Sydney, OZ

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Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney
April 2nd 2006
Published: April 15th 2006
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We arrived in Sydney on Monday, after a long 12 hr bus ride from Melbourne-we are in the Base Hostel on Kent St which is now way as ncie as the one in Melbourne- it feels a bit industrial here! We have so far been to Palm Beach( Home & Away)- unfortunately we didn't get to see any filming, Bondi Beach - Unfortunately it was cold and started to rain, so we didn't last long there. We have hiked up the Blue Mountains (I am still recovering). Walked across the Harbour Bridge and have seen the Opera House at Sunset, We also went to the Sydney Tower last night which revolves ( 360) and had a cocktail up there, afterwards we went out for Kangeroo- but Kay found a Cockroach in her dish-so we abandoned the meal!!!! YUK Yuk YUK!!! We then found a club on the way back which was having a Reggaeton/Hip Hop night so we went in and had an amusing night, watching these fantastic dancers and trying to follow some moves.

Today we went for a stroll to Kings Cross, Wolloomooloo and read the paper in the Botanical Gardens, with the Harbour Bridge and Opera House to the left. It was a lovely afternoon, could really get used this-but as far as Australia goes I still prefer Melbourne, Hands Down.

Charlene left today, gonna miss her! I can't believe we are halfway into our trip now! I am feeling really homesick at the moment, missing my own bed and little things you take for granted when you are at home.

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Blue MountainsBlue Mountains
Blue Mountains

The 3 sisters

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