Blogs from Argentina, South America - page 1057


South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires April 6th 2006

Here I am on the otherside. Im through with my class and have a day all to myself. Looking back on all of your responses and emails I got I want to say thank you for the encouragement but don't feel that I am hovering anywhere near deep depression or even depression. I had a lot on my mind and I wrote about it. After I finished I felt lighter then air and haven't looked back. Please take my journal entries with a grain of salt. You are all stepping into my head and while it may be scary at times feel assured that it is stable and while I have my moments everything is alright. For further clarification. I have died my hair permanent....I know. I will dye it darker soon. Maybe today. My job ... read more

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires April 5th 2006

I haven't written in almost a week and here I am desperate to think, express myself, go through yet another process of discovering myself. The past week has been fun but also draining and emotional. Riddled with confusion and self doubt I sit here now with desperation, dressing my wounds in El Hipopotamo. I am so frantic to write that I have opted to set the sandwich, that was presented in front of me, aside so that I can have more room to write. Things are changing here inside The Republic of Z. The exterior changes are more obvious so we will start there. I have dyed my hair. I wanted rich dark brown hair but got a more redish brown instead. Now my hair is the exact color as my eyes. My finger and to ... read more

South America » Argentina » Santa Fe » Rosario April 5th 2006

Well, here I am again in the middle of a school week, and I think that my spanish is coming along fairly well. I have a fairly good grasp of the slang here now as well, which definitely helps things. During this fin de semana I went to a concert with all of the other kids from the program, and it was amazing! The music was fantastic, se llama Bersuit, they are a fusion group that plays a mix of rock and indigenous music. It was nice to see a local band,since so much of the music that they play here is from the US. Interestingly, a lot of the really popular music (both from here and from the US) is taken straight out of the 80's. Bands like U2 hold precedence over all of the ... read more

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires April 4th 2006

Check out this travel article about Buenos Aires that was just published this weekend: ... read more

South America » Argentina » Corrientes » Mercedes April 4th 2006

Appologies for yet another long break since I last wrote, but a lot has happened, and I'm a little tired as a result... So down to 2 volunteers. Both of us were due to work the weekend, but Chantal asked James if he would swap, and work the following weekend, both of us covering the weekends alone. He agrees, and I have a weekend to work on my own, instead of sharing between 3. Friday I say 'Ciao' to Juan Carlos and Louis Alberto, twins who after working here at the ranch have decided to leave and find better jobs elsewhere. They are both brilliant with the horses, and very good at handling the stallions (who we are not allowed to handle). Means that there is now no stable lads, and no one who is employed ... read more
Some of my previous companions
Mare and foal

South America » Argentina » Salta April 4th 2006

My 31st birthday started somewhat slowly, following the early birthday celebrations the previous night. Several coffee injections and staring at email for an hour was required to get the old brain in gear again before venturing into the city. Unfortunately, this being Argentina, it was siesta time and everything was shut. This strikes me as somewhat mad for a country where it's considered perfectly normal to think about geing out for dinner around 10pm but often not commence eating until midnight, then pass the next 3-6 hours in bars or clubs. Surely it would make more sense to open everything throughout the day, so when you finally wake up, the shops are actually open, not just about to close until 5pm? But maybe that just shows that I need to spend more time here to fully ... read more

South America » Argentina » Mendoza April 4th 2006

Stories will come later... read more
Puenta del Inca
View down the valley
Dennys Cafe

South America » Argentina » Chubut April 4th 2006

the day after we camped in the glaciar park was on of the most demanding days of my life, which i would do a again in a second. broke camp around 7, hiked with our packs and gear to the basecamp, met up with our guides (who we hired in el chalten the day before), traded our packs for cramp_ons and ice picks, and started the trek to the glaciar. To get there, we had to cross the morraine (mountain of rocks left by a receding glaciar), zip line across the glacial stream, climb a huge mountain, and then descend it. then, finally, the ice! made it down to the glaciar around 3, strapped on our crampons (giant metal cleats) and trekked on the glaciar. the second you get on the ice the temperature just drops, ... read more
me, ben, ross on the ice
a crevasse
ozarka´s got nothing on this

¡Hola! After deciding that we'd learnt enough Spanish to get by, we jumped on a bus to Puerto Iguazu, which is the gateway to the Iguazu Falls. The overnight bus took 16 hours. The journey was a breeze as we travelled "coche cama". I can only liken it to travelling business class. The seats are huge and recline all the way back; you get served food and drinks and you can even watch DVDs. The Iguazu Falls are one of the most impressive, jaw-dropping sights that I've witnessed. Their sheer noise, power, volume and beauty was all very humbling. I won't attempt to describe them anymore. The Falls separate Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay and can be seen from each of those sides. We spent one day viewing them from the Argentinian side and the next from ... read more
Garganta del Diablo

South America » Argentina » Santa Cruz » El Calafate April 4th 2006

Yeah, what kindof nimrod goes on vacation and sees the snow? Apparently one that has no concept of time, misses buses, tours, and/or seasons. So here I am. El Calafate, Argentina. Home of the Perito Moreno Glacier. It´s big. It´s grand. It makes noise. To be honest, it is truly astounding. I was impressed. Granted being from Alaska, I have alot of experience with glaciers, this one is like the ones from my childhood. I would recommend getting down here before it disappears like the ones in Alaska. Currently it sits on the shorefront- though you can´t walk to it due to the fact that 30 some people have died from chunks of ice falling on them. Always some dumbass dying from the slowest moving object on Earth to ruin it for the rest of us. ... read more
No more arch, end of season.
Darwin Awards?
Town of El Calafate

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