Blogs from Colombia, South America - page 280


South America » Colombia » Bogota April 10th 2008

After our time spent there, we were all more than ready to leave Venezuela and head for the much anticipated Colombia. Having already changed as much currency on the black market upon entry to Venezuela, we had already increased our spending power there (getting nearly double the "official" rate), however we were duly shafted upon leaving, emphasized by their substantial hike (300%!!!) in departure tax for exiting the country. Furthermore, with the current bleak state of the Mighty Dollar, no-one would accept them for love nor money, posing some probs to those who had only enough currency for the supposed exit fee. Thankfully Billy, Jude and myself had enough currency to feed an army so were able to sort the others out, although trying to explain to our Japanese contingent, Takuya that the exchange would NOT ... read more
Star fort, Cartagena
Bocagrande Beach Sunset
Old town clock tower, Cartagena

South America » Colombia » Cartagena April 9th 2008

The last week or so of my time in South America was spent on the Caribbean coast of Colombia in Santa Marta, Taganga and Cartagena. I have included all three in a single blog as I got lazy towards the end of the trip and I didn't do too much on any one day. It could have been a result of the warm and humid climate that makes you constantly sweat; or simply the fact that I had travelled the entire length of the continent in under three months. This last fact would not impress the travel snobs who believe you should spend months on end in every country to 'get to know the people'. Personally, I get too restless for that. My first Caribbean port of call was Santa Marta, which is literally a port. ... read more

South America » Colombia » Cali April 8th 2008

I arrived in Cali at the beginning of the month with exactly 31 days until I need to be back on the north coast for my lift out of here to central America. I wanted to work here for a while in order to improve my Spanish a bit more and to see a part of Colombia from a non backpacker point of view. I had chosen Cali as it is not really on the gringo trail but if I am honest the fact that it lists itself as the salsa capital of Colombia was also a big draw. Coincidentally all the people I met at Christmas on the beach were also from Cali and one girl in particular, Wisely, thought she might be able to set me up with some work connections. I arrived here ... read more
Patrick and housemate Liliana with Amarilla the dog

South America » Colombia » Santa Marta April 7th 2008

I went skinny dipping in the ocean recently and saw my junk surrounded by phosphorescent algae. It was the most beautiful thing ever. If you aren’t part of my family take a second and picture it. I watched my first KU game in English in three years and it was the best game ever. I’m pretty sure we are going to be national champions. As are the Royals. I climbed to a pre-Colombian indigenous city and while the hike up about made my heart explode it was a day well spent. We finally have a principal at school which is nice. He’s British so he speaks Cockney instead of American but it’s closer than many of the students can muster. I had a student tell me I’m a better teacher when I’m single because I’m not ... read more
Kelly and Joel
The two most handsome men in the world

South America » Colombia » Cartagena April 6th 2008

Having recently returned from a Caribbean cruise aboard the excellent ship Celebrity Constellation, I came to the conclusion that the Caribbean is actually rather short of interesting places to visit. The weather is great in the early part of the year, and there are many superb locations for diving, snorkelling or just sitting on the many beaches, but there is a lack of interesting towns. Cartagena in Colombia is a major exception to this and is well worth a visit: it is actually a sizeable city with a population of around a million but the most interesting part for the traveller is the Old Town with its Spanish colonial buildings in narrow streets. I would certainly like to go back and maybe visit other parts of Colombia as well. More photos of Cartagena as well as ... read more
Cartagena - Panorama

South America » Colombia » Cartagena April 1st 2008

A noticeable change in topography occured not long after the border, as we moved into the outskirts of the Canaima national park area, before stopping at our spectacular campsite, Salto Kama, nestled next to a 40m waterfall with a plethora of biting insects. There was little time to enjoy the falls however as we all mucked in (with a couple of notable exceptions - the usual suspects slinking off when work needs doing!) for a final truck and tent clean. A fantastic dinner of steak and mash later with caesar salad and peaches and cream, we went to the bar to sample the local beer, which only appears to come in entirely pointless 222ml bottles (we had got used to the 3/4 litre bottles in Brazil - civilised!), sitting up late into the night with some ... read more
Heading upstream pt1, Canaima NP
Salto Kama waterfall 1
Toucan, Salto Kama

South America » Colombia » San Agustin March 31st 2008

Whilst in Ecuador I floated the idea that Adam could come with me to Colombia seeing as he didn't have much planned up until his flight from Quito to Peru, so I said why not kill the time with me and see a bit of Colombia to boot. The US government strongly advises its citizens against visiting Colombia as does ours, but for some reason us Brits just tend to take far less notice of any officials or politicians than they do. So while I was painting pictures of lovely people and countryside two Belgians arrived and told us that the San Augustin was indeed beautiful but the road there was crap, they had to wait for 7 hours on route as there was a body on the road under investigation plus they think that's where ... read more
On our way to San Augustin - he wasnt smiling for long
Rio Magdalena

South America » Colombia » Villa de Leyva March 29th 2008

This was originally going to be a blog about Bogota, the Colombian capital; however I only slept there for two nights and I spent no time there during the day. My time was spent in Villa de Leyva instead; and hence it is the subject of this blog. The reason for my change of destination was that some of the people I met in Salento were heading to Villa de Leyva and so I thought I would do the same. Villa de Leyva is in the Colombian Highlands and it is about four hours north by bus from Bogota. It is a small village that resembles Cusco in Peru; except that it does not have any large churches. The architecture of its colonial buildings and its cobbled streets are reminiscent of Cusco and, of course, make ... read more

South America » Colombia » Los Llanos March 28th 2008

Heading on down to the docks in Belem, we spent an appreciable amount of time hanging around amidst the constant smell of bananas, (although not as long as the guys who had gone down in the morning to try, with no avail, to save us all hammock spaces) before eventually boarding the ship that would be our home for the next 5-6 days. Already bustling, the rush was to find good hammock locations as there is precious little available room. As things were, we managed to group all of ours together at the end of the area, although in a somewhat cosy manner. Staying up top on the ferry, we set into a few beers and I had my leftover Pizza Hut pizza (well we needed to bring food for the first night - what else ... read more
Giant waterlilies, Belem
Ready to fly, Belem
Leaving Belem

South America » Colombia » Quindío » Salento March 26th 2008

Quito to Salento was a long journey that involved an overnight stay in Cali. I had to change flights in Bogota and the connection was delayed. On arrival at my hostel in Cali I found out that it was somebody's house and that the owner was decorating so I couldn't stay there. Instead, the owner called a friend of and I stayed at her house. The next day I got a bus to Armenia, which was also delayed, and from there I caught another bus to Salento. Salento sits at an altitude of around 2800 metres in the Zona Cafetera (Coffee Region). Cali is at a much lower altitude and appears quite like the Carribean. The temperature cooled as we drove up to Salento and the palm trees and sugar cane gave way to grassy hills ... read more

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