The Aussie Diaries: Olympic Spirit of 2000

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Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney
October 3rd 2000
Published: July 16th 2006
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Olympic ParadeOlympic ParadeOlympic Parade

Sydney was still buzzing with the energy of the best summer games ever.
I'm reclining here at Circular Quay, very close to Sydney Opera House, as I write this. It's been kind of neat being back in Sydney. So far I have revisited all the old haunts from back in August such as the Mercantile Hotel, Sydney Harbour, and George Street. I am staying with my cousin's friend and his wife's house in Birchgrove, which seems to be a very posh area of Sydney.

What a great day. The whole Sydney is absolutely glowing in a post-Olympic celebration. It is only a couple after the festivities ended on Sunday night. I have seen people from all over the world. I saw a couple of Cameroonian gold medal winning soccer players and many people are still walking around with their Olympic credentials triumphantly swinging from around their neck.

I was out on some errands today in between sight seeing. While I was around getting my tax file number and my tickets for going back up the coast I stumbled upon the Australian National Olympic Parade. Crowds absolutely were mobbing the street. After deciding that it was pointless to try to walk down George Street I set up shop with a good vantage point
Sydney Opera HouseSydney Opera HouseSydney Opera House

It was great to be back in Sydney on a sunny day.
near the Queen Victoria Building and waited for the parade of athletes to go by.

The crows boisterously cheered their national heroes of the past two weeks as they came through in stages. I saw Kathy Freeman, Andrew Gaze, Shane Heal, Ian Thorpe, Susie O'Neal, Grant Hacket, and countless other Aussie athletes. Andrew Gaze was by far the best. He was constantly waving his arms encourage the assembled crowd to cheer even louder. He looked like he was having the time of his life out there. Kathy Freeman just seemed to sit their quietly looking very tired.

It was all very patriotic. There were bands that were playing the Australian National anthem and "Waltzing Matilda". It actually gave me goosebumps because there was such an atmosphere. It kind of reminded me strangely of the part in the anti-war song, "The Band Played Waltzing Matilda", that goes "Amid all the Flag Waving and Cheers". It was just how I pictured it. It was surreal in a way. They then all assembled for speeches and congratulations in the city's main sqaure.

Note: The Aussie Diaries are a XX part series. The entries come directly unabridged from the journal I carried around with me on my first post-university adventure to the southern hemisphere. They are a bit on the rough side.

added november 1, 2005


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