Blogs from Ontario, Canada, North America - page 14


North America » Canada » Ontario » Gananoque May 12th 2018

Today, we headed off to Canada, but first we visited the Roswell P Flower Memorial Library in Watertown, NY. Though Watertown had a few private libraries at the time, the city had discussed having a public library open to all, and Emma Flower offered to build one to honor her father, a former governor of New York. The library continues as a public lending library, and also apparently houses a genealogical research library, but also houses quite a number of unique pieces of art that you can view in your library visit. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. I may have to return to Watertown for some genealogy research of my own! We drove north and east to the St. Lawrence River to the 1000 Island region, which straddles the US/Canadian border ... read more
Alster Tower, or the Playhouse
Boldt Yacht House
Muskie in a Bar

North America » Canada » Ontario » Fonthill April 30th 2018

" The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." Marcel Proust. Finding our way into Washington was a push over. Finding our way out was intriguing to say the least. Google Maps was duly set and armed with technology and my trusty navigator Susan alongside, we set off very early morning in the knowledge that hordes of motorists were rushing towards the city we were leaving. Should be easy? Wrong! For once we were convinced that the GPS satellite was in free fall and technology was in melt down mode. Seemed like we were endlessly circling Washington witnessing a few "fender benders" on the way ( hell, this was only Monday morning!) and getting on a northerly heading seemed mission impossible until there it was...Route 270 North! So, ... read more
Niagara Falls
Elliott's unite

North America » Canada » Ontario April 30th 2018

We drove from Kent to Niagara Falls after lunch today and met up with John & Robin Legan here at the hotel at 6 pm. We will do some exploring tomorrow before arriving at the Airport in Toronto for a 6:30pm-ish flight. This is our practice post, showing some photos of the Falls at night with a FULL moon. The camera just can't do justice to the beauty.... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Niagara Falls April 8th 2018

Niagara Falls always had such a romantic air to it. The kind of place you go for a proposal or to take super adorable photos with your long-time beau. That's how I imagined I'd end up there - probably a weekend trip using a Groupon Getaways deal. But Prince Charming never came (or if he did, I promptly pushed him away), so I took myself. Ithaca, NY is only about 4 hours from Niagara Falls, Ontario. After our Bachelorette Weekend group ate wayyy too many carbs and checked-out, I checked out Cascadilla Falls and Ithaca Falls, then had a dirty chai and brunch snack at Moosewood Restaurant (the hip vegan spot in downtown Ithaca). When I hit the road toward Niagara, I had planned to stop in Rochester, NY for a break, but by the time ... read more
Niagara Falls, Ontario
Hostelling International

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto March 2nd 2018

Wahoo!! Ça y est enfin!! 13:45h de vol pour l’Inde et un autre court vol pour le Nepal (Kathmandu)!! Jamais sans mes Skittles ?... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto February 18th 2018

Mmmm, TravelPod is defunct and I’ve overtly said I’m not blogging this trip. Instead, I’m choosing to on-line diary despite that being a subtle differentiation. Our preparations for departure were unusually calm. Starting early with visits to those we want to see beforehand, finding some warm and leaveable winter coats at Value Village, ordering tech bits early and getting a grip on next-year apartment rentals started a steady, manageable pace on the track to finally exiting unit 1106’s door. Mom and Dad are wintering in Halifax for the first time, Emma and Hannah are taking up skiing, Kelly and Marty are in high gear on their careers, we have friends and family whose circumstances are on our minds, and we leave in good health and spirits. And our suitcase holds three characters chosen by our granddaughters ... read more
Guess whose is who’s

North America » Canada » Ontario » Thunder Bay February 15th 2018

After another late start - having stayed up all night plus half the morning and finally hitting the hay at 5am, we (actually Guy - because he's the pilot) decided that the weather was fine for flying. Gathering up our things we head off first to collect the keys to the plane. It was quite funny to us - you don't expect to see plane keys hanging up on the hook alongside the car keys. We picked up the keys labeled "plane", and headed off to the airport. Soon after we arrived at the airport, Guy was inspecting the plane, then we were climbing aboard to take to the air. The clouds had rolled back in by the time we were taxiing down the runway but nevertheless, we continued on towards our first landmark - Mount ... read more
Thunder bay

North America » Canada » Ontario » Stratford November 5th 2017

Well, it has been a week since we flew 11921 km home from Shanghai and it has taken us that long to get our feet on the ground and feel "normal" again. That flight is a killer and we do not envy anyone who has to make long haul flights on a regular basis. From talking to others who have to do it occasionally, the secret is drugs! As the title infers, we would not call this trip a holiday- it was an expedition to discover China. Of course we only saw a glimpse of this fourth largest country in size and largest in population but what we did see certainly opened our eyes to a country we knew very little about and had misconceptions of. With a population of 1.4 BILLION people, and the cities ... read more
Great Wall
National Bird of China
Wine Store

North America » Canada » Ontario » Niagara Falls November 5th 2017

Waterfalls This blog covers our time spent in Canada seeing the amazing Niagara falls. A long day of flying from L.A. through Chicago and into Buffalo is how we spent the 3rd of November. Arriving in Buffalo was a pleasant surprise, the lush green landscape, the reds, yellows and oranges of the Autumn trees, the quiet upstate New York feel of the neighborhood was just the change of pace needed after the last few crazy days. I felt as though this is a place I could comfortably live if I was ever to move to the States. We were all exhausted and Alysha and her Mum and Brother all had a cold so we decided to make tomorrow a lazy day. We hit the hay and didnt rise until around 10 the next day. It's amazing ... read more
Falls from observation deck
Hornblower, the competition

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto October 23rd 2017

Geo: 43.6485, -79.3854... read more

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