The last week in South America...

Published: February 23rd 2007
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Near to the end of our trip in South America, still cant speak Spanish..Dam! But we have had an AMAZING TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!Met some wonderful people and seen some astonishing sights.

One of the most amazing was the Perito Moreno Glacier in El Calafate. We got a boat in the morning really close, it has a 5kn front which rises 60m´s above water. It was huge and white with blue crevasses, we were lucky to see huge blocks of ice break off and crash into the water creating waves and then the ice bergs float by..we had wanted to see ice burgs for ages so this was truly brilliant for us.

We then headed further north to the chocolate town of Baraloche where we went horse riding which was torture! there was so much dust we were covered from head to toe, gorgeous view though, although hard to see because of all the dust!From there we visited a little town called El Bolson, a little hippy village with stalls and bands playing in the park. Really nice place but sad as we had to say our goodbyes to the gang. Another end of an eera..back to me and Kate. It was so quiet without everyone scrapping, laughing and taking hours to get anywhere, maya's organisation and tomatoe and onion salads, wez's jolly singing and banta with the whole group.... Will miss them all....

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El BolsonEl Bolson
El Bolson

last day with the lads

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