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April 5th 2006
Published: April 9th 2006
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We have just arrived in Cairns after 2 beautiful nights in Uluru. It was an experience to say the least. We arrived on Monday afternoon and booked a sunset and sunrise tour of Uluru. It was absolutely baking, plus the flies were out in full force (I later learnt that having 30 flies or so on you was nothing, esp as you dont get a mouthful of then everytime you open your mouth!) I speedily bought a flynet for my head the best $6.50 I have ever spent and proceeded to enjoy the next 2 days without having to batter them from my face, apart from lunch time.

We stayed at the Outback Pioneeer Hotel and Lodge, it was really nice there, would definately recommend- although you are fairly limite din choice when you get up there anyway, my advice is to book before you get there.

There are soo many stories associated with Uluru, unfortunately we didn't have an aborigine to explain it to us but a very knowledgable AAT Kings guide. Apparently they (the Aboriginies) have only told selcted stories about Uluru as some of it need to remain secret, Kata Tjuta, the rocks nearby are surrounded by even more mystery- no much has been revealed about them, but is makes them all the more intruiging- unfortunately we did not get to go up close to us as we spent our time about Uluru, but I would definately recommend.

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Kata Tjuta

In my gear
The Mutitjulu WalkThe Mutitjulu Walk
The Mutitjulu Walk

Along the walk...
Our AccomodationOur Accomodation
Our Accomodation

The Outback Pioneer
Our AccomodationOur Accomodation
Our Accomodation

The Outback Pioneer- our view of the outback
Our AccomodationOur Accomodation
Our Accomodation

The Outback Pioneer- our view of the outback

Do your own BBQ

Do your own BBQ

Us afterwards

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