Blogs from New Zealand, Oceania - page 2525


Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Fox Glacier November 27th 2003

Our last morning in Queenstown started at 6am. It was another manic one, as, if I remember rightly, we had to leave at 7:30am. This meant the three of us all had to have our showers, have breakfast, and make sure we had nothing left in our rooms. It’s surprising how long it takes to pack a bag sometimes. Anyway, we all made it out on time. Nick had got us a new coach this morning, and he was really pleased with himself. The old coach wasn’t that bad, and later on, we would have wished that he’d kept the other coach. Today, our destination was Fox Glacier, which is on the West Coast of the South Island. We set off from the hotel. However, no sooner had we started, Nick kept stalling the coach. He ... read more
Fox Glacier hike
Fox Glacier hike
Fox Glacier hike

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Queenstown November 26th 2003

Today we had a bit of a lay-in. Well I say lay-in, but we were up at 7am, as today was ‘optional activities’ day. We’d all booked these up with the guys on the Sunday drive from Christchurch to Lake Ohau. I had chosen the two things I wanted to do, even before I’d even come out to New Zealand, the ‘Lord of the Rings 4x4 tour’ and the 12,000 ft Tandem Skydive. I was really excited about today, though when I looked outside, it was very overcast. There were eight of us doing the Lord of the Rings tour this morning, and a few others were doing theirs this afternoon, as they were either bungying or Shotover jetboating this morning. The group this morning were, from my tour, Lisa (a schoolteacher in Sydney), Tania, Jo ... read more
Lord of the Rings location tour
Lord of the Rings location tour

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island November 26th 2003

Such a beautiful place - I'm starting to entertain thoughts of moving to New Zealand permanently! We arrived here on the 23rd and I had to stay on the boat the first day for anchor watch. The second day a bunch of us went ashore and hitched a ride into "town" from someone, maybe he was a postman(?). He was a crazy driver though! All the roads here wind around the mountains, they don't have guardrails and they're only a lane and a half wide! He went zipping around the turns without a care in the world and I almost had a heart attack every time a car came in the opposite direction. Somehow we didn't hit any of them. At one point a sheep darted out in the road right in front of us! The ... read more
Hot Springs
Party in the Van

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Milford Sound November 25th 2003

Alarms were set for 4:30am this morning. It was a good job we didn’t go to sleep any later than we did last night, otherwise we’d have really struggled. Breakfast was at 5:30am, so we had an hour to get ready. I don’t know how all the girls managed. There were four of them in each of the rooms. They must have had to get up a whole lot earlier than us, so that they could all get ready in time. Anyway, we were all done, so went and had our ‘brekkie’. Everyone looked half asleep still, including me. Had some cereal and juice, and by 6am we were all up and ready to hit the road. We had the ‘morning song’, as usual and left for Milford Sound. Milford is only about 20 miles ‘as ... read more
Milford Sound
Milford Sound
Milford Sound

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island November 17th 2003

Alvei is a 40m long ship built in 1920s originally as a fishing boat and the captain rebuilt it into a sailing ship in the 80s adding three masts, the main being 30m tall. There are currently 12 crew members (room for 18) and our duties include steering, lookout, sail handling, anchor watch when we are in harbour, cooking, cleaning, and maintenance like painting, tarring. It's a bit like a commune, we all pitch in to make sure things run smoothly.... read more
Saloon Bunks

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Bay of Plenty » Tauranga November 17th 2003

In Tauranga!!! Man it seems we cannot get away from this place!! So, off we went to Napier about 10 days ago. We got there, everything was kool with the hostel we stayed at, we got jobs doing apple tree thinning(cutting small or damaged apple's off etc) and we were going to stay for a month or so, but then we got a job offer to manage a hostel in Turangi which is just outside of Taupo, in the Middle of New Zealand, near the Tongariro crossing. So we decided that it would be a great opportunity to get some experience etc and off we went again, to Turangi! We got to the hostel (Bell Bird Lodge) on the Monday last week, and by the evening had negotiated a deal with the owners for free accommodation ... read more
Red sky at night...
Here comes the storm...

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island November 16th 2003

I stayed in Auckland for three days (which is too long really b/c it's not that special - it's kinda like North American cities but with some mild differences). I met some really nice people there - Mike and Adrienne from Wyoming, Jenny from Montana, and Veronica from Munich, Germany. The five of us hit it off so well and we were all tired of Auckland pretty fast so we decided to head North together to a cool little town called Paihia. It's really beautiful little town but there wasn't a lot of work so we decided to head further North to Kerikeri to look for fruit picking jobs. We booked the bus for today actually but I was getting kind of antsy about not working so I went to a bakery in Paihia to ask ... read more
The Gang
Park in Auckland
Auckland Skyline

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island November 9th 2003

He hoi, Vorige week walvissen en dolfijnen gezien in Kaikoura. Aangezien ik niet zulke goede ervaringen heb met het varen op open oceaan, had ik voorzorgsmaatregelen getroffen. 2 Pillen tegen zeeziekte. Nou, ik heb het geweten hoor. Vlak voordat we met de bus naar de boot werden gebracht, begon het me te duizelen. Het voelde alsof ik dronken was en ik liep dan ook wankel. Tijdens de boottocht heb ik echter nergens last van gehad. Het is, dat de gids zei dat het een walvis was… Wat ik zag was een grijs, bewegend oppervlakte van zo’n 20 cm boven het water en ongeveer 1,5 meter in lengte. Af en toe blief zij (hoe ik dat weet?) wat water omhoog. Dan te bedenken hoeveel er onder water moest zijn! Het werd een beetje interessant op het moment ... read more
cave man

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Bay of Plenty » Tauranga November 6th 2003

Well, where to start? Hmmmm.... We have posted in aaaages because we haven't had much to post about really, well not after our little excursing in dairy farming!!! Man what a bodge up that was, basically we lasted 3 days, we worked from 5am until 5pm each day on a farm with 600 cows that we as mismanagaed as you can get, the machinery on the farm was breaking down left right and centre and 3 people quit the farm whilst we were there!!! ... it didn't help that we didn't like being pissed and shat on by the cows as we milked them, not the most pleasing experience at 5am!!! Anyway...we left as quickly as possible and we've been in The Bay of Plenty for the last 3 months just working and checking out the ... read more
I enjoy wearing loose blue overalls

Oceania » New Zealand October 27th 2003

Mr. Belkin informed us that we are on a very tight schedule. We can take carry on luggage only; this can basically fit two pairs of pants, a couple of shirts, a jersey, sox, boxers and toiletries. We are also instructed to travel in pairs. My travel companion’s name is Julian. He is a hippy who spent three months in The USA about five years ago, yet still speaks with an American accent. He is harmless enough and we get on pretty well. I count myself lucky; I was told the other pair loathed each other. One deserted the other on a Moscow street one mid winter night, without passport, ticket or money. The police ended up taking the distraught tourist to the airport where she found her travel companion in the nick of time. ... read more

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