Blogs from Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America - page 22


South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires February 8th 2014

After a quick 26 hours of flying, we finally arrived in Buenos Aires. Our first impressions of the city from the taxi were not as good as expected. We got to our hotel in Recoleta and both agreed that the city was looking super shady. While looking up a place to go out for dinner, I completely passed out and we decided to call it a night and start our adventures the next day. Our first day in BA did not disappoint. We started close to our place at the Recoleta Cemetery, here there are huge mausoleums and tombs for some of the wealthiest people in Buenos Aires. It was very impressive with giant statues and pillars; it actually looked like a small town filled with marble houses. Afterwards we headed towards Plaza de Mayo down ... read more
Recoleta Cemetery
Done work biotches! Just kidding, I have no idea what this awesome sign is for
Jose de San Martin tomb

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires January 29th 2014

Hi, I'm little Palmy and I'm going to tell you a little about Argentina everyday. I've been living in Argentina for the past three years and before that I lived in the USA for 11 years. As an American, you wouldn't believe your eyes right when you come to Argentina. The first thing you'll notice hen you arrive in the airport is the customs line. Sometimes it will take you 1 hour to get through customs or it could take you 5 hours. You might think this is crazy, but that's not even the worst of it. After you get through customs you go through a door to get your luggage. After that you have to stand in a line that wraps around the airport twice just to get to the line that takes you outside. ... read more

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires January 28th 2014

This is young Palmy and this is my first entry. Let me catch you up so far, 3 years ago my dad and I moved to Argentina from California. I came to play soccer in a professional academy called Estudiantes de la Plata which is located about an hour outside of the city of Buenos Aires. I lived in the garage of my best friend for 2 years and this last year I moved to the center of Buenos Aires to start a new chapter in my life. I came to try out at the biggest club in South America, Club Athletico Boca Juniors. 5,000 boys tried out in my age group and 44,000 boys tried out in the whole club and I was the only one who made it onto the team. For an american ... read more

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires January 27th 2014

So time is flying past here in B.A. It seems like only yesterday that we arrived, and here we are with only 5 weeks left before we travel back to Dublin. Needless to say, we have been trying to make the most of our time here in and take in as many sights and experiences as possible that we haven't yet already done. It's quite easy to be relaxed and laid back about travelling round when you have 4 months to see a city, but time really does fly past when your on holidays and so I want to make sure I know this place inside out before I leave. Taking to my guidebook for advice, I find that I have seen almost all of what there is to see in Buenos Aires and am already ... read more

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires January 7th 2014

Ok so it has officially been an entire month since I last updated this thing. Thought it was about time to get the finger out and type, keep the fans happy, as a few people have been enquiring as to my temporary silence. The last month was busy enough here with Leandro's friends and family, as it was of course the festive season. I have to say, in the lead up to Christmas after Dad and Claire went home to tuck into their minced pies and selection boxes, I felt a bit homesick and kind of unable to grasp the concept that Christmas time was fast approaching. I guess this was to be expected, as it was not only my first Christmas away from home, but my first Christmas spent in the summer time. In the ... read more
Puerto Madero
Teatro Colon

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires December 28th 2013

Well, here I am in Buenos Aires for the second time, at the start of my third trip to South America, and much seems changed during the intervening two years. Again I have to issue the warning that the truth will only be included where I consider it amusing enough. The first thing I noticed was that two fearless young men had captured two flying saucers (unidentified flying objects) and were trying to communicate with the occupants by rhythmic tapping on the outside surface . The spaceships were smaller than I imagined they would be, but I suppose you should keep an open mind where extraterrestrials are concerned. I eventually got bored with waiting for the aliens to appear and moved on. The traffic situation here seems to be appalling with no respect shown to pedestrians ... read more
photo 2

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires December 22nd 2013

We arrived in Buenos Aires around midday and first impressions were not good, the bus terminal and surrounding área looked like a slum, with rubbish and wild dogs everywhere. We jumped in a taxi and as we got into the main city centre we realised the city was actually really nice, with beautiful high rise buildings, it seemed like a European city such as London. After checking into the hostel we headed to the infamous Florida Avenue to change our dollars to Argentinian Pesos on the ´black market´. There were so many random people in the Street shouting ´cambeo´(change) and offering a variety of rates much higher than the oficial rate. We ended up getting 9.7 pesos to the dollar which against the oficial rate of around 6 pesos to the dollar gave us a financial ... read more
La Boca
Boca Juniors Stadium
The Gang

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires December 15th 2013

Sunday, December 15th--Buenos Aires, Argentina on the River Plata Clear blue skies. Buenos Aires and Montevideo are both located on the River Plata which is 180 miles long and goes from over a mile wide at its confluence of two rivers to a 140 miles wide at its mouth. It is the widest river in the world (if you consider it a river and not a bay off the Atlantic Ocean as some do). It is fairly shallow so the ships must sail in a narrow channel marked by buoys. When we left this port we were pushed out by tugs for quite some time. For both Valerie and I, the country of Argentina is equated with the culture of the Gauchos on the vast Pampas. We think we must have used the same elementary textbook ... read more
1312-315 The Marina as we get closer to town
1312-316 Statue in the park near where we waited for our tour bus
1312-317 Carved gem stones at a shop near waiting point

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires December 8th 2013

Just had such a great week here in South America. My Dad and my sister Claire came over to visit me for a week and although time was quite short we managed to show them around many of the tourist bookmarked sites and even managed a short hop across the river to Uruguay. PALERMO: Arriving on Saturday morning, after a much needed nap following the long journey over, we all went out for lunch in Palermo, with Leandro's family. His aunty and uncle were visiting from the States, as well as an aunty that lives in La Plata, so along with my Dad and my sister, there was a good few of us. So, first day in Buenos Aires en groupe, what do you do for lunch? You go for asado of course. We went to ... read more
El Tigre
El Tigre
San Isidro

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires November 12th 2013

jetzt beni scho fast drüehalb woche onterwägs. esch scho es ziitli, abr es got no es ziitli besi wedr heichom. und wenn die nöchste woche e so werded wie die letschte drüü, denn, boah, hammer!! me gusta buenos aires. viva la vida. und so. ? nei sesch wörkli super. es gfallt mer emmer no, dschuel esch recht sträng, met 6-7 stonde pro tag, abr ech fend so för 2 woche spanisch chani scho huere guet spanisch. ech ben smu sälber mängisch erstuunt wenni mi so rede ghöre... oder andere zuelose und alles verstand was säged. und je länger ech do ben desto meh werdi zomene chliine porteño. seit amu mini gastmuetter wenni wedr mol erst am 6i, oder wie einisch erst am 9i am morge heichom. dstadt gfallt mer abr au wells do eifach super lüüt ... read more
Park in Palermo
Cemetario de Recoleta
Plaza de Mayo und Casa Rosada (Haerz vo argentinie)

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