Fishing trip

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August 16th 2005
Published: August 24th 2005
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ZZZZZZZZZZZ.. "Aaron your on! So i jumped in the chair and started winding. This fish was working me! I got him in to the boat and it was a nice dolphin ( not flipper, a Mai Mai )

Todd owns a charter boat ( charter boat! what charter boat? an Aussie thing) & he took us out for a day of deep sea fishing. On the way out i drove so Todd could get the boat all set. After about an hour we chucked the lines in and i followed the weed line. Owen got a barracuda first up and later he hooked the biggest dolphin, Sara got 1, Lisa got 1 & i got 2 nice dolphins.

When we got back we went to turtle kraals a bar @ the dock and they cooked up the fish for us, deep fried, baked and cajined, very very tasty.

I had so much fun it was a excellent day out on the boat. thank you so much Todd & you never know if your still looking for a mate for the boat next year!

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Go RexGo Rex
Go Rex

Kissin em, but not throwing em back!
Todd & LisaTodd & Lisa
Todd & Lisa

Dead set champions!
Todd with owenTodd with owen
Todd with owen

Biggest catch of the day, she's a beut!

25th August 2005

Nice job Aaron! Great to see you are alive after all of your Key West adventures. They're still talking about the guy from "down under"; especially that sausage dog!!
25th August 2005

i'm jelous....
aaron.. im not going to lie, i'm jelous. it looks so nice down there. oh yea.. thanks for the text message... ha not... have fun aaron see ya in canada!
30th August 2005

hey nice job aaron it looks like the fish are biting.i dont like fishin cause im so impatient(Nicole) so i hope to see another journal soon gotta go bye for now year 10 science Mt Morgan Hi (your dads class)

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