Blogs from Minnesota, United States, North America - page 49


North America » United States » Minnesota » Nisswa April 17th 2009

We did it! All the way around the world and then some. And we got home happy and well. The shipped was docked in Southampton when we woke up Monday morning. We ate a quick breakfast and then were among the first passengers allowed to go ashore. The Captain stood at the gangway shaking hands and saying goodbye. A very nice touch that was typical of our wonderful ship. We were able to quickly gather our suitcases and get our "private car" to come pick us up. We happily ran into Hugh in the pick-up area after we had already said our goodbyes on the ship, so he was able to help pack us into the car and see us on our way. The trip up to Heathrow Airport was uneventful. It was a beautiful spring ... read more

North America » United States » Minnesota » Minneapolis April 14th 2009

Here I go again! I can hear you now saying “What the heck? I distinctly remember you saying that this was a one-time thing and you’d never be back to Saudi Arabia. And what has it been since your last trip, like one week? What gives?” Yes, I did say that. My last trip to Saudi Arabia was in the month of February, and I returned in early March. I really did think that it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I guess when they said “we really won’t need a PDI administrator again” I mistakenly didn’t know that meant “until April.” Two weeks ago I got an email to see if I’d be willing to return and a week ago yesterday, the client’s funding request was approved. So first I checked with Linda (thumbs up) and then ... read more
Delta Lounge - Drink Anyone?
Delta Lounge - Relaxing Time
ernight from Minneapolis to Amsterdam

North America » United States » Minnesota » Minneapolis » Uptown April 10th 2009

Cristiana here! Were going to Chicago! What fun! I'm going for my birthday party this year, with Regina! We had to wake up at 6:00, but that's just for us kids! All we have to do now is wait, and wait, and wait! I'm so exited! I hardly got any sleep. I just want to run to the plane and fly away. We stayed in this awesome lounge and this is where I'm writing this! Regina... read more

North America » United States » Minnesota » St. Paul March 31st 2009

We woke up at 5 a.m. That’s early. Caught the shuttle, waited in the airport, tried to sleep on the plane. Sarah slept, but I had various body parts keep falling asleep and was very uncomfortable. Waited a few hours in Chicago, and finally arrived in the Twin Cities. We had to laugh at a conversation happening on the plane. An older woman was seated in a row with a midtwenties man. She asked him if he flew a lot and he replied, “Well yeah. Once or twice a year.” Sarah and I looked at each other and giggled. (Recap: April 07- New York; November 07- Germany; January 08- NC; April 08- home; August 08- NC; January 09- NC. And Sarah flew more times than that in just June and July!) My dad’s cousin, Nancy came ... read more

North America » United States » Minnesota » Minneapolis March 19th 2009

hard to say goodbye to all those that we love and our city! ... read more
mmmmm cheese
later dudes...

North America » United States » Minnesota » Winona March 15th 2009

I promise, I am going to write a closing post when I ever get settled down for a few hours. I was just going back to remember some good times while I am stuck here in Winona, MN where it was 0oF and now 45oF just a day later...crazy weather. I will also have to tell you about my Russian sauna experience while here in the US, but until then, I thought some of you might be interested in seeing the number of hits the different posts received since I started the blog. (That did not work well to cut and paste, but you can get the idea as they are in ranking order from most hits to least hits.) Enjoy and know I miss you all! ID Title Words Photos Date Published Last Viewed Views ... read more

North America » United States » Minnesota March 1st 2009

It's 2:40 am and our plane leaves at 6:30. I have not slept a wink. Erin just headed off to catch a couple of minutes of sleep. We have been going since early yesterday (Sat) morning.... helping two excited kids pack, get breakfast, stay out of each others' business, get measured for clothes by Ba Nhoi and then loaded up in Papa Gerald and Grandma Kathy's SUV. We sent them on their own mini-adventure to Bemidji, to spend Spring Break on the white sand beaches (albeit frozen) of Lake Bemidji. We ran around this afternoon, evening, night and now early morning getting everything in order for our departure. Our theory is.... why not start to acclimate to the jet lag before you even leave the comforts of HOME. Since there's a 13 hour difference between MN ... read more

North America » United States » Minnesota » Winona February 24th 2009

Hello All! After hearing again and again from the people I told of my coming travels that they wanted to have updates from the road, I decided that it was the way to go. I don't know how much I will be posting, but at least it will be a way to stay in touch. Thank you all for being here. I am very pleased that in this way you have chosen to join me in my journey. I am leaving March 4th, flying to Berlin via Dublin. I am going to walk from Berlin to the Netherlands by way of the city of Darmstadt. This is the plan, and we'll see how it turns out. ... read more

North America » United States » Minnesota » Minneapolis February 24th 2009

My parents were very generous is allowing me to come home after I decided to extend my service through the start of summer 09. In fact, I was ready for it. I had just said goodbye to my support system of volunteers in January; they had experienced the year with me through all the ups and downs. I still miss them. However, for every end, there is a new beginning. This would be my third consecutive January in Nicaragua, quite a remarkable thing for me. I was now the jefe (leader) of our group of volunteers and we were welcoming in 2 new bees. On top of all that chaos, I was volunteering my time as the event planner's personal assistant, doing all the things that are little but very important in planning the biggest meeting ... read more
Herty and I
Montelimar Beach

North America » United States » Minnesota » Minneapolis February 10th 2009

here are pics of our backpacks and other travel stuff. we slowly purchased all of this gear, about one item per month so we could space it all out. can you find our sporks?... read more
emily's stuff

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