Ola gringos

Published: April 9th 2009
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10 days in and we´re having a blast. Seen all the sights including sugar loaf mt, the statue of Christ the Redeemer, the Maracana football stadium, hippie markets, Copacabana and Ipanema beach, Parque Nacional de Tijuca (hardcore do you want more jungle!!). I had to put my northface jacket on throughout the whole jungle hike in soaring heat and humidity as was terrified of any form of creepie cr... Read Full Entry

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Top of Peak de Tijuca. 1000m climb through tropical forest but only cloud to greet us at top. Seriously sweaty knickers...

Massive? Gay? Translucent? You decide...

Jeff, Tony, Dave, Chris, Les and Trevor (the bugs on bedroom wall).

Offical. The whitest material on planet earth is lee-anne´s arse. As a frenchman once said, ¨white like the moon¨!

Serenaded by local samba dudes. V good!

9th April 2009

looks great guys..... nice one........
10th April 2009

Hey guys. You sound like you're having a fab time! V jealous! Still, I have the bank holiday to chill (although 4 days is not quite the same as 7/8 months!!). Take care and drink some caprinia's for me!! Rosie xxx
10th April 2009

White like the moon
Glad to see you're both having a great time! I'm in deep depression thinking about hwre you are and what you're getting up to! More pictures of the white moon would be appreciated!
11th April 2009

Yea whatever?!?!
So you're in Rio, a beautiful city in a beautiful country, with not a care in the world, so what? Big Deal! Whatever! Wha i'm most annoyed at is the lack of forewarning of departure to said beautiful city, in a said beautiful country, that being the first leg of previously discussed world trip. I will now have to expedite strategic placement of crusty-haired, soap-dodging, swamp donkeys in all destinations on said world trip. Just to make your experience that bit more authentic and interesting. The wheels have been set in motion though, be warned young harlequins! Enjoy!
12th April 2009

Oi! Luna BUM!
Yo lee and neil, great to see you guys got the blog up and running. I remember the whitemoon moment, tres hilarious! Well, it all looks fab, have a blast you guys xx
12th April 2009

The pout
Croz the pictures are awesome but they dont look like you, the pout has reached a whole new level!
13th April 2009

Waowwwww -> looks like you 2 are having a lush time hi.... wish I was there xx
14th April 2009

Your tops are too tight...
Neil, looks like you've caught Kuc'ightess with those small t-shirts but that core does you proud on the beach - not sure it'll make it through the whole 7 months though!!. Looks like you're having a great time - enjoy it all, soak it up and do things that you'll never do again (easy tiger) as there'll be the memories you have when you get back to this cold, miserable broken land. Everton are doing great (although missed out at Villa on Sunday - uefa here we come), I shopped with Jagielka on Monday in Tesco, npower is good, bubble is better, claire is not going back to work as she has been made redundant and Leo is a few days of walking solo. Keep the blog fresh white boy and love to you both x
14th April 2009

Dead jealous.
Glad your having a fab time! Take good care of each other.....! Leanne - you need to get Neil to lose those bad blue shorts!! xx
14th April 2009

The Toffees
Good to see the away kit being worn with pride in Brazil. No doubt a private plane is bringing you back for Wembley this Sunday. NSNO.
14th April 2009

Yo Cheeseman, good to hear from ya matey. Those awl crusties are hilarious let me tell you, just so long as we dont turn into one of them, it´s all good! Hope all is good in South Korea!? We´ve just been up the coast for 4 days (learning to surf - fab!), heading back to Rio today to meet up with Gap tour. According to various sources it may be that the group may only consist of me, Neil and another boy and girl (who aren´t a couple). Hope to got they aren´t crusty randoms as we´ve 6 weeks together!!! Anyhoo, peace out Cheesey.
14th April 2009

Hey matey, fab to hear from you. Hope you´re keeping well, needless to say we´re loving it but I won´t rub it in. Hope the easter weekend was good. Caipirahans are certainly be drunk....to excess. Say hi to Darren for me. Love Lee and Neil. xx

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