Blogs from South Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 1181


Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Franz Josef December 10th 2001

It’s my last day in New Zealand before heading off to the Land-of-the-roo. Since I last wrote we crossed over to the South Island and spent two weeks driving all over it. First, we headed to the Franz-Josef and Fox Glaciers and did a small hike on the toe of the Franz-Josef. That night, we stayed in Queenstown before heading for the Fjordlands National Park the next day for a boat cruise on tranquil Milford Sound. Moving on to the East, I made Scott make a stop at the Moeraki Boulders, which for some unknown reason, I became obsessed with seeing. They are a collection of circular boulders, some cracked open to reveal a hollow inside, like eggs. Very strange-looking! If you didn't know better you would swear they were dinosaur eggs. Next was Oamaru, where ... read more
Franz-Joseph Glacier.
The Moerake Boulders

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Christchurch January 3rd 2001

The fun over, Veronika and I spend a year in NZ, me working, her at Uni.... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island November 30th 2000

I just start climbing and speak English in NZ. I met so many amazing people and A lot wonderful memories, fun climbs. I love climbing and climbers and climbing lifestyles. I am start addicted it.... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island February 21st 2000

Und noch ein "Alter": "hi folks, lang ists her, ich weiss. bitte keine beschwerden! es wird jetzt zwar schwierig, mit stress zu argumentieren, aber auch reisen ist angstrengend...nach den vielen lebst-du-noch-anfragen dachte ich allerdings, es wird wirklich zeit, mal wieder was nettes zu berichten. seit der letzten mail bin ich wohl einige km gerollt und mir gehts immer noch blendend, abgesehen von einem "runners knee", das ich mir wohl von der ungluecklichen kombination von radfahren und hiken geholt habe. Nach einigen wochen radl-pause (o-ton doc: "avoid the hills", haha...) ist mein knie mittlerweile aber schon wieder fast heil. dafuer habe ich mich aufs wandern konzentriert, und das erste paar wanderschuhe durchgelaufen. der sommer ist inzwischen auch eingekehrt, und sogar im fjordland und an der westkueste schien fuer mich die sonne (durchschnittl. 7-8 METER regen im jahr)!! ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Christchurch December 14th 1991

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Christchurch January 16th 1988

Geo: -43.5316, 172.637... read more

I must admit that at this distance, my memories of South Island, New Zealand, are limited when compared with North Island. Arrival in Christchurch from Wellington called for a city tour. I do recall a drive past ChristChurch Cathedral, A wedding was just ending and bride and groom appeared at the porch. (The couple would have celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in 2014.) Another item I took note of was the fact that city busses had provision to carry prams on the front. From Christchurch, we visited Dunedin and Invercargill. The latter city marks my southernmost point traveled at 46°24′47″S 168°20′51″E. At Queenstown our group shook up the local cab company. The proprietor had recently retired and passed the businesses to his son-in-law. However, he was recalled to active duty to assist taking our group of ... read more
DeHavilland Dragon Rapide
The Hermitage

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