Blogs from New York, United States, North America - page 22


North America » United States » New York » New York » Brooklyn September 20th 2019

Zoe and I woke up at 9 o’clock. We went downstairs and later found out that mum had taken dad on a birthday breakfast date. We just played games until they came back. We gave dad his presents and he loved them. We made a booking for lunch at 1:45 in Soho so we had time to relax. At 12:45 we walked to subway into Manhattan and met Nadine (Simons lovely wife?) we had a delicious lunch and sang happy birthday to dad. We were there for like 2 and a half hours. Then we split up. Mum and I went straight to the subway while Caroline, Mike, dad, Zoe and Franciska went to the baseball (Yankees won who were versing Los Angelas Angels) Me and mum did a bit of shopping (got nothing) and went ... read more
Happy Birthday dad!
Dean and Nads
Front of restaurant

North America » United States » New York » New York » Brooklyn September 19th 2019

Day 12 New York/Brooklyn It’s Wednesday morning and as per usual I snuck down to the “milk bar” on the corner of 6th and union in Brooklyn for my small latte with an extra shot. A Small in the USA is the same as a large back home! We caught the subway to grand central and then walked to the UN building on first st street near the east river. We joined a guided tour and sat in the general assembly and saw the security council and other chambers . There was a telling poster that showed annual military expenditure at 1.8 trillion dollars, where as expenditure on development is only 30 billion a year! All the world’s leaders and Greta Thunberg will be talking in the general Assembly next week! We then headed off to ... read more
A lifelong dream to visit this place
Mike and Caroline
Ferry to Liberty Island

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan September 18th 2019

I started the day with a walk through Brooklyn to look at the house Connie (featured in an earlier blog - Sausalito) had renovated many years before. It was a gorgeous four level brownstone and the tree they planted when they lived there was now higher than the building itself. It was amazing to see Brooklyn change from block to block and reminds me of inner city Melbourne. We all headed off to the subway and made our way to Wall Street where I was delighted to see the Fearless Girl statue - a replica of which is in federation square, Melbourne. It’s a four foot high bronze statue of a girl looking forward fearlessly with her hands on her hips. It was installed for international women’s day on 2017 to represent female empowerment and is ... read more
Connie and Bill’s house
Fearless girl
Another fearless girl

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan September 17th 2019

Day 10 - the High Line Today was our first day with Francesca. This was her first time in America ever. We woke up and had breakfast. I had a bowl of strawberries. After everyone had breakfast and got dressed, we walked to the train station and caught a train to 14 avenue and then walked to the High Line. The High Line is a old train railway that was raised in the air. There are plants growing all around the rails and a path down the middle. After we walked through the whole railway. We were at the Hudson Yards. In the middle of the Hudson Yards there was a sculpture that were stairs that went up circling into the sky. We all went up to the top apart from Mike who is scared of ... read more
Getting the subway
Walking the Highline

North America » United States » New York » New York » Brooklyn September 16th 2019

Day 9 - Brooklyn Bridge Today everyone woke up at 8:30, but I woke up at 9:45 which I personally thought was early compared to my 11 o’clock start yesterday. We got ready and left our apartment at 12 noon. We stopped at the outside the Police station where they filmed Brooklyn 99. We then did a long walk to DUMBO market which was nice I guess. After that we walked to a food market called Time Out which was delicious, me and Zoe got fried chicken karage. Mum reminded us there was dessert place which she had heard of before. Dō. It was actually delicious. (Thanks Mina) After that we walked to Brooklyn bridge which wasn’t very interesting. We walked to the Subway and I finally swiped my metro card on one go! We got ... read more

North America » United States » New York » New York » Brooklyn September 15th 2019

Day 8 Brooklyn Today was our first full day in Brooklyn and our first full day with Caroline and Mike. Another sluggish start (this jet lag seems to be dragging on a fraction). Mike and I went on a coffee and pastry reconnaissance, which was partially successful, although a couple of the pana chocalate turned out to be plain croissants. Around noon we left our Union St abode and headed towards the Williamsburg bridge on east River. We walked along many of the cool streets of Brooklyn. I found a brilliant latte and Bella found a book shop that carried new editions of two of her favourite book series. We ended up at a new development on the riverside called Domino’s Park. They are redeveloping the old warehouses into new residential areas (Docklands style), with great ... read more

North America » United States » New York » New York » Bronx September 14th 2019

We're prepping! But not like crazy prepping end of days in a bunker kinda noise just the how can I get all the t-shirts I'm gonna wanna wear over the next 2.5 months into a pack and keep it under 12kg. But also not really. But REALLY. We're vacc'ed, visa-ed and verifiably ready to get some quality time off the continental US. Vaccine protip: if you're all, damn it I need to get shots for this trip! and you live in NYC and you waited until the absolute last minute (or even if you didn't) we totes recommend easy to get an appointment, best prices and no waits for any of the vaccines. Sadly, this is the first time our trusty packs aren't making the trip with us; they were just too big to reliably ... read more

North America » United States » New York September 14th 2019

After another slow start we packed up our hotel room and headed off to Central Park. After chasing a few squirrels, we tried out 3 of the 21 playgrounds in the park before the girls and I decided on the carousel. We were waving to Dean and noticed him talking to someone. We suddenly realised it was Shaun Melbourne, a very dear friend from the dog walking park. What a coincidence!! After we recovered from the shock we made our way to the Boathouse and enjoyed the yummiest meal there looking out onto the lake. There was a wedding there and we loved watching the bride and groom leave their reception in a gondola across the lake. After seeing some terrific singers on our way out we headed back to the hotel. Our first trip on ... read more

North America » United States » New York September 13th 2019

Day 6 - Zoe We all woke up exhausted and tired from our late night out on the town. We walked to Times Square to look for a place for breakfast on the way we stopped at the M&M shop. Which is on our street. For breakfast we went to Hardrock Cafe Bella and I got a Cookies and Cream milkshake which was so good. Our food came on guitar shaped plates because we got it from the kids menu. I got grilled chicken and Bella got mac and cheese. Dad got wings and mum got a salad. After we went to Hard Rock Cafe we went back to Times Square and went shopping. We first we to Forever 21 and I got a long sleeve striped top and Bella got a plain green top. We ... read more

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan September 12th 2019

Day 5 When dad woke us up, we were exhausted because it was 8:00 and the past few days we had been waking up at like 11. The Uber driver got there an hour before needed, because today we were leaving San Francisco and heading to the big city, NEW YORK! We got our stuff together and Headed to airport, we got into the frites lounge somehow for 3hrs and just sat on the couch watching Netflix or scrolling through Instagram, until I accidentally swung my hand to get my water and then I knocked it and it spilt water on dads bag which unfortunately had our passports and money in it. Oops. We got on our 5 and a half hour flight! Geez. So our flight left at 1:00 San Fran time and it landed ... read more

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