Blogs from Santiago, Santiago Region, Chile, South America - page 110


South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago December 23rd 2006

Just a little interlude here, we've arrived in Santiago, and are trying to adapt to the local mindframe of using telephone, internet, e-mail..... or none of the above. It's quite nice to use any of the above and know that you will arrive somewhere, and will actually have a bed to sleep in. The below is an actual kind hearted reply to a simple e-mail to check for availability. Enjoy.... Hola Hey Fellows, how are you this beautiful friday evening. So, i dont have more availability in my hostel, but i have a full flat with one matrimonial room, kitchen, living room, fernitures, for rent, close to my hostel in Cerro Alegre. Valparaiso. The flat is near to: Yugoeslavian promanade (fireworks) (10 min walking down) Atkinson promanade (fireworks) (13 min walking down) Gervasoni promanade (fireworks) (11 ... read more

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago December 22nd 2006

El final de un logro alcanzado. Una vez tuve en mis manos la tan anhelada camarita (la de las fotos), vino a mi mente el, esa maravillosa página que una noche descubrí navegando. Esa noche, algo en mí cambió, confirmé lo lindo que puede ser el mundo en que vivimos si intentamos conocerlo. Había nacido en mí el interés por recopilar información de viajes, paseos o como se pueda llamar, las ganas estaban, la intención era firme, mi mente daba para mucho, faltaba lo que ahora sostengo como un tesoro, mi artículo de entrada triunfal al ciberespacio, porque una entrada sin imagen no es nada. Aquí estoy, contento por escribir y atento, expectante porque voy a estar incluído en la memoria online de los viajantes, postear aquí es un sueño hecho realidad. ... read more
Ingresando el blog

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago December 17th 2006

El viaje comenzó a las 7:00 am, saliendo de mi casa, junto a mi primo para reunirnos con Pepe Salas. Luego cruzamos parte de Santiago para llegar al punto de reunion. El viaje comenzó ligero a buen ritmo por la ruta 68 hasta el túnel lo prado. Ahi esperamos para cruzar el tunel, para luego descender por una bajada a 40 km/hr, lo cual fue bastante agradable para nosotros. Finalmente llegamos a la comuna de Maria Pinto, la cual es una pequeña localidad ubicada a 50 km de stgo, aun conserva ese encanto rural y sabor a campo. Ahi se realizaba la 2 feria de microempresarios locales, donde pudimos degustar y ver algunos de sus productos. Fue un rato de relajo, descanso, y comer unas ricas empanadas de pino. Al regreso nuestro grupo opto por una ... read more
Esperando la partida
la cleta
primera parada

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago December 15th 2006

Today I went to a tiny little town outside of Santiago called Pomaire, with Kelly. The attraction of this town is all of its ceramics, and so on the weekends, some guy said that there is no space to park cars and its completely full of people. Today we were the only gringas there (almost. Sometimes I want to hug strangers I hear speaking English. I dont really know why, because its not like I dont hear English all the time.), and so it was really nice. We just wandered around. It took about a half hour to get there from Santiago, but I slept on the way, and when I wasnt sleeping the landscape was gorgeous, alot like that of California. The bus just dropped us off on this random spot on the freeway, maybe ... read more

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago December 15th 2006

Now, admittedly I only spent three days in Santiago (and on one of which I opted to take a day-trip to the coast - more about that in a minute), and I think I have been somewhat spoiled by the fantastic South American cities I have visited (think Buenos Aires particularly) but I just couldn't find anything to get excited about in Santiago. It is rather efficient and clean, and is fortunate enough to have the Andes as a backdrop (if the smog lifts enough to be able to see them!) but if that is the best thing I can think of to say about it, I'll take the dog poo covered pavements of Buenos Aires or the urine stink of Rio over that any day. At least those cities had some character, something I was ... read more
Villarica volcano, Pucon
Pucon sunset

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago December 14th 2006

I watched from the window in satisfaction as the faded blue metrobus wound its way out of Santiago´s endless suburbs and into the countryside. The sun was dazzling and I ducked my head into the shadow of the curtain to gaze at the river charging alongside us. As much as I had come to love Santiago, three months living on the 19th floor of an apartment block in the centre of such a big city had left me longing for air which tasted clean and a pause from the endless drone and fumes of cars and buses. I was headed towards the Cajon del Maipo, a stunning canyon southeast of Santiago and a popular area for wealthy Chileans to visit at weekends for skiing in the winter and rafting, cycling and hiking during spring and summer. ... read more
The only other form of transport to the baths
Roadside stall
The thermal baths

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago December 13th 2006

Happy Holidays from South America! As many of you know, I have been traveling through South America for 6 months now. If you've been following my blog, you have been sharing in all my experiences and following along on my adventures vicariously. Thank you for your readership and wonderful comments. They help me feel connected back home, and I have cherished each and every one. For those of you who wonder, hey, what the heck has Tana been up to this year?, I am including the highlights here. To my blog fan base, enjoy the recap. (Ps, if you are not subscribed to my blog, you can subscribe at the bottom and will get an email everytime i post- no spam, i promise). On December 14th, I will be joining a month long tour through Patagonia. ... read more
Dolphin Swim, Florida Keys
Sealion, Galapagos, Ecuador
Straddling The Equator, Ecuador

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago December 9th 2006

Wow, I'm in Chile!!! Decided to go to Chile with the Americans and Austrians so I could see the mountains close up. It was a spectacular bus ride with views pretty much the whole time. Santiago is surprisingly pleasant. Most things I'd heard about Chile were negative, but I've found it to be quite nice. It's way more expensive than Argentina, but it has a nice feel to it. Went out one night and then to a mountain to overlook the city. Maybe I'm going to Pucon tomorrow and then back to Argentina to Bariloche??? Not sure...the Austrians want me to go to Bolivia with them, so maybe I'll do that...Too many options really. Hasta Luego!... read more
Another new gang

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago December 7th 2006

I have decided to keep this particular entry into the blog short and sweet, not just because we were only there for three days but out of principle (yes, I have some principles!) because the utter b******* at customs in Chile think it's really ok to charge good Canadian people $132US just to get in to their ******** country!!!!!!!!!!!! I was not particularly happy, I may of had a hangover I'm not sure, very annoying......... It was at least beautiful clear sunny weather whilst we were there and surprisingly hot. Took the opportunity to catch up on some well needed sleep after BA and chilled in their courtyard reading my book. It's a pretty small city centre, I think Steve explored it in about 20 mins so there wasn't that much to do, but I didn't ... read more
Santiago City Centre 2

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago December 6th 2006

It was only 24hours ago that I was in Geneva saying bye to friends and family. Now I’m in an other continent and about to face a year in the unknown. It feels weird leaving everyone behind as well as the great comfort of home. After a 14h flight, getting to Santiago was no problem, even passing from a 5 to 30 degree heat. I’m sure it won't be too much of a problem and I’ll get used to it… I just had a great start by taking the house and only car keys with me, which meant that my brother would not be able to use the car and spend his time hitchhiking . Luckily, I realized that while I was taking my connection flight in Paris and had to rush to buy an envelope ... read more

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