Blogs from Coromandel Peninsula, North Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 2


12 mai 2016: Départ sur la route aujourd'hui, direction la Péninsule de Coromandel. J'ai commencé avec la grisaille mais au fur et à mesure que j'avançais le soleil pointait son nez. Le début de route était une autoroute pour sortir de la ville donc pas intéressant du tout mais dès que j'en suis sortie les paysages ont commencé à devenir très jolis. De la verdure partout, des petites montagnes, des vaches, moutons et chevaux ont eux aussi fait leurs apparitions. Une fois arrivé à Thames j'ai longé la côte jusqu'à Coromandel Town. C'était splendide, malheureusement pas très pratique pour s'arrêter et prendre des photos. J'ai déjeuné près de la côte et reprise de la voiture jusqu'à Whitianga où je voulais passer la nuit. J'ai trouvé une auberge très sympa qui avait vu sur la mer ! ... read more
Hahei hot beach
Cathedrale Cove
Cathedrale Cove

On Day 15 left Warkworth to drive to Coromandel Town in the Coromandel Peninsula. The roads in the peninsula were again challenging with long and winding coastal roads followed by long and winding mountain stretches. Was happy to park my car that night. Although I arrived mid-afternoon, decided to rest the remainder of the day and continue tomorrow. I did, however, get some good scenic shots as I was going up. Lovely scenery. On Day 16 I was in over-drive. I woke early and was on the road at 730 AM as I wanted to tackle New Chum Beach at low tide. It requires a 30 minute hike, with some scrambling over rocks and beach. To get there I visited Whangapoua Beach which is a lovely beach in and of itself. It is, however, also the ... read more
Views of Coromandel Peninsula
Views of Coromandel Peninsula
Views of Coromandel Peninsula

It's clear that our standards have dropped and we are now slumming it on the food front. Tonight's dinner was a very plain affair of Coromandel green lipped mussels and a baguette to mop up the sauce of white wine/garlic/cream/parsley. We've never seen mussels as big as these and they were very sweet.... read more

The sky was bight blue so we thought a coastal walk to a pretty bay would suit everyone. From Waihi beach we took a forest trail which snaked uphill. After 15 minutes Cas thought that the trail reminded her of a dog walking path rather than an idyllic coastal footpath. It was not long after this thought that she realised that we'd taken, well, a dog walking path. We retraced and were soon on the right path. It ran along the cliffs and gave great panoramic views of the islands in Waihi Bay. We then descended to Orokawa Bay, a long, white sand beach that was fringed with overhanging trees, perfect for monkey children. Ed and Hat spent a good hour lying in the surf as waves crashed over then. Cas and I were both in ... read more

V nedeljo zjutraj sva se po zajtrku odpravila na ogled ene najbolj znanih novozelandskih plaž Cathedral Cove. Plaža leži dober kilometer severno od kraja Hahei, do nje pa je treba dobre pol ure pešačiti gor in dol po peščenih pobočjih. Nagrada za trud je bela plaža, do katere se pride skozi naraven predor v skali. Voda je bila v času najinega obiska prijetno topla, gneča pa tudi ni bila prevelika. Popoldne sva se vrnila v kamp v Hot Water Beach, saj sva želela preizkusiti znamenite izvire tople vode na plaži. Bazenček v mivki, ki se napolni s toplo vodo, si je mogoče izkopati le ob oseki, kar je dvakrat na dan - danes je to bilo ob petih zjutraj in petih popoldne. Ob štirih se je na plaži že trlo ljudi, ki so z lopatkami in ... read more
Cathedral Cove
Cathedral Cove
Hot Water Beach

Tretji dan najinega potovanja sva zjutraj zapustila hostel in se najprej odpravila proti vzhodu, proti mestu Matamata, kjer so na veliki kmetiji (vzrejajo seveda ovce) snemali prizore Šajerske za filme Hobit in Gospodar prstanov. Hobbiton, ki je v filmih domači kraj hobitov Bilba in Froda, so po koncu snemanja Hobita pustili v izvirni obliki. Ogled se začne z avtobusnim prevozom na kmetijo. Vodič najine skupine je bil Glyn (ravno prav velik za hobita), ki nam je postregel s številnimi citati iz filmov, ki so sovpadali z različnimi prizorišči iz Hobbitona - Bilbovim in Frodovim domovanjem, vaškim pubom in drevesom, pod katerim je Bilbo praznoval 111. rojstni dan. Ogledu lokacije je sledil še kozarec šajerskega piva v pubu Pri zelenem zmaju. Za ljubitelje omenjenih fimov nepozabna dogodivščina! Po kratkem oddihu sva pot nadaljevala proti polotoku Coromandel, ki ... read more
Kamp v Hot Water Beach

Wednesday January 6 - Today we said goodbye to Shona and the house and the late night chatting with someone other than ourselves, and started the drive to the Coromandel peninsula. It's a beautiful area to drive around, and that was our main goal, as we were running out of time for any real hiking. We stopped in a town called Thames to do some grocery shopping to stock up for the last leg of our journey, and it was quite busy there. Almost impossible to get out even. They seemed to be having some sort of festival and the traffic was horrendous, and the way we were situated made it very hard to get out again, but we finally made it. From there we drove to Coromandel Town and walked around a bit. Not too ... read more
Looow tide
My spider friend was there all the journey long

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Coromandel Peninsula December 23rd 2015

Hi actually back at Snells Beach now. But after leaving Whitianga drove over to Ha Hei on the Pacific Ocean side for a two night camp. Site amazing, right on the beach overlooking the ocean, weather quite windy but sunny. Went to Hot Water Beach and spent two hours waiting for the tide to go out so we could dig a hole to sit in. If you can imagine standing waist deep in water, digging your toes in the sand to feel for the heat, that is where the volcanic fissure is. A real laugh, bonding with other people so we could all dig a big hole to sit in. Photos to follow. Walked over to Cathderal Cove where Narnia was filmed took an hour each way to walk it. Had lunch at Mercury Bay winery, ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Coromandel Peninsula December 6th 2015

Otautu Bay Farm Camp is where we have been parked up for 4 days. The camping ground sits right on the beach and our camp site has a great room with a view. This is a big camp which extends across the estuary to some nice farmland up the back. It is also a good place to launch the boat with only a short distance out to the outer islands for a day’s fishing. Our first day out looked pretty promising and we managed to get our limit in the bin in less than 3 hours. The rest of the days were a bit harder but perhaps it had to do with the fishing trawlers that had been working out there. It’s been really good fun and I just wonder how long it would take to ... read more
Otautu Farm Camp
Todays Catch - Otautu

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Coromandel Peninsula November 30th 2015

Our Final days at Port Jackson have been filled with swimming and fishing. The fishing has been pretty slow but enough for us to eat for another week:). The days have been humid, the sea has been flat and the sun shining. So nice to be able to swim in fairly warm water, however you do get the odd patch of cold water. Makes getting in the cold shower after a swim a little easier. Tuesday afternoon the Old Round the World Yacht ‘Steinlager’ anchored up in the harbour. A large group of youths swam a considerable distance to shore from the yacht today. It looked like they had activities to complete on the beach before returning to the yacht and setting sail again. One afternoon Lance and I walked around the rocks at the Eastern ... read more
Catch of the day - Port Jackson
Yacht  'Steinlager' in the Bay - Port Jackson
Tides meet - Colville Channel

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