that's what trekking is. I survived the Death Road in La Paz, Bolivia and boarded a bus heading for Arequipa, Peru. No scratches, cuts, or bruises, only a handful of sand fly bites from hanging out unprotected in the Bolivian jungle. They're little stealth bomber buggers who apparently like my ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon December 6th 2010

Dernière étape au Pérou, le Colca Canyon. Je pense faire un trek de 2 jours, mais en arrivant dans la petite ville de Chivay on m'apprend qu'il y aura une grande fête le lendemain soir pour célébrer l'immaculée conception; je décide donc d'aller explorer les petits villages des environs et de revenir le lendemain. Dans les villages, les maisons sont très rudimentaires, en briques de terre et en tôle; Elles contrastent avec les églises qui elles sont toujours impeccables ! Je pars faire une rando en direction du Geyser del Infierno. Après 2h de montée et la traversée de la pampa, il se met à pleuvoir mais je continue, motivée par le fait de voir un geyser. Finalement, et bien que j'ai demandé à des paysans, je ne le trouve pas. Il pleut beaucoup et le ... read more
Chivay et les montagnes au loin
L village de Pinchollo

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon November 29th 2010

Asi ve 3 rano se opilci rozhodli, ze uz je cas odejit, tak nas jeste jednou probudili a vypadli. Kacenka jeste slysela nekolikrat sustit igelitky, to jak mysi zkoumali obsah naseho odpadkoveho kose... Po 8 jsme odesli, i s Miguelem, ale nezaplatili jsme pani domaci celou sumu kvuli tomu buzeni a ona ani neprotestovala - oba znala a sama jim nalevala ve svoji putice. Sli jsme pres Malatu, smerem do vesnicky Fure - asi 20 chaloupek, ale hned 2 obchody a 2 hostaly. Kousek za ni je vodopad Huaruro, docela veliky, asi 40 metru vysoky. Pak zase zpatky do Fure a protoze jeste nebylo moc hodin, rozhodli jsme se pokracovat dal do vesnice Llatica. Mistni ve Fure nam samozrejme tvrdili, ze tam zadne bydleni neni, ale jak uz vime, mistnim se v tomhle smeru neda moc ... read more
Colca canyon

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon November 28th 2010

Bus odchazel v 6 rano, takze zase krute probuzeni pred 5. Cekalo nas asi 6 hodin smer jedno z nejkrasnejsich mist na trekking - Colca kanon asi 3000metres nad morem- nejhlubsi kanon sveta, i kdyz.... Prvni zastavkou byl Chivay, kde to na nas zkouseli, ze si musime koupit listek do kanonu, i kdyz nase kniha-pruvodce o tom mlcel. My ji ignorovali a slecna toho nechala. Jeli jsme dal, minuli znamy a turisty oblezny Mirador del condor - vyhlidka z ktere pozorujete kondory a vystoupili na Mirador San Miguel. Jeste v buse pristoupil v jedne z vesnicek trochu zmateny spanelsky turista Miguel a ze spatne vystoupil. My vystoupili a on jel dal. Zacali jsme sestupovat na dno kanonu a sestupovali asi 3 hodky. Mezitim nas dohonil Miguel, ze jestli se muze pripojit a jit s nami. Ted ... read more
Colca canyon
Colca canyon
Colca canyon

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon November 25th 2010

Für Moni startete die Spanischlernzeit recht intensiv. Auf unserem Ausflug ins Canyon de Colca waren wir gleich mit einer primär spanisch-sprachigen Gruppe unterwegs. Die zweitägige tour führte zuerst über einen Pass, de gleich 4900 m hoch ist. Auf dem Weg dahin fuhren wir durch die karge und trockene Landschaft des Altiplano, der Hochebene von Peru und Bolivien. Nach dem Pass mit 4900m und dem Mirador de los Volcanos (Aussichtspunkt der Vulkane) gelangten wir über eine kriminelle Bergstrasse ins rund 1000m tiefer gelegenen Chivay. In Chivay ging’s nach einem Mittagessen ins Thermalbad. Moni musste ein erstes Mal unter der Höhenkrankheit leiden. Bis zum Abend war Moni wieder auf den Beinen – und das musste sie auch, denn ein peruanischer Tanzabend stand an. Als kleine Gruppe von 3 Peruanern, einem Brasilianer und uns ergatterten wir einen guten Tisch ... read more
Überall Vulkane in der Ferne
Ortstypisches Verkehrsschild
Der Goboihut machte Andreas attraktiv als Fotosujet.

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon November 5th 2010

The bus was absolutely chockers! There wasn’t even standing room in the aisles. Ben was told that, within 5 or 10 minutes, it would empty. The bus from Chivay to Cabanaconde was like a city bus; stopping in villages along the way. Being the last one on the bus, Ben stood next to the driver and enjoyed amazing views of Canyon country. However the promised emptying of the bus after 5 or 10 minutes never came. Dropping people off at each town, more were always picked up. Eventually enough people got off the bus for Ben to sit on the console separating the driver from the steps. Then, soon after that, some elderly ladies boarded the bus. Ben offered the oldest lady his seat on the console. Standing up, he was shoved back in to the ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon October 30th 2010

Our first day in Arequipa we set about trying to book a tour of the Colca Canyon for the next day. We managed to find a cheap tour for 1 night that left the next day. Being tight as we are we opted for the budget accomodation option so were crossing our fingers it woiuld be ok. Tour booked we spent the day taking in Arequipa which we were pleasantly surprised by. Reading that it was Peru´s second largest city we both had visions of another Lima. However, it is much smaller, a lot prettier and less manic. The next mornign we got up and prepared for our Colca trip. We were collected by our guide and boarded the minibus. As we went round collecting the other people on our tour it became apparent that this ... read more
Typical ´Tico´ taxi that you see all over Peru
Arequipa´s streets

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon October 29th 2010

We spent our first day walking around this beautiful colonial city. There are many amazing courtyards full of shops and cafes off the main roads.  As you know no blog would be complete without a mention of food, and this one is no exception. Ellie had been scowering the guide booking looking for good places to eat. She had read about a Peruvian celebrity chef with a restaurant in the city. We had a fantastic meal there, the food was a modern twist on Peruvian classics.  Arequipa is visited by streams of travellers for it's location in 'canyon country', where most backpackers undertake the ambitious colca canyon trek. After much debating we decided to woos out and go on a Minibus tour with no trekking. It had been described to us by Steve's cousin as one of ... read more
Colca Canyon
El Condor Pasa

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