Electronical Disaster!!

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August 6th 2007
Published: August 6th 2007
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Hi All,

We're safe and sound in Melbourne having arrived yesterday (5th August) from Christchurch.

We were hoping to publish our NZ South Island travel blog entry over the weekend as several of you have been asking whether we've killed each other or given up the blog altogether! We even had the advantage of free internet access courtesy of Imogen's cousin Rona, who we stayed with in Christchurch. We had already written up most of our adventures and just had a few photos to add but to our annoyance, Travelblog was down all weekend.

This morning we've discovered that there has been a database corruption on the Travelblog servers and most of their subscribers have lost the last 3 months of blogs - including all our previous entries which are gone! It's such a shame as this was our record of our epic travels, and although we still have all our photos, many hours of work have now disappeared into the electronic ether.

It is suspected that a DoS attack caused it, and we're going to stick with Travelblog who will continue to try and salvage what they can from backups, but I'm afraid it doesn't look good. We're going to re-write our South Island adventures and will hopefully publish them in a couple of days.

In the meantime, we're off tonight to see the Kaiser Chiefs at Melbourne's Festival Hall - how cool is that?!

Expect a proper update soon, including some video footage!!

Lots of love,

Imogen and Paul


6th August 2007

I was just talking about you!
Was telling my boss I had no idea where in the world you were. Sounded pretty cool! But I suppose it's better knowing where you are. Not much news here apart from I'm now married to a woman and am expecting the first pair of genetically spliced lezza twins ever. Hope you find your blogs again! Xx

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