The Aussie Diaries: Fishing in Oz

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Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Coffs Harbour
October 7th 2000
Published: November 9th 2005
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Australian frontyardAustralian frontyardAustralian frontyard

I didn't want my camera to end up at the bottom of the Pacific, so I left my camera back at the house.
So I've returned to Coffs Harbour. I feel stronger, more self reliant and assured this time around. It takes returning to a place you've already been, like Sydney or Coffs Harbour, to judge your progress and just how much you have changed. It will be interesting to see how I feel when I return to Brisbane and my grounds keeping job at Queensland Uni.

This was a good day. The husband of the family that I am staying with is a crack Fisherman, the other day he caught 10 fish in a two-hour expedition. Today I woke up at 5am, ate a couple of meat pies with sauce for breakfast and then we were off to go fishing in his little motor boat. It was still dark when we launched the boat. The seas were rough that day and we bounced over the swells to get to our fishing spot where we dropped anchor. The sky was still dark and for some reason I envisioned the Fisherman at Galilee and Christ walking on water.

The boat went up and down, and I put one foot forward to brace myself. I had been told if the boat sank that I should swim to an island in the distance that looked to be at least a mile away. And that I should not worry about sharks, as they shouldn't bother us. The upshot of it all was that I caught two snapper and a couple of other assorted fish. Later in the day I accompanied the fam down to the local estuary, where I fell asleep on the hood of the ute. Just another day in Oz.

Note: The Aussie Diaries are a XX part series. The entries come directly unabridged from the journal I carried around with me on my first post-university adventure to the southern hemisphere. They are a bit on the rough side.

added november 6, 2005



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