A Small Bite of the Big Apple (and other slices of the USA!)

North America » United States
October 13th 2006
Published: November 24th 2006
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Hello Everyone BE WARNED this is a long blog so if you want to go straight to the pictures please do so (we would!) The first thing we noticed arriving in the States was how friendly, helpful and multicultural the people were. San Fran was a stand-out for this. Everywhere we went people were always willing to give us directions or just have a chat. We’re not sure if this was emphasised by t... Read Full Entry

Photos are below
Photos: 102, Displayed: 21


The VenetianThe Venetian
The Venetian

The ceiling is made to look like the sky!
New York, New York, VegasNew York, New York, Vegas
New York, New York, Vegas

The whole hotel is made to look like the Manhatten skyline! The rollercoaster we went on starts inside and goes all around the outside of the building.
Grand Canyon...Grand Canyon...
Grand Canyon...

Photos don't do it justice

24th November 2006

All we can say is OH MY GOD!!!! You guys just keep em coming dont you! We were getting excited about our BIG Trip next week....but ours does not compare to your travel exploits in your latest blog! Talk about making a short trip into an adventure! How amazing....Love getting the blogs...will be sending some of our own soon...Look forward to your next one.
16th December 2006

I committed myself and actually read the entire thing ... which was no simple feat!! but its hard not to read when you a reporting items such as chopper rides over the canyon, seeing deer and chipmonks in yosmite park, rubbing shoulders with celebrities(ben stiller and will ferrell are two of my all time favorites) .. meeting cheerlaeders and being wrapped up in the "sex and gambling" of vegas. What an amazing two weeks...it makes america not sound so bad!! It great to see you living it up and cant wait to hear all about it when you return to OZ... stay safe and keep smiling Michael :)

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