Blogs from Aisén, Chile, South America - page 9


South America » Chile » Aisén » Coyhaique November 15th 2010

I have one week left in Patagonia... ONE WEEK! I can't believe 5 months have gone by this fast! I nearly didn't get to do things that I wanted and got to do a whole lot more that never new I would do. As for school, this week I've planned a lot of fun games and activities for my classes so that the kids remember what a good time we had together. With my 5th grade we played tons of games that had to do with body parts such as "Simon says" and "Head to toe". With my 12th grade I designed a treasure hunt. They ran up and down the school for half an hour deciphering clues only to find out the treasure was learning English. Of course! I also gave them lollipops. I still ... read more
Helping my kids
Foot to knee!
My 5th Alamo

South America » Chile » Aisén » Coyhaique November 14th 2010

There are few beautiful Spring days in Patagonia where the sun shines with no clouds around and the temperature rises to a comfortable 15 degrees. We've had a full week of those. To celebrate, my host family decided to have a cookout and eat outside on the backyard. We ate sausages, hot dogs and pork while enjoying the nice but strong Patagonian sun. Note to self: wear sunblock otherwise you'll get burn after an hour outside. On Sunday my host dad had the wonderful idea of having a picnic outside by the river. The kids got so excited they put on their bathing suites and decided that they would go in the water. I, of course, followed and got in the second most freezing water I've ever bathed in my life (first was Vermont in late ... read more
Our table
Back of the house
Rufo & Pipe

South America » Chile » Aisén » Puerto Aysen October 24th 2010

Chileans are very generous and friendly people. My friend Brad had been helping a Chilean named Francisco with his English in exchange for him taking Brad around and showing him the area. When Francisco learned that Brad had invited other volunteers to come to Puerto Aysen to teach English to kids (including his son) he offered at once to let us stay at his cabañas for free. He even made us an asado for us and invited his entire family to come and get to know us. We were the life of the party. Everyone wanted to dance with us and hear story from us. It was an unforgettable night. The next day we they took us to Lago Riesco to sightsee. ... read more
Road to Lago Riesco
Lago Riesco
Arrayan trees

South America » Chile » Aisén » Puerto Aysen October 24th 2010

Our kids from the region of Aysen didn't get a chance to have a English Winter Camp because of the harsh winter conditions they had this year. One of the volunteers in my program, Ari, decided to host an English Spring Camp in his school for the kids of Puerto Aysen. We had a total of 40 kids come in and talk in English and play games from the States. It was a blast! We played "nose to toe", dodgeball, scattegories, volleyball, basketball and prepared skits. By the end of the day the kids were happy and us volunteers were exhausted. ... read more
Simon says
Group Two!

South America » Chile » Aisén » Coyhaique October 22nd 2010

As part of my involvement in the English Department, I conducted a Spelling Bee competition at the elementary school I work at. I invited all the kids to participate voluntarily. As a result, I had more contestants than I needed. I had to carry out a preliminary round the day before the competition so that I could have 5 kids per grade left. The competition was done by rounds were two grades participated at the time. The whole competition was carried out in English so sometimes it was up to my applause of lack of to notify the parents, teachers and students that they had spelled correctly or incorrectly a word. Chilean kids are always full of energy and I was a little worried that they would misbehave during the competition. On the contrary, they were ... read more
The feared podium
With our 1st grade spellers
The audience

South America » Chile » Aisén » Coyhaique October 15th 2010

Because of all the hard work teachers invest in students in Chile, Teacher's Day is nationally celebrated as a holiday. Students come to school for a half day filled with celebrations and food. I've never eaten so much junk food in Chile in one day! After the feast, the kids prepared some musical numbers for our enjoyment. For our afternoon off, the elementary school teachers and I had an "asado" at the Coyhaique Reserve. We ate even more food and shared stories about our kids. Teachers do really love their jobs. For dinner, the whole school got together to share a good meal and some dancing. ... read more
One of our little angles
Teachers at Laguna del Toro
Playing around

South America » Chile » Aisén » Cerro Castillo October 11th 2010

In Patagonia, in some of its most remote places, the indegenious people of the region the Tehuelches left evidence of their existence there by leaving imprints of their hands in rock walls. The sign at the site read: "We don't know what these paintings meant, nor why did they did it, we only know that this tradition dates back 10,000 years and that it wasn't a hobby or individual inspiration. The hand negative (paiting the silhouette of the hand) or the hand imprint is a sign of the communities that once lived here". ... read more
Young and old hands
Hand imprint
Sign indicating significance

South America » Chile » Aisén » Chile Chico October 9th 2010

A couple of kilometers outside of Chile Chico is the Lago Jeinimeni National Reserve. It is a beautiful reserve that runs parallel to the Argentinian border that contains rivers, lakes, mountains and tons of wildlife. We had previously learned that the reserve contained one of Patagonia's hidden gems, cave paintings. They are not easily accessed which meant that we had to do a "4 km" hike to get to them. We began to climb at 11:30am and by 2:30pm we still hadn't reached them so we decided to keep hiking our own way (we would continuosly find and lose a not so clear trail). We saw beautiful landscapes, tons of live animals and dead ones too unfortunately. While driving to get to the reserve we had to cross a river so we had to get back ... read more
Dirt Road
Driving through a river
We had to open the "gate"

South America » Chile » Aisén » Chile Chico October 8th 2010

After our long drive, our destination was a a small town in the southern part of the lake General Carrera called Chile Chico. The town, no longer than 5 blocks, is a great getaway from city life. The only thing you can hear during the day is one or two cars driving by or the wind coming from the lake. Nice little shops are lined up on its main street and offer all that daily life requires. Warning for those of you that decide to go: there's only one ATM in town and it only accepts Master Card. We stayed at a quaint hostel just outside of town were we had the most amazing sleep we've had in a hostel. ... read more
Chile Chico beach
Plaza de Armas, Chile Chico
Plaza de Armas yard

South America » Chile » Aisén » Carretera Austral October 7th 2010

Ari, Brad, Dana and I decided that our first long trip in the 11th Region of Chile was to Chile Chico. There are two ways you can get there: by ferry from Puerto Ibañez or drive around the second largest lake of South America, Lago General Carrera (on the Chilean side) or Lago Buenos Aires (on the Argentinian side). In order to get a heads up, we started our journey Thursday around 8pm. Since it was dark we weren't able to appreciate nature around us. As soon as we woke up we discovered the breathtaking scenery all around us. It took us around 4 hours to drive around the lake from Bahia Murta to Chile Chico. We stopped every half hour or so to take pictures and see landscapes you can't see anywhere else in the ... read more
Brad and our ride
The girls!
Carretera Austral

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