Blogs from Valle de Cauca , Colombia, South America - page 2


South America » Colombia » Valle de Cauca January 25th 2010

Ok fine I’ll go to San Cipriano! (- a remote town about 2-3 hours from Cali, close to the Pacific coast and big city of Buenaventura, and known as a popular weekend getaway for its river attractions). I thought I was going to leave Cali, but here I was being dragged to see this apparently unmissable sight. -But wow, was I ever glad I went!! Tuche and I hitched a ride with Leo part of the way, and then hopped on a bus off the highway, to the gateway of San Cipriano. You see, the small village was unreachable by road- only train. However, the train had long been closed and so the locals (which were really, really poor) invented a new, highly fun, and faily dangerous system of transport using the railway tracks, which ... read more
mini-IMG 3401
mini-IMG 3352
mini-IMG 3353

South America » Colombia » Valle de Cauca August 30th 2009

Juhu, ich schreibe aus dem heissen Cali. Save the Whales gehoert aber nicht hier hin. Das war als ich von Salento mutig (weil ohne jegliche Informationen) nach Buenaventura (was ja irgendwie voraussetzt dass man da abenteuerlustig hingeht) ging. Dort angekommen musste ich feststellen dass also der einzige Weg zu Wellen und Walen ueber ein Schnellboot nach Guanjacho (oder so) fuert. dat war schoen teuer, das Boot. Aber es hat sich gelohnt. Bin da bisschen rumgehaengt mit einem tollen hollaendischen Paerchen und einem verrueckten Franzosen. Ist ganz schwarz dort. D.h. sehr afrikanisch. Was mir ja gefaellt. Hab ein bisschen afrikanisch tanzen gelernt. Und gelernt dass man auch ohne Frauen, aber mit vielen Tragos rumba machen kann. hihi. das wahr bisschen schlimm. aber zu einem anderen Thema. Die Gegend ist sehr schoen. Viel Vulkangestein und schoener glitzerirger Strand ... read more
Photo 8
Photo 2
Photo 3

South America » Colombia » Valle de Cauca November 5th 2007

I arrived on wednesday october 31st, exactly, for halloween. There was Natalia, waiting for me at the terminal. It took me three long hours to go from Armenia to Cali. Once I was in Cali, we celebrated in family (natus' family) halloween, specially for Gabrielita. From wednesday to friday I tried to help Natus finishing her thesis presentation.After long hours in front of a computer, she pulled it out. Althought those thesis juries were implacable, Natus will be able to make the final presentation. Then , we headed to our so-wanted halloween party...finally...a perfect excuse to dance. We had a great time at Forum. On saturday, we expected to go to Alejandro Sanz´s concert but unfortunately he got sick and, me...welll had to sell the ticket because I had to return today. Lore invited Natus and ... read more
Friday night at Forum
In family

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