Blogs from Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, United States, North America - page 8


Geo: 44.4887, -110.012Ah, Lake Yellowstone, a place we never get tired of viewing. We know we have arrived here when we can look out on that vast lake, the largest Alpine lake in North America. We always enjoy going to the store at Fishing Bridge. Both the Visitor Center and the store are some of the older ones and so neat to see the inside.. We especially enjoy going into the Visitor Center because it has a nice view of the lake and then you can go outside and see the waves crashing on the shore when the wind is up.... read more
Yellowstone Lake Park Store
Yellowstone Lake Park Store
Yellowstone Lake Park Store

Geo: 44.4887, -110.012As mentioned earlier, there are many young animals this time of year and so we were treated to many "red dogs" as well as many of the adults in the process of loosing their heavy winter coats. When you see these animals right up next to the side of the truck you realize what a massive animal this is. The season is still fairly young and there have already been some conflicts between the tourists and the buffalo. Guess people think they are docile and slow moving. That they are not!That afternoon we were treated to the three cubs with the mother in the meadow. Just like we had seen with the other young ones, the trees beckon to them! Up the tiny spindly trunk and get back down once the branch begins to ... read more
Oh give me a home where the buffalo roam
Oh give me a home where the buffalo roam
Oh give me a home where the buffalo roam

Geo: 44.4887, -110.012The wonderful thing about coming to the Tetons and Yellowstone in the spring is the fact you are very likely to be treated to many sightings of young animals. We had decided to head up to Yellowstone and check out what we might see and we were rewarded with the sight of many young buffalo which are called red dogs. They are amazingly red in color!We headed up toward the Lamar Valley and did get to see a lone wolf in the distance. According to a man that had his scope trained on it, it was from the Prospect Peak pack. We also got to see a buffalo swim across the Yellowstone River. It is amazing to see them swim across and then shake out!... read more
Wolf! (far away)
Bison's lvoe water
Lamar Valley views

The park is almost in full swing. Memorial Day weekend found the open campgrounds filled to capacity. Those that have not been open, I believe they open today. Also many of the tours and activities are now starting, and all the roads are open except for one area, and that is due to bridge construction. There are a lot of tourists here. It amazes me that so many people don’t plan for their trip here. We have a lot of people show up at the campground at 9:30 at night, even though our sign says we are full, and need a place to stay. With all park lodging full, we have to send them outside the park to look for accommodations. That is hard, because getting out of the park in any directions takes about an ... read more
Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center
fishing West Yellowstone MT
gray wolf West Yellowstone MT

It is snowing….again. Apparently there is some kind of storm system swirling around here over the last few days and bringing us snow. We are at about 8,000 ft, and maybe snow is better than whatever is going on below us, I don’t know! Friday night and Saturday morning it snowed about 8 inches, melted, and began snowing again Saturday night. It is snowing now. The good news is, the temperatures are comfortable (even when it is in the 20’s), the snow is slushy, and we don’t have ice. The snow is heavy though, and we were without electricity on and off through the day yesterday (Saturday). And, starting sometime last night we lost cell service. I have been so happy with our Verizon service, calling and texting and internet access…last night and this morning so ... read more
Grand Prismatic 1
grand prismatic
geyser near Old Faithful

Yellowstone National Park - Teil 5: "Norris Geyser Basin" Norris Geyser Basin is one of Yellowstone's most colorful and dramatic geothermal areas. This basin is also the park's oldest, hottest, and most changeable. Explore Porcelain Basin and Back Basin; observe primal geologic forces sculpting the land. So stehts auf der Tafel, so muss es sein.... read more
Emerald Spring
Emerald Spring
Norris Geyser Basin

Yellowstone National Park - Teil 4: "Grand Canyon (of the Yellowstone), Wildlife & Landscape" Jeder hat seinen Grand Canyon. So auch der Yellowstone. ...und Bären. ...und Buffalos. ...und noch mehr Bären. ...und ein Weisskopfseeadler.... read more
Here we are :-)
Lunchtime! Photographer or Food?

Yellowstone National Park - Teil 3: "Mammoth Hot Springs & Artists' Paintpots" Auch im dritten Teil der Yellowstone Serie gibt es Gebilde vulkanischen Ursprungs zu sehen. Die Sinterterrassen der Mammoth Hot Springs sind durch sprudelndes heisses Wasser entstanden. Sozusagen oberirdische Tropfsteinhölen :-) Die Artists' Paint Pots sind ein kleines Gebiet mit Thermalquellen, bunten Hot Springs und Schlammlöchern, den Mud Pots. Zusammenfassend kann ich nur die Aussage aus dem letzten Eintrag zu wiederholen: ...ich hab selten so viel Dreck fotografiert...... read more
Palette Spring
Palette Spring
Palette Spring

Yellowstone National Park - Teil 2: "Die Geysire" In diesem Teil geht es ganz um die Geysire im Yellowstone National Park. Zusammenfassend kann ich sagen: "ich hab noch nie so viel Dreck fotografiert. Allerdings hab ich selten so schönen Dreck gesehen" Nennenswerte Geysire und geothermische Besonderheiten: Upper Geyser Basin Old Faithful Castle Geyser Crested Pool Belgian Pool Oval Spring Wave Spring Beauty Pool Chromatic Pool Grand Geyser Giant Geyser Riverside Geyser Morning Glory Pool Grotto Geyser Liberty Pool Daisy Geyser Geyser Hill Solitary Geyser Black Sand Basin Emerald Pool Sunset Lake Spouter Geyser Biscuit Basin Sapphire Pool M... read more
Old Faithful
Old Faithful
Old Faithful - Viewpoint

Yellowstone National Park - Teil 1: "Der Nationalpark" Die ersten Eindrucke des Yellowstone Nationalpark lassen schon mal erahnen, was es in diesem riesigen Gebiet alles zu sehen gibt. Es dreht sich alles um: Wildlife Landschaft Geysire Der erste Teil der Yellowstone-Serie beginnt in West-Yellowstone (Montana) und zeigt die Landschaft entlang des Madison Rivers, wo die Büffel grasen und sich erste Einblicke auf die brodelnden, rauchenden und sprudelnden Geysire bieten. Danach geht es nicht linear weiter, sondern springt nach Süden, zu den Seen Jackson Lake, Lewis Lake und Yellowstone Lake. Von Jackson (Wyoming) geht es erneut zurück nach West Yellowstone über den Tenton Scenic Byway (durch Idaho), wo es Mitte Mai noch schneit. Zurück im Nationalpark führt der Weg entlang der "Grand Loop Road", richtung Norden, wo gleich mal ein ord... read more
Madison River bei Sonnenaufgang
Madison River bei Sonnenaufgang
Madison River nach Sonnenaufgang

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