Universal Studios Park

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September 11th 2010
Published: September 11th 2010
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It's off to Universal Studios Park today before the crowds hit.
Firstly, yes Mrs Chicken is taking lots of photos as you can see from her previous blog entries :-)
The three little chickens get up (not so early) have coffee and chocolate croissantes from Sal's Cafe and catch the boat shuttle service, which is located directly outside our accomodations, to Universals Citywalk (Universals version of Downtown Disney). I must admit that Mr Chicken (Moi) was very disappointed with Citywalk as it is mainly full of bars and nightclubs and to tell you the truth just doesn't really cut the mustard unless you are the clubbing bar hopping type (Oh which I have not been since marrying Mrs Chicken HONESTLY MRS CHICKEN!! hehehehe). So we get off the boat and head around to the left of the wharf and into the Universal Studio Theme Park (Harry Potter is located next door in Islands of Adventure and sadly we are leaving that for another day). There is only 1 out doors roller coaster which does not make Ms Jnr Chicken happy but there are lots of indoor rides which turn out to be very good for the most part. Shrek 4d was excellent ... basically 3D with splashes of water and blasts of air etc to give you a feeling of being there. Next up was Jimmy Neutron which is a cartoon based flight simulator which sits in the front of a large screen similar to an IMax experience. From there we moved around the park sampling more rides - some good and some not so good. They really do need to get rid of JAWS as this is seriously not even on life support any longer - talk about flogging a dead horse (although the hostess was pretty animated for the entire ride). The 2 stand out rides here are Simpsons 3D and The Mummy Returns. The Simpsons 3D was very Simpsons and if you are a fan then 'duffsaid. The Mummy returns was a roller coaster full of special effects and good honest rollercoasting. Can't say that I am a fan of the food at these parks, really is quite full of saturated fats and the options are pretty limited and of course they charge like wounded bulls for the stuff.
We spent most of the day at the park and had well and truly had enough by mid afternoon when we headed by boat back to the hotel.
Aaahhhhh air conditioning. Back just in time to participate in another of Orlando's summer storms, as it bucketed down outisde bringing with it thunder, lightening and sheets of water and wind.
Dinner at Sals, this time for some fabulous Pizza then back to the room to watch the SyFy channel before beddy bye.

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