Blogs from Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico, North America - page 8


North America » Mexico » Morelos » Cuernavaca July 11th 2008

So last night the other new volunteers and myself (with the expception of yesterdays new arrival Michelle who was jet lagged) headed off to the very popular Thursday night spot Mambo Cafe. The line to get in was ridiculous. I mean seriously. We did get in and managed to get a table and some free drink coupons so we were happy about that- we know how to work it. I was able to do my first tequila shot of this Mexican excursion. Yeah tequila and I are getting along again. Granted we had school this morning, but we figure last night and tonight are the last times we will all be here in Cuernavaca together so we might as well make the best of it. At like 1am there was this techno show with this guy ... read more
First Tequila Shot!
Josies's First Mexico Tequila Shot!
Leslee, Josie, and I at Mambo

North America » Mexico » Morelos » Cuernavaca July 11th 2008

Dance lesson near the Zocalo in Cuernavaca. LA style!... read more

North America » Mexico » Morelos » Cuernavaca July 10th 2008

Here are some pictures of the language school I go to and then our walk today through the maze that is the falluca (black market...dun-dun-dunnn) and food market.... read more
Our classroom
an outdoor classroom
courtyard where we chill at break

North America » Mexico » Morelos » Cuernavaca July 10th 2008

Well where do I start? I have over a week worth of the experiences and stories to tell so settle in for a little bit of reading- don't worry I won't share EVERYTHING today and just hit the highlights and basics. I arrived in Mexico City on July 1st after a long day of traveling. Seriously. I caught the shuttle to the airport in Philly at 5am and arrived at 4:00pm. I then hopped in a van along with my fellow Arizona volunteer Tommy and we headed towards Cuernavava which was about an hour away. Cuernavaca is where I have been living for the past week and it's a very beautiful! So green! The high school and house for the high school kids is located here. We live in the volunteer house which is known as ... read more
School Sign

North America » Mexico » Morelos » Cuernavaca July 10th 2008

Due to the unusually large amount of rain Cuernavaca has been suffering through, many of us at the Spanish Language Institute chose to cancel our trip to Las Estacas, for outdoor swimming fun. It was so disappointing to look in my mochilla and see my towel and swim trunks laying idly by, reminding me that our trip was not to be. It stopped raining after I canceled the trip. . . . but all was not lost. We decided to visit the Robert Brady Museum (,) located downtown close to the zocalo (town square). ... read more
En frente de museo.
 . . . for Donisue.
Kristina y Sasha, unas chicas malas!

North America » Mexico » Morelos » Cuernavaca July 9th 2008

I'm resting after walking to my home from a night of "intercambio" - a sort of teachers exchange where our teachers from Omaha meet with teachers from the state of Morelos to help one another with the respective languages we want to learn. However, what I've learned is, "I can't understand anything!" We arrived in Cuernavaca after taking a bus from the airport in Mexico City to a tiny bus station in our new home city. Each of us sort of milled about the bus station, towing our wheeled-luggage behind us. There was a kind of heightened malaise, if that's possible, because, although we were were all ready to lay our heads down in the comfort of our soon to be new homes, no one was quite sure what we were supposed to do. Finally, ... read more

North America » Mexico » Morelos » Cuernavaca July 8th 2008

So as my time in Mexico comes to a close, I realize how much of an adjustment going home is really going to be. I'm sure it'll be just as...if not more difficult than those I had to make when I first got down here. At some point, although its incredebly unclear exactly when, this city really did become like a second home to me. While the first few weeks were something of an adventure, exploring new streets, new foods, meeting new friends, I can honestly say (partly with pleasure and partly with sadness) that the everyday adventure of Cuernevaca has nearly dissapeared. I've mastered the public transportation, and the language struggles that once plagued me, now seem almost silly. These people who I barely knew as friends a month ago, have become nothing short of ... read more

North America » Mexico » Morelos » Cuernavaca July 8th 2008

llueve SIEMPRE... Right now Cuernavaca is not all that different from good 'ol South Bend, IN. We are in the rainy season right now that lasts until October and it rains every day, most of the day...and I don't mean just rain, I mean it POURS! HARD. I woke up at 3am the other night because the noise of the rain running off the roof onto the ground was so loud, and I couldn't go back to sleep. This is my last week of language school. I was in level 1, however after realizing that I was learning much more quickly than the other women in my class, and that I already knew or can understand very easily the grammar of Spanish which is similar to French, I asked the director if I can move to ... read more
waiting for la ruta
across the street
our street

North America » Mexico » Morelos » Cuernavaca July 5th 2008

Buenas Tardes Todos mis amigos! So it's about 1:45pm here, and I am in Casa Guadalupe (temporary housing)...and I have some good news and bad news. Which do you want first? Well, the good news is I took lots of new pictures from Miacatlan and I had a wonderful time seeing the orphanage which is huge and beautiful (in an ancient MExican colonial way. It used to be a sugar plantation and coffee plantation). So I get to post pictures now because I picked up wireless here! Whoohoo Bad news is I am sick (my weak American stomach couldn't take the water, which I was brushing my teeth with just to help my body start to build an immunity, and food much longer) :( Hopefully it will pass within a fews days, but if it doesn't ... read more
little ones at graduation
Josie and I

North America » Mexico » Morelos » Cuernavaca July 3rd 2008

Ah, the thrill of packing up your rucksack in anticipation of an approaching trip. In three days, I'll be leaving for my third excursion to Cuernavaca to attack the elusive Spanish language and prove to everyone I have the linguistic chops to be amongst the few, the proud, the Bi-lingual. It's the night before I'm supposed to leave, and essentially I have spent all day preparing, yet, oddly enough, I am still not done. I have written lists, asked people to remind me, and even consulted websites, and I'm quite sure I will forget something very important! But isn't that the joy of traveling . . the unexpected. I'm still not sure if I will be traveling outside of Cuernavaca, especially if my Spanish is still less than stellar. ... read more

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