Blogs from Colombia, South America - page 325


South America » Colombia » Bogota January 5th 2006 aparte Para viajar, escrevo! Hoje resolvi escrever... escrever sobre uma viagem... escrever sobre uma minha viagem! Desde que saí de Portugal vivi inúmeras experiências. Vi e vivi muita coisa, muita coisa que nunca vou escrever porque não faria qualquer sentido. Agora, passado tanto tempo, quando escrevo, escrevo para recordar momentos que passei e sobre os quais nunca vou escrever pela razão supracitada. Escrevo também para partilhar com quem dá uma vista de olhos ao que escrevo. Faz-me sentir bem. Não deixa que me sinta sempre sozinho. Há mais de um ano que não falo português, à excepção de três ocasiões: - com um português emigrado em França que encontrei na Bolivia. O ‘Manel’; - as 2 vezes que vi o Rodrigo, um amigo que trabalha em Buenos Aires; - e a minha prima Joana que ... read more
Villa de Leiva
Villa de Leiva
Villa de Leiva

South America » Colombia » Tunja January 3rd 2006

Tunja Quem é que nunca quis ir a Tunja? Quem é que nunca se viu desembarcar, no terminal de Tunja e aventurar-se pela capital do Boyacá? Eu, pessoalmente, nunca tinha ouvido falar, mas ficava a caminho de Bogotá e parecia um atractivo porto de abrigo em direcção ao sul. A viagem entre San Gil e Tunja foi, uma vez mais na minha vida, um momento agradável. Lá fora uma paisagem dramática, selva, picos cortados pelas nuvens, a estrada a serpentear a beira de vales, bananeiros, bananas, e as pessoas que apanham as bananas, bicicletas carregadas de bananas, carrinhos de mão escondidos pelas babanas. Tudo é intenso, e amarelo. Nas paragens de 15 minutos que fizemos em pequenas aldeias, barulho, côr, agitação, muito movimento. É díficil descontrair e simplesmente esticar as pernas. Somos constantemente olhados com curiosidade ... read more

South America » Colombia » Bogota December 27th 2005

Colombia. Colombia is a terrific country. The people are open, the food is great, the music gets you in the hips. It is just that we had to cross there very quickly to get to Ecuador in time for new year. If you want, you can cross this vast magical country (let´s but aside the dubious politics for a moment) on a bus in three days. Not recommeded. We did not, therefore, get a chance to see or do much. But we did spend the night in Bucaramanga in a hotel, highly rated by the Lonely Planet, which had holes in the door, and a few cockroaches. This is also the city where you can buy fried ants in chocolate. I´ not sure if anyone eats them anymore, or if the industry survives purely on tourists ... read more
bus exterior, bucaramanga
Colombian knowledge
another sunset, bucaramanga

South America » Colombia » Cartagena December 24th 2005

I caught an overnight bus from Merida in Venezuela north to Caracas, and met two nice travellers to start off one of my more unusual travel tales. It was a good feeling to be in a city right near the caribbean coast of South America, having travelled to the southern most city in the world Ushuaia in Argentina during 2003. Perhaps it doesn't have the same ring to it as Cape Town to Cairo, but nevertheless I felt it was a memorable achievement. In a bizarre twist I stayed in Caracas for only five minutes, and my story follows... The travellers were in transit at the Caracas terminal, dear reader, and we parted company as I caught a taxi to Sabana Grande and on to a recommended hostel at 9:00am. The owner didn´t have a room ... read more
Simon Bolivar Plaza, Merida
La Playa Grande beach, Puerto Colombia
Cartagena Old town

South America » Colombia » Cali December 12th 2005

Welcome to Cali land of beautiful women and salsa music culture... read more
Palace of Justice Building
Church of Saint Nicholas
Street Art

South America » Colombia » Santa Marta December 10th 2005

To say Colombia has a bad reputation is common knowledge to most people in the´s a little like saying the Sens will lose to the Leafs in the playoffs...people just assume it (yeah Ill probably regret saying that in May). The stories of Pablo Escobar and his drug cartel in the 80's to the ongoing kidnappings of politicians, businessmen, and tourists through the last few decades have perpetuated a fear into most of western society. The problems of Colombia can mostly be attributed to the cocaine industry, crooked politicians, and the ongoing battle between the gurillas, the government and the paramilitary, that has lasted for decades. The Gurillas made up of a few differen't rebel groups occupy nearly 40 percent of the country, and are the ones responsible for the kidknappings that are reported ... read more

South America » Colombia December 8th 2005

My flight from Quito to Cartagena, Colombia, had a 5 hour stopover in Panama City. A friend had sent my Lonely Planet Central America to the post office in Panama so i thought the stopover might be a good chance to collect it. After being told that I wouldn't have to pay to leave the Panamanian airport for a couple of hours I thought "cool!" and commenced trying to get out of the place. This at first sounded easy but the whole exercise included going through immigration: 1 hour, going through customs: 30 minutes, trying to find an exchange house: 15 minutes, waiting in line for the exchange house: 15 minutes, getting to the counter and being told that the currency actually is US dollars (of which i had plenty): 1 minute, finding a cab; 5 ... read more
Parque Nacional Tayrona
Parque Nacional Tayrona
Parque Nacional Tayrona

South America » Colombia » Cali December 6th 2005

My friends and I continued north from Riobamba Ecuador to Banos, which is a picturesque town in the centre of the country surrounded by mountains and known for adventure activities. We spent a quiet day at the local pool in this lovely town and enjoyed good food, but had to press on north to Quito, the capital of Ecuador. We had a very bad experience within two hours of arrival despite being out early in the central tourist area, and being within a block of two security guards with dogs. Fortunately we weren't really hurt and my friend's possessions were quickly recovered by security. We spent four nights in Quito, dear reader, and a definite highlight was the middle of the world with the equator only twenty two kilometres from the city. It's a highly recommended ... read more
The Equator monument
Central Cali
Shrunken head

South America » Colombia » Bogota November 28th 2005

THERe IS after all a direct bus to Bogota from Villa De Levya. Its huge although sans real air conditioning. We took it back for about $10.... Even though we got stopped and had our passports taken at a checkpoint (they gave them back) it was a really nice ride. Elizabeth and I got food to take on the bus. With our bad spanish, we got a corn cake, homemade sausages and little potatoes in a brown paper bag for $2.50US. Liz made a face at the guy for the high price and he gave her an extra corn cake. it was okay except for the serious lack of salsa. Okay, we spent our last hours (we literally had saturday evening and sunday morning left in bogota) hanging with Elizabeth´s friend Daniel and friends. We went ... read more
Carribean man

South America » Colombia » Bogota November 28th 2005

WOW! Thanks, ali, for the advice about the @ symbol! i don´t know how i would ever get that. I wish i had more time here, Its really not enough to spend only a week in a country, I barely scratched the surface. Yesterday, we met some guys on the plane on their way to peru, that were travelling for over a year. They made it through on $20 a day. Anyway, forgot where i left off in colombia, and i´m actually in argentina right now! backtracking... We ended up going to Villa De Levya about 3 hours (or supposedly 3 hours) from Bogota. Its a small preserved town, complete with gauchos and hard bargaining local artisans. We scoffed at the $120 a driver at the hotel wanted to charge us for a ride there and ... read more

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